Chapter 2-1: birthday presents.

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Takumi, Hinoka,
If you're reading this then you must have to questions mothers ideals. Mikoto spook highly of Belle it was out of character for her to send my son and her away out of the blue.  She says she tries to stay neutral between all the kingdoms, but she was once a queen a long time ago, only to be a queen to a kingdom of sand. Suzuka is still young knowing little of the outside world and Ryoma is to proud to relinquish his standing as a war officer. You two are the only ones I can trust with my forms of Suspicion. Though I can't stay in this house any longer, I hope that one day things will be set right.
          -Bael Kamwui.

"I had no idea. So you started all of this cause of love and betrayal?"
"Yeah I meant to send this letter a long time ago, but for the life of me I couldn't. Just enjoying my life as a husband and father watching Y/N grow. This letter reminds me to never hesitate no matter what the situation is."
It had already been a day since we started this race. Milla may know where to go but I don't know how far it will go. I'm not sure if Summer or Qrow will have any luck. Milla told me Raven and Qrow are from the same tribe Y/N will become the leader of. That boy he doesn't know what it takes to lead people a group or a tribe. I'm sure at this point all he knows how to do is-
"Milla you never told me how do you know, Y/N? how'd you both meet?" I asked. But all she did was smiled looking away avoiding any eye contact.
"It was by chance and a tread of bad luck.  It feels like ages since we meet. I can say he had me between life and death within the palm of his hands, mostly because of my special secret." Milla explained with vague descriptions.


The next morning I felt like an egg on a hot pan. Laying flat on the bathroom floor the room felt like it was spinning all over that place. Fuck me what happen last night. Most I remember arriving at the nearest town. Talking to Raven then....oh shit RAV!!!
Storming out of the bathroom busting the door open the sun was like a ray of dream melting my eyes until it would be goo. I struggled placing one foot in l front of the other. With each step becoming more and more difficult. This struggle for life and death felt unbeatable. By the grace of god I turned the room into dark closing the curtains on the sun. Just nearly letting a little light in the room.
Well look at that I guess whatever happen last night I was able to make a right choice and get a room.
There were a few knocks at the door. Slow beats that didn't make my cautious. Wonder who could be up at this hour? Somehow I still had all my clothes on me only my breath smelled like pure acid.
Twisting the latch on the door open swing the door outward to open. A lady with short black hair and cat like ears...a faunces?
"Morning glad to see you up and about." She said with a bit of relief, but why I don't remember, "you and my friend really hit it off last night you two drank all night like it wasn't anyone's business."
Okay, yeah there it is. Explains why I smell of cheap alcohol.
"Sorry, but I don't remember who are-"
She laughed before continuing, "my name is Kali Bella. Me and your girlfriend help the both of you this inn. It was heavy work taking care of both of you. You're friend managed okay."
"Well...I wouldn't know? I woke up on the floor in the bathroom."
Kali didn't hold her laugh. She held on to her abs bending forward before wiping her  tears, "Well whenever your ready meet us down stairs for breakfast."
With that my guest had left. Closing the door behind me, I strolled over to the bed, Raven still fast asleep. I could wake her up "respectfully" or... I was more doing than thinking. I hung over Raven, her head just nearly peaking over the blanket.
A whisper so faint a summer breeze could have taken the voice away. So faint so frail the voice slipped into my ear dum a chili slithered down my spin. Goosebumps ran across my arms.
Why are you here it said.
My eyes couldn't be taken off ravens face.  Why do my eyes are on Ravens face... I can't think properly right now. I wonder if she would mind if I slept a little with her. A gurgling sound echo from my stomach. Then again Kali's invitation to breakfast sounds tempting as well.
"Raven...Raven, Rave." I shook her shoulder just barely. Something to wake her up. I leaned my head closer to hers.
"Don't even think about coming close to me with you alcohol breath, Y/N."
Shit she's awake?!? How long has she been awake?!
"Your constant groaning and pain was so loud it was hard to even sleep!" I rolled off to the side of the bed a bit shame stained my day right now, "Well! Aren't you say good morning."
I looked at Raven her eyes just nearly peeking out from the blankets. It was to adorable since it was the cool head Raven doing it. I scooted over closer to her even pulling her close to me rubbing her back laughing it off.

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