Chapter 7-4: They Come and Go...

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It hadn't been very long since Y/N enrolled in Beacon. He was very distant compared to me and that's saying something. It took Tai and Summer months before I started opening up to them. But Y/N was different every opportunity to make friends was given to him, but he denied every single one. Oh god is that I was back then it's weird seeing it from another point of few.
"So sis, you interested in Y/N?" Qrow had brought up the conversation during lunch. I damn near chocked on my drink, Tai dropped his silver wear and I think some water just sprayed out of summer's nose. We all looked directly at my brother not even bothered by the questioned he asked, "cause I mean if you don't act now someone might take him. There were a few girls asking about him."
"W-What did you tell them?" I asked. Our ear full alert attention focused on Qrow. I mean I didn't care ether way but still.
"The truth. We don't know much about him. He seems very relax carful with his words and clueless. At times. Not a bad guy just. Not very talkative. Also for your sake, Zarita from team AZUL is VERY interested in him. She's been shot down time after time to make conversation with him gotta admit he caught the attention of a beautiful lady and he won't pay any attention to her. Oh!" Qrow smirked looking at me.
What could he be smiling at?
From across the cafeteria amongst all the students and teachers passing by I could see his E/C like small fine cut diamonds that had a peaceful radiant to them when every they would- what am I doing stop it! STOP IT!
We caught each other starring, hastily looking away I blush from embarrassment. Why am I like this. Placing my hand on the table I sunk my head deep into my forearms.
"There, there Raven maybe it was just on accident." Summer attempted to cheer me up rubbing my back in a clockwise motion. Her nails felt nice on my back but I was afraid she was gonna get hooked on my bra and ether undo the clips or it slaps right to my back. Damn it Qrow!

What I know now, about Y/N I wish I could be more honest with myself when it came to him. The impact he made on my life and I his.
The choice he is forced to make I wish he would shoulder that weight alone. He has me Saber, Archer, and Lancer. And yet he will stain his hands more and more so no else has to. That's just the type of person he's become today. I can't and I won't blame him. When the time comes for him to pass the fire off to me for the tribe Ill have some big shoes to fill.


"Raven, it's Archer. How's everything going?"
I had just sheathed my blade looking at the walls stained in crimson. Holding my finger to my ear to send a transmission through our ear coms, "everything's fine. I've taken down a few professors thinking that they can protect the students, or trying to stop us."
"We've hit a few bumps ourselves. We've buttheads with some Ace Ops. They ain't no push overs ether."
"Need me to head over there?" I asked.
"Nah, just checking up on you it's been awhile. Since we hit the beast's home. These privilege Atlas people are really something."
"Right, I'll let you know if anything happens my way." I stated ending my last transmission.
"Gotcha. Keep me posted." The line was cut off we resumed our roles.


"Look at you! A man that lives in a castle of sand. Everything below you is fragile to the touch. Your foundation will be wash away by the waves of your up comings." Ironwood spouted shit from his mouth probably something he found in a drama literature book. Thinking he's clever to talk high and might to me. Two people that are basically guns for hire. "How can anyone be by your side!"

We clashed weapons. Fun this SOB was able to stop Aoi with his revolver. I once thought that along time ago. When I was shy, feeling like a spec of dust. Nothing special about me at all. I'm just like everyone else just gray blobs.


Stop and think about a moment when you were at your weakest moments, with someone who you allowed yourself to be vulnerable in front of. You were both were honest, seeing each others true colors. There wasn't black or white. You allowed the world around you to take shape color shades. All because you were truthful both of you were.

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