Chapter 6-6: A Beautiful Princess

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I typed away at the hologram keyboard placing my left fingers on asdf and my right fingers on jkl; type type type! That's what most of my day consisted of. Paperwork, email, Typing. I would normally be on mission with Qrow assisting in Professor Ozpin's "situation". To think there was someone out there who was able to control the grimm and was hell bent on world domination. I've been working big on this document for months now all because General Ironwood needed someone with close relation with Y/N to see what his motives are. I swear old men and paperwork go hand in hand.
"Knock knock shortstack," Qrow enter my personal office with an atmosphere that was highly needed, he took up a seat in front of my desk pulling out his handy dandy metal flask, "you look like you've been through the ringer. How's that document going."
I stopped typing clawing my eyes dragging my bangs down showing my eyes like a monster. Qrow laughed taking a quick drink. All I was able to do was smash my head on my desk, "I don't get it Y/N is all those two can talk about! They wanna know where Ravens been! They wanna know this they wanna know that! I'm only a single woman! I have limitation on my old team! We're all adults now so why do they thing I still need to babysit adults!"
"But didn't you babysit Yang not to long ago when Raven went to go talk to Y/N." Qrow brought an activity a week ago, "did you ever ask why?"
"It's confidential...only Ozpin, Ironwood, Raven, Y/N and I know."
"Summer I'm sorry but don't throw me that bullshit my way. I've learn a little bit more about history than I like to know, but that only revolved around one family."
I couldn't keep a secret, after everything we've been through as a pair, "okay but please don't not tell Tai about this." Qrow knitted leaning closer. I looked at the closed door the window to my office I leaned closer to Qrow. His ears poked out. Inhaling softly to collect my words. Qrow's attention was focused as on me. I leaned a little closer. I stuck my tongue licking Qrow's nose with the tip of my moist tongue He may be a bird but his reaction was more like a panicked cat. Qrow use to do that with Tai's stuff I thought I'd return the pride of ownership.
"Summer what's wrong with you!"
"You're not gonna get information from me that easily. Like I said it confidential. Only a rare few can know."
Qrow stormed off a little upset but he'll get over it. In the meant time I stopped typing looking over past documents. Specifically the one three years ago in Mistral. Milla Qrow and I had to make a visit to Haevon academy. I didn't think it would be so soon for us to meet again, even for us to help you one last time.

It began like an other mission for STRQ...

My introductions were always unprofessional

Qrow Branwen, Milla Kin, and I, Summer Rose were to make contact with the headmaster of Haevon Academy Leo Lionheart....

"Summer I've been mean to ask. How are you and Tai." Daniela had asked so suddenly. Before I had a chance to let out a beep. I looked to the near of the carrier Qrow and Milla getting some more shut eye. I closed the cockpit door putting my finger to my lips sounding like a snake.
"Quite! Don't be so loud!" I should take my own advice, "how do even know Tai and I are...well. Regardless how do you know!"
"Sweetie please." Daniela rolled her hazel eyes, raising a brow, "I've been flying your team for years. I know what's going on with you people. Honestly I figured you go for a bad boy like Qrow but I guess I was wrong. So, Summer tell me everything."
I wish she would stop smiling like this is some sort of game. My love life is none of her business. Yet I can't help my face reacting the way it is now, "it's not that Qrow is a bad guy. I've lived with him for a while. Financially we looked at it as a good idea. Save some money on the side. But as time progressed on, I look at Y/N, Tai, and Qrow as different people."
"Y/N? That man who stuck to you guys like a lost puppy? What does he have to do Tai and Qrow?"
Did I seriously just let that slip?!?
"What no I mean Tai and Qrow are just different people is all I'm saying so Y'know..." yet his word hurt more than anything in this world. STRQ is my enemy. That look he gave Qrow and I, was one he only shoot at enemies. My problem I give people words of advice yet I can't reciprocate my own words. Trust can be broken just as easily as it was built. Some glimmer of me wanted to have faith in Y/N. Yet a large part of me new he was a criminal and needed to be brought to justice. So why do I still have these emotions lingering in my heart!
"Y/N, I remember he use to be head over heels for Raven. I couldn't imagine anyone being with that spunky girl."
"Oh he truly cherishes her! I just feel like Y/N always plays the bad guy to keep Raven safe." I was a bit discouraged speaking out loud. Y/N left cause of Raven. Came back cause of Raven. Only to leave again. Those two have the weirds relationship I know. None the less they see each eye to eye accepting one faults and achievements. Even when Y/N turned into a monster Raven help him to get his senses back together.
I had a faintest of memories when we were fighting Bael I swear I saw a knight carrying me in their arms. It was brief but that image still stuck in my mind forever printed in my mind.
"Aside from that, You seem rather different yourself. Like you have this new aura around you. It's mostly in your eyes that have, how can I word this without flirting with you. It's almost like you have a clear mind your sense of direction isn't shrouded I fog."
"Well I had a great mentor. He helped me get from zero to one. Now it on me to take it to hundred or a thousand."


Good! Morning! Head MASTER!


I had caught Lionheart at a good morning breakfast. The door broke off from it's hinges flying throughout the room in spectacular grace. Lancer Saber Archer and I made our way into the head masters office. In a way I was ecstatic to find myself in the presence of a man who trained students that we're graduates of this school who murdered my mother. Revenge can hurt, but it's doesn't hurt as much a burning steel.
"Y-Y-You're! Y/N L/N..." the can cat was shaking like a leaf.
"Oh I am so pleased you know of me." I wanted this to be my own joy and pleasure no matter how aggressive I acted about it. Unholstering  Ace of Rose I quickly pulled the trigger. The round nearly nipping his hair. Smoke risen from the barrel my eyes started straight and true to my enemy, "i wish I have had more words to say to you LionHeart. Sad to say business comes first before my own personal affairs." Lowering my gun setting it back in its holster i gripped Aoi removing it of my back stabbing it into the wooden floor.
"You got ten minutes." Arched notified me.
I looked down at Lionheart, his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head, " I'll only need five."
"W-What are you going to do..." I gripped his forearm with grit with my robotic hand. I squeezed so suddenly his bone snapped. His scream and tear filled his office as I continue Salem's work.


"Man you are one cold bastard." Archer, he may be my servant to use at my command but he spoke his mind from time to time.
"Lions represents , desire, control and possession. Its often seen as a positive attribute. The lion symbolizes courage, justice, power, strength, wisdom, pride, dignity, dominating, authority, material wealth and riches. And yet that man screamed like a little bitch. So manipulative, I don't see why Salem needs him around." As we exited through the school ground an airship had begun a close decent. Who the hell is showing their face now?  I thought every student and professors are off on a state of leave and absent. Unless that information that broker gave me was gip! Son of a bitch. Whoever's here it's their unlucky day.
The carrier spun around exposing it a rear hatch. The opening lowered its gates as three huntsmen jumped down. A white cape...short golden hair.... that outfit style that just looks they could use some breathing from for their boys.
"What are you doing here!" That raspy voice god damn so annoying!
"Why is that where ever we go you always have to show up!" That's funny coming from someone whose been trying to kill me since year two of knowing each other.
"Not going to say anything, white and shy." I called out to the head hancó of the two other stooges. Yet she just looked at me, and starred. Her eyes speaking a different language it was hard to put my finger on it but something about Summer was nerve racking. I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. No matter if they try to pull anything I'll just burn them all with this new blessed gift.
"Y/N! I wanna talk. As adults."
We all starred at Summer Rose, the one person that seemed to be out of her own mind. She wanted to talk after actually pointing a weapon at me and accepting the fact we are enemies now. Ether this woman is really a piece of work or-

I need her help! She can free me from you!
Holy shit you're still up and fighting. You heart submits your body succumbed! YET YOUR MIND RESIST!
NO! You are not me! You're just a manifest of negative emotion that has taken on a persona using my body!
Look how strong we are together human and grimm together working as one with me you can do anything!

"My Lord!" Archer shouted.
I held out my hand to Summer. Qrow Milla and Summer came rushing towards me. My vision became to blurry to see. I could feel much of anything. So my next battle will be with the monster inside of me. I just want my normal life back.

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