Chapter 2-4: The unexpected Visitor

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"You said we had a new stop? Where we going?" Summer had asked.
I didn't want to say much out in the open. It involved my cousin. To think I'd have to go see her after her mother's dead just felt wrong. I shouldn't drag her into this war. Moka Kamwui, she was a little brat the last time I saw her. From the information I had gathered over the months. I hate you use your daughter like this Aunt Suzuka, Uncle Credo. We took the midnight train going east bound, from there taking a fairy to Mistral killing two birds with one stone.
Digging my face into the palm of my Grimm hand. The events before boarding the train just replayed in my head.
"Winter what you doing here?" I asked.
-Y'know might have been a bad idea to rip the right side of the jacket off. I keep getting weird looks.
"Lieutenant General Ironwood send his regards. Wishes you the best of luck. As well as give you one of his personal effects." Winter had by her side a small case passing it over to me. From the size of it I expected it to weigh hardly a feather. Not at all. The case had some weight to it for such a small thing, "I suggest you don't open it here." Winter leaned close to my ear whispering, "if you need anything just give me a call." With that being said Winter had gone off to do what she does best.

"Gah!!! WHAT! JESUS! For a little sister you know how to be a pain in the ass!"
Everyone: Sister?!
-what? Wait did that just come out of my mouth?!
"Oh I'm a little sister to you am I..." Summer had a devilish smirk on her face, from the corner of my eye I can see the worst thing a man can lay witness... a cart menu. I feel it my wallet becoming lighter and lighter. The menu was folded only in one half. Summer's smile it wasn't washing away anytime soon.
-please...summer don't. Don't do this please...
"As a loving brother of ours you should treat us to a meal that's UNFORGETTABLE.... so what would everyone like." Summer looked at me eye to eye, I see her pupils narrowing. Don't say it Summer please..., "it's. all. on. Y/N."

"Damnit.... was all my money I worked up over the year..." I giggled my wallet up and down with hardly any lien falling down. Tears swelled my eyes as everyone enjoyed their expensive meals, "this is to cruel. Why god why..."
"Y'know you complain way to much sometimes you have to enjoy a meal with friends and family to-" Qrow's lecture stopped abruptly. He stopped looking around our carts table. The moment instantly came gloom. Setting his fork and knife down, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean too."
Friends and family huh. If this was some other time some other situation I would understand what Qrow was trying to say. He sounded a bit like summer.
I had STRQ and Nu, long ago. Enjoy food once more friends training to get stronger. It was simple things that came together for something much bigger. Then Ryoma Honika and Takumi attacked us. I fear tea like that were to good for me I couldn't be happy no matter what I did.
So I left, went to Atlas, formed Team KMSN. Thinking if I had what STRQ had maybe I wouldn't be weak anymore. I wouldn't be alone anymore. Milla, Shiro, Nero friends I felt they were close to me. I would die for them and them I. During the Vytal Festival, my guard was down to frequently. Seeing STRQ again and how strong they got I felt I was in the dust once more they were going at a pace I couldn't keep up with. Because of my inneral war with myself Hinoka made her move. Vass and Valas her accomplices that targeted me and my Team. Both of them killed Nero right before my eyes and kidnapped Shiro. Milla had abandoned KMSN, well what was left of it. I needed to find strength in myself. I mustered up what little I could when I fought Raven in the finals.
Some time later I went home to my grandmothers village. I thought if Nu helped me and mentored me help me understand my "situation" then maybe my Lady Mikoto would help me as well with me now having a better grasp of my abilities. So I traveled south of Vale in hopes to find her. But I found a few tag alongs as well. Raven and a man that was later to be announced as my uncle Credo.
Our train was attack most of the passengers didn't make it. The three of us fought desperately in the end it wasn't enough. A mother assaulted me in tears, her son had died he was right in front of me and I couldn't save him. That was only the beginning of loses I would endure.
Making to my grandmothers doorsteps I greeted her my aunt, Suzuka and Kifuyu as well as my cousin Moka Kamwui. I needed guidance just something for me to understand myself so I don't get things wrong the next time. This Kifuyu and Credo helped with my swordsmanship. As I grew stronger I needed a weapon that would also grow stronger with me as well. So Lady Mikoto had entrusted me with the material Aoi was made out of. I began creating Mikazuki Karasu. I enjoyed my life once again since I had the girl I loved by my side. But things don't always play the way it should. Hinoka attacked the village this was where I truely lost everything. As Grimm destroyed everything us as the soldiers we had fought desperately. We thought we could win, but Milla also got involved with the fighting also Shiro. They were both trying to kill me though both had different agendas. Vass and Valas were also in a mix. I haven't use my semblances in the longest of times as long as I could remember. And fight Vass, Valas, and Shiro I didn't realize how powerful I became.
Everything comes at a price Raven and I, after finishing up and stragglers of Grimm rushes to Lady Hinoka. Her personal guards had all been killed Kifuyu was dead so was Credo. Hinoka died and I killed for, but at what cost...some times I just can't find a time where I can enjoy my life anymore.
The thing about this job is that, you can't save everybody. No matter how hard we try someone will always die even if you didn't mean it to.
"It's okay Qrow. I'll savor what we have left." I looked down at my plate; steak, steamed vegetables and potatoes, with hardly a bite taken from it. Savor what I have left cause it won't be there forever.

Our train ride was going to be long hopefully we don't get attacked by grim. It's funny I think Winter pulled a few string for us. We had our own personal cart where we were able to sleep and store personal belongings. There were two bunk bed in the room, Qrow and Summer took the bottom bed Tai had the top. Raven took the top on the other bunk bed I had taken the bottom.

But I can't sleep tossing and turning. I can't sleep. Sitting up from the bed, the night coated the room. I can't sleep. After what I had gone through the strength I forged was whipped off of me. I gained and lost, lost and gained. I opened the door to our cabin looked at STRQ everyone fast asleep. Except for me, I can't sleep.
I leaned against the trains window as the scenery changed every moment nothing stayed the same twice. Esperanto, does this thing have anything for me I can use? All I can do is hope for the right answer when the time comes.
"You okay?" Ravens voice drew my attention away from my thoughts, "can't sleep ether. Tossing and turning doesn't help just makes you loses your comfort."
"Do you think I should drag anymore people into this?" I asked desperation clinging to my words, "Nu, STRQ, KMSN, Kamwui. I always lose something when the time really matters. I don't have wisdom like Nu, or Mikoto. I just have my sword this cruse and this reckless fire that tells me to push."
Raven rested her hand on my chest, and her other free hand on her chest, "We might not admit it, but that "reckless fire" helped us push along side each other from time to time. We are just as much of a fool as you are, Y/N. When we left did you realize what happened. All of us grabbed out belongings and followed you through that door without even second guess. Even stubborn Tai and Qrow are here."
Raven was right I could help but laugh. Laying my hand over Raven's hand clinging to that warmth. Raven stepped forward her eyes attempting to look into mind but I avoided contact in anyway. Raven rested her free hand on my cheek a tender touch I looked at Raven. Her eyes had an unspoken radiance. Beautiful diamond crimson eyes.
Moving my arms around Raven we both lean in closer to each other. Feeling each other breathing steady and calm. Simultaneously closing our eyes to each other. Our lips closed the remaining gap. I held Raven in my arms. Let's go together to our paradise.

It's already been two days since we left Beacon. Getting off the train, everyone seemed a bit exhausted I mean who would after being on a train for almost 49 hours.
"Y/N...." summer dragged my name, almost sounding like a little sister, or an impatient brat, "where are we going!"
"We have to make a three day trip to a local town in Belleville from there we-"
"Well it's about DAMN time you showed up!"
STRQ and I turned towards a loud voice it echoed through out the lobby of the station. There she stood, her arms folded across her chest, her posture spoke annoyed and impatient, her hazelnut eyes narrowed, legs shoulder with apart feet pointing out. Her hair was short but long enough be braided over her left shoulder. She wore ragged clothes it was simplistic jacket short jeans boots...and a holster.
-you gotta be shitting me...
"Whose that?" Tai step closer to my ear whispering.
"That's...." my shoulders slouched I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "that's my cousin. Moka Kamwui."
A smirk ran across the right side of her mouth.

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