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Emira thought she was bi before she started dating Viney so she's questioning somethings about herself. So she decides to ask Luz some questions to help herself out.

Ship(s): Vinira 

     Emira groans, it's two in the morning and this one stupid question has been biting at her for a few months, is she bisexual or a lesbian? She used the label bisexual because she thought it fit the best for her at the time, but now that she's dating Viney she's starting to question herself. She has dated guys before but they never felt anything like she felt with Viney...sure she enjoyed her time but Viney feels...better? She looks at her phone and just sighs, deciding to text Luz. Luz is bisexual so maybe she can help her figure some things out?

  Hey can we talk tomorrow? I have some things I want to ask you

 Luz responds almost instantly

Sure what do you need to talk about?

Well I'm  wondering if I'm bisexual or a lesbian and I wanted to know if I could ask you a few things?

Yeah! You can come by tomorrow, how about around 2?

That works for me, night Luz.


   Emira tries to sleep the best she can and she heads out the next morning and meets up with Luz. They decide to just get right into it. "Okay Emira what's some questions you have?" Emira sighs. "Well I suppose how did you know you were bi when you figured it out? I've dated guys before but they always felt...bleh but with girls...they felt better but I know that bi people can have preferences." Luz nods, "Yeah true I like guys more...hmm so maybe tell me why you're questioning or what caused it in the first place?" She thinks. "Okay so I started dating Viney and it's been going amazing, like great! I really love it and I was looking at pictures of my exes right? So I started thinking about our relationships...and I didn't enjoy being with men much..sure I had fun times but overall the relations just felt very one-sided or that I just didn't enjoy them overall much...then I looked at my girl exes and I overall found those relationships to be MUCH more enjoyable." 

   Luz thinks. "Well that really does seem like yo enjoy women a lot more but I think you should understand I can't tell you what your sexuality is, it's for you to think what label fits best. So here's an example,  I actually thought I was a lesbian before I realized I was bi. I just found out I liked guys a lot more and liked girls too but I feel like you just enjoy women relations more but...what feels as a good label right now?" Emira looks confused. "What do you mean right now? I thought labels were 'this is who I am, was and will always will be-'" Luz stops her. "Emira they call it a label for a reason. Labels on food can change, labels on a word can change. Labels on people can change too, and it doesn't matter if it changes again because you're you and your label might not be so set in stone."

   Emira chuckles. "I never thought of it like that..." Emira just sits and thinks for a long while, she goes through her past relationships and thinks of the guys she's been with, one? Hated the whole time, two? Enjoyable but not the best relationship. Three? Really amazing guy but she overall saw him as a great friend, she has two others that are exactly like number three. Then she goes over her past girlfriends, and current girlfriend. She really liked each and every one of them and their break ups actually hurt her quite a bit, then she gets to Viney. "You alright Em?" Luz asks and the girl beside her nods, smiling a really stupid smile. "Lesbian. That feels the most right for now." 

  Luz smiles and gets up, helping Emira up. "Alright then, I should probably get to the house Eda gonna kill me, you should probably head home too." Emira nods and the girls exchange goodbyes before Emira heads home, she texts Viney.

I love you 💖

I love you too!🥰

Emira smiles, she's a lesbian...feels good to say after having it figured out for now.

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