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Ship(s): Jerbric

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Ship(s): Jerbric

Edric Blight has always been one to flirt and tease with people but of course the minute he actually found someone that wouldn't leave and actually cared about him he started feeling things. Things he didn't quite understand.

   "Hey Ed?"


   "You're really cute."

Edric chokes a bit on air, "I-I'm sorry what Jerbo?" His cheeks flush, did Jerbo say what he think he said? The brown haired boy just smiles, "I said you're cute." Edric smiles shyly, " no one's ever said that before."

  "Maybe not to your face. I bet a lot of people think it." He chuckles, Edric's heart is beating pretty fast, he doesn't know what to say, does he say anything? Why isn't he saying anything? Is he supposed to? Shouldn't he know this?

  "'re pretty cute too." He looks down, and he just asks. "Can I hold your hand?" Jerbo just takes his hand. "You don't need to ask you know." "Y-Yeah but I wanted to.."

  Jerbo smiles. "Shy dork." "Shush I'm not used to people actually caring."

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