Chapter 5-5: Ending Day By Day

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Y'know there are times where you should, explode a side of yourself in your early years between you early twenties to your thirty. Plenty of time, and Umm TIME! You do what you want. I know I fall in that category I created for myself. Case and point is Beacon and Atlas Academy. Their were a variety of individuals. Im not saying everyone was self centered not giving a damn about one another. Everyone was unique in there own "mommy little man" or "daddy's girl" kind of way. From weapons to clothes, from combat styles to personality everyone was an individual.
However! With being a new father and all I don't think I should worry about that at all. So I shouldn't be stuck on a chair with my hair wet, towels wrapped around my neck and blonde hair dye being prepared to be put in my hair!
"Serious! Why am I being the victim here!?" I cried out as Raven had wrapped the second towel around my neck clipping both together by a cloths pin. I could see my mom holding Yang by the door. Yang clapped her hands together giggling not fully aware of this controllable hell im going through internally. I love you and everything Yang, but your not helping me. If anything your giving mommy here more encouragement.
"I haven't done anything yet, Y/N." Oh sure Raven says that now but I'm sure she's already gone through several simulations in her head on how to convince me without any arguing for me to keep moving forward with this idea. This wasn't even my mine or hers it was all Belle's doing! Oh sure she plays the innocent grandmother I see what's she's planning. Already giving me a hard time aren't ya! "Even if we're giving you a hard time..." Raven whispered in my ear, only I can hear her, "the way things are now. I'm happy we're altogether."
"Thank you. Y'know for bringing me back."
"You're welcome. Now, about your hair dye." It wasn't so much Pickering but rather just a little squabble. While Raven had been prepping the necessary items needed Belle had taken Yang down stairs. I put myself to sleep mode, consciously awake just didn't want anything in my eyes, "Y/N, you think we can idle chat while I'm doing this."
"Sure. What'd you wanna talk about." I answered Raven had seemed to stop moving. It might take a while to start up my systems while in sleep mode.
"Well I've just taken notice. It's been nibbling at me for a while, but I just wanna hear it from you. Why isn't that you ask Winter Schnee  for favors? Do you have some kind of relationship that I don't know about?"
Whoa what brought this on all of a sudden?
All system emergency start up!
"Well, I won't say we didn't have a relationship. Not in the contents for a romantic one. It was strictly, I want to emphasize strictly, business. Team, KMSN and WNTR, were one could say joined to the hip when it came to Atlas missions at the academy. Winter and I often talked when we took night watch. Y'know team leaders taking initiative. I became close friends with her an another guy back then the two of us often visited her estate. Even if it wasn't the best idea due to...complications with the family. The guy told me he had developed feeling for Winter, just never really pursued his feeling. The rest is history's. I thought think I'll be able to ask her for a solid due recent events."
But I wonder if Willow could help me? Nah maybe not if I think about it.
"I see. Okay ready." What?! Uaaa! AH!! What's with the hot water!


The image of Raven and Y/N aggravated me every time I thought about those to. Raven, she was so determine to help Y/N, knowing full well the consequences that will befall her eventually. Y/N who shot us a look he only gives his enemies. Then again I feel like I reciprocated the same expression to him.
We're his enemies his said, Raven is on his side now. I'm letting the cards fall were that lay so why am I still so-
*whack* ow! "You're body was tensing up Ms. Rose. You're letting your mind wonder, didn't I say to focus on something else."
If you keep smacking me upside the head I'll lose brain cells then I'll be able to focus without any problem. I just won't remember what I was doing in the first place.
"Its best if we stopped for today. We'll pick up again tomorrow." Odysseus sighed, grabbing his coat heading out for the time being.
I looked through my window seeing a reflection of myself I can see the disappointment on my face clear as day. It's been a rough week for my team. Penelope and Odysseus came to Vale with us with no hostile intent. Since Odysseus wanted to help me with my silver eyes I had kept it a secret from Qrow and Ozpin. Why train out in public when I can do it in the confines of my own home.
-wait that did t make sense? Oh I know why! Cause Odysseus KEEPS SMACKING MY HEAD!
Uh, I'm getting to old for this. Oh my god, I'm already talking nonsense.
The sun had painted the sky with a glowing orange, following behind was the night. I sat by the window starring as the night consumed the sky. Thinking about the academy, when everything was just a fairy tail.

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