Valentine's day

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Happy Valentine's day everyone!

Ship(s): Lumity

  Luz sighs, "I don't think I can do it guys.." She crumples up the paper she was writing, she's trying to write a note to Amity, she guesses Amity likes more subtle ways of showing affection as she wrote a note for whoever she was going to ask to Grom, so she figured she'd write her own note to Amity. She looks at her friends, Gus and Willow decided to come over to try and help her think of something.

  "Well I'm stumped, what about you, Gus?"

"I dunno..have you tried verbally asking her out?"

"Yeah..but I always got all tongue tied and I ended up sounding like an idiot."

  Gus thinks for a bit before snapping his fingers "Then how about you get some practice?" Luz and Willow both look at each other I'm confusion before a perfect figure of Amity appears out of thin air. "Hey Luz." It says.

  Luz blushes, "Gus what-no! I don't think I can do this, not like this you don't know how Amity would react and then I'd be putting myself through this multiple times and what if I do get it down? It won't be original an-" The illusion just smiles, "Luz you can tell me anything you want you have something you want to tell me?"

  The human bites her lip, "I-..I can try." She takes a deep breath and looks at the illusion, "Amity I've been meaning to say this for quite a know between us basically almost being killed every other week, us battling all kinds of creepy monsters, school, studying..I can imagine this is the last thing on your mind..b-but..I-.." She looks up at the illusion, finally meetings its eyes and she tries to get her words out. "A-Amity will you? Can you even? No that's not right-can? NO! Will?" She just decided to shout. "WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE THIS YEAR? I REALLY LIKE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME SO WILL YOU COME WITH ME ON A STAFF RIDE LATER?"

  "I'd love to."

  That voice didn't come from the illusion, it came from behind her. Luz looks back at the rooms door and her entire face goes bright red when she sees the familiar green hair and golden eyes of Amity Blight right their in the doorway with a little pink paper heart.

  "AMITY! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO HEAR THAT!" She realizes how bad that probably sounds. "NO I MEAN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HEAR IT BUT NOT LIKE THIS, NOT NOW." She just decides to stop before she realizes what Amity said "Luz I s-" "WAIT YOU WANT TO GO WITH ME?" Amity nods shyly, "Yeah..I do, actually."

  Amity holds the paper heart out, it's red with white lace around it, it has something written on it "Les be honest, I wanted to bi you something" written in Amity's handwriting. "It probably sounds stupid but I know you like puns.." Luz looks at it and she smiles, hugging Amity tight. "I'll see you later?"

Willow clears her throat "No Gus and I were just leaving, I have a thing with Boscha and I'm sure Matt doesn't want to wait right Gus?" Gus looks at her a bit confused before taking the hint. "OH YEAH." He yell as if it's more convincing that way. "YES LET US LEAVE." Willow and Gus leave the room, leaving Amity and Luz alone.

  "You asked Eda for permission right?"

  "Yeah. Ed and Em have any plans?"

  "Yeah, they have a distraction this year."

  The two girls sit on the floor of Luz's room and they wait for the perfect time to go flying.


  "I don't remember Luz ever inviting Amity over. Do you Willow?"

  Willow chuckles, "Let's just say I'm a fast typist."

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