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Ship(s): ViniraOkay I just couldn't come up with anything + I'm a baby skater so I didn't really know what to think so have this kinda thing

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Ship(s): Vinira
Okay I just couldn't come up with anything + I'm a baby skater so I didn't really know what to think so have this kinda thing.
Some content warnings: Some asshole dumbasses.

  Emira decides she wanted to go skating with her girlfriend, so they did, and they decided to make a date out of it. They get to the rink, it's a pretty damn big place with tons of room so they head in, they're leaving up their skates when they hear these two guys.

  One wolf whistles at the two, "What are two pretty girls like you doing here?" Emira rolls her eyes, ignoring them, Viney just continues lacing up her skates, knowing it's better just to ignore these two. The other walks up to Emira and taps her shoulder. "Hey cutie I'm talking to you." She looks up at him. "I'm not interested." She finishes her skates and is waiting for Viney to finish tying up her worn laces.

  "Well that's not very nice." It's not like these two owe them any kindness. "Look I wouldn't be interested anyway so leave us alone." The other guy rolls over to her and grabs Emira's arm. "He said that wasn't very ni-" He's cut off with Viney's hand slapping him in the mouth. "Yeah and she said she isn't interested." Viney takes Emira's hand and they skate off before anything can get worse.

  Emira frowns, "Should we report them?" Viney shrugs. "They come in here all the time, everyone reports them, no one does anything." Emira's eyebrows arch "Well that's stupid."

"I know, how about we try and enjoy ourselves? If they come up again you can do whatever you want to them." Emira nods, "Though you just slapped one in the mouth." "Oh if he did anything more than grabbing you I would've done more." Emira chuckles. "I kinda wish you did, assholes."

  Viney smiles, "I know, but I kinda want us to have a good time today." They head up to the floor and they just kinda roll around together, musics playing, mainly top hits, people can request songs, pretty fine place. The two are just having fun skating a long, Emira finds those two guys again soon and she chuckles. "Hey watch this. I wanna show em up." Viney nods and looks over at her girlfriend, stopping in the carpet edge so she doesn't trip anyone.

  Emira starts skating a bit faster and she pulls off a forward double flip and lands on her feet. "How was that?" She looks back at a stunned Viney. "I didn't even know you could do that! THAT'S SO COOL!" She smiles and Emira nods, "I know." The two go back just skating together before deciding to skate hnd in hand, no one really cares, they're just kinda vibing with eachother.

  Until the two dickheads come back and one says "Hey! Flip girl!" Emira and Viney just skate faster, "HEY!" The two just follow them. "Is that why you said you weren't interested? You like girls!?" Emira groans. "Yes I like girls and even if I didn't like only girls I still would've rejected you." His friend just chuckles. "Hot." Emira glares into this guys soul. "Say that again and I will be crushing your skull with these skates. My girlfriend hit your friend there in the mouth earlier but if you ever reduce my relationship to being hot I will ruin your life in so many ways."

  The two guys run off, seemingly a bit intimidated and the DJ got hear. "Hey, fuck them." The girls thought nothing of it but yeah, fuck those guys good on the DJ. They're back to having their fun, doing little tricks for eachother or other people that think it's impressive. After the song currently playing is done another starts playing as always and it's "Girls like Girls" The two girls look at the DJ, knowing he's in charge of the music and he just holds up his lanyard which has a bisexual pride pin.

  The girls smile. "HELL YEAH!" Viney says to the DJ and the two have fun singing that song together and then it goes back to the generic hits everyone should probably know.

  Soon the two leave, they're walking home together and Viney smiles, "I'm proud of you for standing up to those two." Emira wraps her arm around Viney. "I just felt like I had to, I've been looked down on by so many people I just figured I'd finally let someone know how it is." Viney leans into Emira's shoulder. "Yeah. Don't fuck with Emira Blight." Emira nods, "Damn right and don't fuck with Viney Nolan either."

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