Chapter 3-3: Stop. How Understanding Can You Be?

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Y/N had been avoiding us ever since the night he and I talked. Eating alone, sparring alone, patrols alone. I asked Raven what had happen she could tell me. Saying what happen should only be between Y/N and her. I asked Qrow, he only said he tried to fix things. No one was giving me answers it was just vague comments. It's already been five days. And we are running out of time.
Lunch had rolled by unnoticed. Y/N stuck to his new routine eating alone. One way or another I'll get answers. Y/N looked exhausted doesn't seem he's been getting much sleep. Pinching his eyes together long steady inhales and exhales. I was only a few tables away from him, Y/N still hasn't notice me.
"How you feeling?" Terra set his lunch across from Y/N taking a seat.
"Your voice hurt me, it literally makes me wanna run rampage. What the hell did you do to us? To Raven and I. All those memories. Then...."
-then? Then what?! speak up!
"Terra, I know how you play, you've always been like this ever since you had suspicions of Milla. I'm going to ask you!" Y/N voice was soft but his tone ranged towards aggression, "why did you have Raven and I do this."
"You wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for a reason. What did you see?"
"I saw Ravens memories, and mine from childhood to now, but..." Y/N ran his hands through his hair, "there was a time I can't recall. A woman pale as a ghost with eyes as red as the blood in our body he wore a robe as black at the grim. She said it was a token of goodwill."
Terra chuckled trying to be low key about it, "so I guess it actually worked." What?! What actually worked?! "Sometimes you can't always believe and trust what's around you. You have to stop and question choices that are given to you. To be tribe leader you don't think it was the actual leaders decision? do you? Having Milla come get you to pull you in. She was only the means to the ends. Then her emotions got the best of her. Kinda threw everything in for a loop. Everything I've done has been for this moment for you to eventually meet the woman in the black robe. You can only imagine the headaches I've gone through."
-is this really lunch talk material? Oh my god are we I'm danger?
"You son of a-gah! Are you going to take my team hostage?!"
"I'd relax if I were you. No point in causing a scene if you can't even have your head on straight. To answer your question no we aren't taking you friends hostage. Nobody else here is wrapped up in my little scheme just I and another member that's not here. Everyone else is loyal to the tribe real shocker can't fine people like that anymore now a days. Y/N get some rest, you look like you need it. And summer."
-oh sonofvabitch!
"Please don't be a stranger like that next time join in on the conversation. It's the least I could do for a silver eye warrior."
"Wait you know more about this power?" I sprung from seat, my action caused alarm to everyone around me.
"Come now Ms. Rose, let's not alarm anyone when they want to enjoy their lunch. But please be so kind to take Y/N back to his tent." Terra smiled, the devilish grin that ran chills down my spine. He leaned closer to mean whispering in my ear, " I won't take you or your team hostage, if you don't speak about this to anyone well anyone aside from your team I believe they have a right to know. I understand that Y/N is trying to fight his father and I am willing to help in ANYWAY I can. The enemy of my enemy, am I right. Well if you please take Y/N! I'd much appreciate it."

I carried Y/N back to his tent placing him in bed. His face looked flushed, he was burning up. I don't know If I should stay by his side any longer. Terra knows about the silver eyes, I need to know more. Last time used that power was two and half years ago. Since then I've known little to none. Y/N I'm so sorry, if I didn't talk to you that night you wouldn't be in this situation.
You look like a child while you sleep. I'm always looking out for you in one way or another. Yet there are times you look out for us.
"Summer," Qrow entered setting his weapon on the pillar, "everything okay? I guess not?"
"He's running a fever, but considering his health I'm sure it will blow over quickly. Where's Tai and Raven." I asked, "I need to talk to everyone just us four. I hate to say it but we've been played from the start."

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