Chapter 2-2: long distance calls.

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Five days have passed since that incident. Milla has gone into town to scavenge up a few items keep our trail cold. I just needed the time alone to gather my thoughts. What Y/N did that day surprised even me. Leaving permeate scars on my face. I guess we're one in the same now leaving scars that will forever haunt us. Such as his arm and my face.
I can't ask for forgiveness Belle but can you at least give me-
"No second thoughts I hope." Salem's voice echoed in the shadows. Surprise that she sent a seer all the way here. Those things will never not freak me out with there slithering tentacles and clear globe head.
"Don't be ridiculous. I knew his friends were right on our tail. I knew he would have acted irrationally."
"Madam, I believe Bael Kamwui intentions  don't every well coexist with our own." Arthur ran his mouth on the other line he's lucky I wasn't there where I could personally show him my coexist intentions, "how does this man expect to kill his son while he waiting for months on end."
"Clearly you never made an omelet."
"H-how dare you-"
"Salem, Please I'm not doing this cause he's my son. I want him to realize the truth with his own eyes his own ears. That the world of remnant isn't all rainbows and sunshine." I said, the tension between the seer and I was long, intense, even nerve racking.
"Very well, I'll allow this operation of yours to take effect."
Her acknowledgement was worth more than any amount lien. I do hate to do this to you Y/N. I had to learn the hard way, but now you'll have to learn through-


The ground, the ground was all I could recall. It was the first thing i woke up to. I pushed myself up trying to evaluate myself with my knees. You move your body subconsciously you do it without even thinking or knowing it. Instantaneously I knew something was wrong when I looked at my right arm completely fine intact it looked like it never was cut off.
Little to no fucking clue where I was the sky and ocean reflected of each other they were identical in very way. The easiest way to differ from the ocean bellow my feet and the sky were the puff white clouds above that cast shadow over the area. But how far those this place go. It's as far as the eye could see!
I couldn't just stay here where ever here was. I shrugged along hearing the wet steps of my feet making contact with the water. Where am I why can't I remember what happen to me before I ended up in what? Heaven?
Clouds began to storm in covering the sky like a blanket. the ground below me trembled! How this is just water not land. It stopped just as it abruptly started. I looked down at my feet looking at my reflection vibration rings pass through me.
I spun around looking at a white grim with two large protruding horns coming out the side of its head, it's mouth looked liked someone forged fangs on it it could rip off flesh of any living being. It's body was mostly covered in white. It's forearms and shins were protected with the same material from its mask. Long Snow White hair that draped over his back.
It lifted me off the ground by my neck I couldn't feel any pressure coming from it. None the less being lifted up by your neck isn't the greatest feeling in the world.
"It's fangs ripples open it's sounds like bones running against rib bones, I could see anything down its mouth just an empty void. "I..just...i...just" it can speak?! "I just protect.......her."
Protect her? Who the hell would you need to protect. I tried to pry my way out of it clutch. Sometimes you do things subconsciously without even realizing it. As my left arm cling to it hand my right arm dangled from the side of my body. I could feel wear and tear. My right arm rotted from body falling on the ground as the skin rotted away all was left was the bone.
"Power...we need...more POWER..."
"FUCK YOU! And your power I have everything I need right here!" My color of the world faded into black and white. I finally had enough strength to rip off his clutch with one arm. Lifting my legs up pulling myself closer to this Grimm, I looked like a spring. I launched backwards creating distance.
"More....we need....more," It kept repeating itself over and over again. Reaching out it's hand towards me taking one sluggish step after another.
Sorry but what you need is a reality-

The damn thing looked like it grew wings sliding on the water sending up veins of water in the air. It wrapped its white claws around my face slamming me into the water. This beautiful world shattered into pieces.

The white clouds became the ground. My body shivered dead trees surrounded an open area. Pure white covered the land. The shattered moon rein high above me. What's going on...with me?!
Behind me the edge of a cliff dark void as far as the eye could see.
-what's this?
A stone stood above the snow. I took one knee down looking at the engravings.
Here lies Nu Kamwui a loved person tutor mentor May she Rest In Peace.
I wish she was still here. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't find my way to a normal life, I soak my blade in blood more times than I like to count. I've killed family I've seen friends die. I can't keep going like this!
Nu! Please I just need guidance one more time.
"Wah-wah-wah! You're crying for a dead woman to help you!" No it couldnt be a transparent figure loomed over the grave stone. She was just as old as she was the day we meet each other. But she was still smiling at me, "some things just never change."
"Nu...I can't keep going like this. I can't accept my life the way it is now."
"Some of this..."Nu stopped herself short gathering her thoughts, "some of this is my fault. Long ago while we were still a force to be recond with, I knew in my heart that what we were what we're going to be wasn't in the hands of many. I tried my damnest to end our lineage just have us be a folk tail and myth a legend. Tried but in my life time it wasn't enough. I followed my heart and did what was best. Then." She place her transparent hand on my shoulder, "I meet Summer, Tai, Qrow, Raven, and you. Whatever my actions were it brought you to me so I could help you. Now that help was done with. Y/N follow your heart. A blade can only guide you for so long, but if you follow you heart no matter what the future holds it will never the wrong future."
Her body fell part into rose petals being carried off by the wind. Follow my heart, I can't do that, I'm just like the moon just shattered.
"Well what about the story mom told us." Another me said kneeling next to me, "when dad told mom that moon is yourself old or new and those fragments those the pieces that will make us whole again." I looked up to the moon once more laying eyes on my image of me on the large piece of the moon. Team STRQ we're the fragments coming together, "we aren't done yet. Our friends stuck with us through the thick of it and will stay with us until the end. So are you with me!"
I looked at him so positive about what the future might hold. God damn what a pep talk, "yeah let's go together."

My eyes quickly adjusted to the light in the room. A room I don't seem to recall. Where? what? What happened.
"Y-you're awake!" Raven voice was so distinct it was easy to hear from other people. I leaned forward siting up before Raven had a chance to get off her chair making me not over exert myself, "Don't over do it you've been unconscious for the pass five days."
"F-five days..." unbelievable. Raven handed me a glass of water I down the room temperature water in seconds, "where are we."
Raven adverted her eyes it felt like minutes until she looked me back in the eyes, "we in-"
"Y/N." Summer called out walking with Qrow beside her. They seemed like they were relief to see me but their faces spoke business, "Professor Ozpin would like to have a word with you."
So that's why Raven didn't wanna say anything. I did leave Beacon without saying a word to the head master, making empty promises that twisted and burned.

I couldn't believe it here I am being escorted by two people I consider family. To meet a head master that would rightfully place me in prison.
"Y/N, I'm glad your okay." Summer said I looked back at her her eyes straight forward.
When the door slid open my eyes locked on to head master ozpin. He sat behind his desk like some kind of god. Goodwitch to his left Ironwood to his right.
"Hello, Y/N. It's a pleasure to see you again." Ozpin greeted me with familiarity. Well ain't this a big family fucking reunion. Why am I mad...I shouldn't be mad at anyone.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush Ozpin. You know what's going on right. About where I have to go what I have to do. So I appreciate it if-"
"Enough!" That was the first time I've seen Oz lash out, "look how foolish you've become. You abandoned everything you lost the only power you had to at least be a good hunter. Where do you see yourself going now."
I laughed a little chuckle shoulder shrugging up and down and flexing. Bursting out to laughter, head tilted back looking back down at Ozpin eyes narrowed, "to war..."

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