You What?

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Ship(s): Jerbric

  Jerbo has been dating Edric for a while now and he finds it funny that Edric is shorter than him which has caused a lot of funny situations, Edric is a bit passed Jerbo's mouth she isn't that much shorter but it's still funny to make fun of his height and Edric will certainly do it back.  

   Jerbo is at lunch with Viney, it's in the middle of the day, he groans a bit. "Vineyyyy I miss my short ass boyfriend." "Jerbo it's been 4 hours." "I don't carrrrre." She chuckles, "Shut up and eat." He blows a raspberry at her playfully and she does it back as he goes back to eating. A few minutes later Edric and Emira walk in together and while Emira gets food Edric walks by Jerbo and Viney, "Hey tall ass." Jerbo chews his food. "I missed you shorty." Edric chuckles, and sits down, stealing some food from Viney. "Thanks." Viney glares at him. "I hate you." "I love you too Vin." He eats the food he stole, wrapping an arm around Jerbo, "Having trouble Ed?" "No I'll have you know it's easy to wrap an arm around your tall stupid self." Jerbo nods, "Hey I'm the one in two tracks." He shrugs, "You're not wrong but you're still stupid. Why? You made the mistake of liking me." Jerbo flicks his nose. "Best mistake of my life." Edric gasps dramatically "Oh you dumb b-"

  Just as Edric was about to tell his boyfriend off Emira drags him away by the arm. "Emira-" "Edric I know you want to be affectionate but you can't who knows what someone might say?" Edric rolls his eyes. "I know but.." "But nothing, we can do what we want outside of school but we absolutely can't here. We can cause as much shit as we want but who knows with our parents.." Their deepest fears may be different but they both fear their parents an equal amount, they wish they could just have a normal life and show affection to their partners without fear, I mean granted they are gay relationships so a little fear might still be there but it would be much less. Edric and Emira find Amity who's sitting with Willow, Gus and Luz. "Hey Mittens." Emira says. She groans. "What?" "Can we sit with you? Really thanks." She sits down with Edric and everyone lets them stay.

   "And why are you two here?" Amity asks, despite knowing too well. "Viney and I are in an argument right now." The lie is simple but she knows what her older sister means. "Gottcha, make up soon though." Amity adds. "I think we will." She smiles, Edric however is just staring at his boyfriend. If you need to know, yes Edric is the more clingy one in this relationship, though Jerbo  certainly has his moments. Lunch goes by with Luz excitedly telling everyone about her training with Eda and Lilith, they just kind of let her take over conversation with Gus, Willow and Amity adding in stories and fun things with it. Soon lunch is over and Edric and Emira head back to class though thank the Titan school is almost over. 

  Through the rest of the day Jerbo has been sitting through both classes alternating throughout the day and he's happy, very happy when it's over, sure he loved school and learning but he loves his friends a lot more. Edric was sitting through another long lecture about proper hand movement and timing even in high stake situations.  Normally he could possibly sit through these lessons but he's bored out of his mind. When that last bell finally rings he literally jolts up and runs straight out of the room. "Well that's the most excited I've ever seen him." The professor remarks and Emira nods, "Yeah I bet." She leaves, moving after him. Edric just heads straight to his locker to get his things and Jerbo is right across the hall. "You excited to see me?" Edric nods. "You bet I am. I missed you." Jerbo smiles. "Missed you two." "Jerbo stop being gay and actually get your things." Viney says. "I know, I know." He gets his things and chuckles. "Is that too tall for you to reach Ed?" "Oh my Titan shut up." He groans, smiling as he gets his things. 

  The Blights leave together and Viney sadly had to go straight home so she isn't with them and Jerbo, while Eda normally takes Luz straight home so she isn't with them, nothing too out of the ordinary. The sisters are a bit ahead of the boys because they're talking together. "Seriously I can reach my locker slot." "I don't think you can." Jerbo says, smirking down at Edric. "You watched me do it." "Nope, think you're too short." "Is this revenge for me calling you stupid?" "What else would it be?" Edric shrugs, smiling. "What else do I expect from the man I love?" Jerbo stops dead in his tracks. "You what?" 

  Edric realizes what he just said "Uhh..nothing." "No I heard you say something say something. You what?" He says again, Edric figures there's no point in hiding it. "I said I love you..well not exactly that but you get the point." His cheeks turn red and Jerbo gets closer to him, and tilts his head up a bit. "I love you too." He smiles, kissing Edric's lips, Edric trying to kiss back but now he's laughing. "Did you really need to go all romance drama TV show on me?" Jerbo chuckles, 
"Yes, yes  I did!" "WILL YOU TWO HURRYY UP?!" Amity shouts and they run up to the two girls.

  Jerbo and Edric smile at each other. They love eachother. 


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