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Shipuary day 1

Ship(s): Lumity(I know it's kinda cringy but have it)

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Ship(s): Lumity
(I know it's kinda cringy but have it)

   Edric and Emira wanted to go out for some food, they brought Amity and Luz with them because the place was three or more they realized the place that Eda gave them was a karaoke place that has sperate rooms you can sing, eat and just chill out in so they all decide to go in and why not have some fun while they're there? They get order their food and they wait for a bit.
  Anyone wanna head up first?" Edric asks, Emira shakes her head "No I don't want the mic biting me if I go off note." "Alrighty, Luz?"

  "Nah I suck at singing."

"Amity?" She shrugs. "Why not?"

She walks up to the song selector and she scrolls into the "L" Section and she finds "Little Miss Perfect" She knows it'll annoy the shit out of her siblings so of course she chooses it, little does she know this song choice might have more of an impact than she thought.
  "Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward." Emira and Edric just look very annoyed but it's not like they can stop this by any means so they just wait, letting Amity sing her little heart out and have fun. Luz however isn't so annoyed, she for one isn't that confident in her voice but Amity is the polar opposite.
  Her amazing Luz is an understatement, she fiddles with her fingers as she tries not to let all of these new discoveries overwhelm her. She's so happy, so excited, so proud all of these emotions are just folding in all at once and she doesn't really know how to contain them.
  "A pretty girl walks by my locker, my heart gives a flutter but I don't dare utter a word.." Amity makes a subconscious glance at Luz because that day..Luz was that pretty girl. Luz looks right back at her, just enamored by her voice and how beautiful it sounds to her. "Because t-that would be abused behavior for little miss perfect.." Amity's voice wavers a bit before she gets back on track, realizing that glace at Luz had something behind it, well she knows it has something behind it but Luz doesn't need to know that. She continues to sing until the song reaches it's end with "It's never worth it when you're little miss...perfect.."
  Amity puts the mic back on its stand and sits back down and Luz can't contain herself anymore "Amity! Amity! That was amazing! I JU-I wow..I-You.." Luz's hands shake because she's just so in awe of what just happened in front of her.

  "Luz are you..okay? You're doing that thing with your hands again." Amity chuckles, really hoping her face isn't red. "Yeah I'm okay just you up there. You did amazing! I loved it, I can't even express the amount of wow I just saw you really should do more with that voice of yours! It's beautiful!"

Beautiful? BEAUTIFUL????

  Amity really hopes she isn't going to die from shock right then and there after Luz said that word. "I-well..um thank you." She smiles and brushes a stray hair behind her ear, it probably came out while she was up there.
  Edric smiles at his little sister. "Yeah good work up there Mittens, and don't die up there anymore you look like a tomato." Amity panics, she does? Well I guess it's normal at this point and Luz hasn't noticed it yet.
  Luz did notice and has noticed for a while now. She takes a breath before looking up at everyone. "How about I go up there?" Emira smiles, "Sure go take a shot, don't pick anything stupid." Luz chuckles, "I won't."
  She goes and chooses her song and she smiles at Amity just before she goes up.
  "I notice how she looks at me, but I pretend that I don't see it's easier if I let the tension subside.." Luz was right, she isn't the best singer but she definitely has the spirit to just have fun at these kinds of places and that's all you really need at karaoke.
  "I've seen it in the books I read, magic that you cannot see." Amity honestly doesn't care a single bit about the quality of Luz's voice all she cares about is how the heck Luz looks so good up there, she looks confident, she looks proud and she just looks happy to be up there. Amity knows this song by heart because Luz told her it was her favorite song and she can see why.
  "And this girl thinks I'm part of her world, and that new territories scary..if I turn that handle am I asking for a scandal? Should I try to be Ordinary?" Luz is clearly better in acting than she is singing because she won't stop moving around while she's doing so and Amity understands why, she's been learning how Luz acts and often when she's nervous she'll try and move around a lot to even it out, she has the mic in her hand so it doesn't come in and out of okay to soft.
  Amity chuckles, she always thought Luz's little quirks we're really cute, even if Luz didn't think so. Her quirks are just one of the many things that make Luz, Luz.
  The song is at it's peak and Liz is trying her hardest to not just be a ball of anxiety and look at Amity for comfort because that's something she's been doing a lot recently and she wonders if it's annoying Amity but she can't resist it.
  "And this girl is a part of this world!" She says that line with all the joy and spunk she has left in her heart and she pulls Amity up with her, she smiles at her while Amity is dying of the gayest panic she's ever had in her fourteen years of life and Luz finished out the song "I'll be brave and I'll be kind, I'll make a choice and change my mind, I will mess up all the time, they'll say I'm weird but I'll be fine." Luz gives Amity's hand a little squeeze and Amity just squeezes hers in return. "I'll be anything but Ordinary."
  Emira and Edric clap and cheer. "Encore! Yes!" They both look happy and someone relived. Luz and Amity make there way back to their seats and Amity gives Luz a little look and Luz nods, they keep their hands together the whole time they're there, only taking them apart when they eat. Edric smiles. "Well I didn't think you had that in you." Luz chuckles awkwardly.
"I didn't think I had it in me either.."
"Well then why'd you go up?"
"..That girl." She blushes.

    Edric gets it, and they leave, pay and Edric and Emira drop Amity home before taking Luz home, Lilith and Eda made it very clear Luz had to be home by a specific time. Luz gets her things gathered up and the twins look at her, "Hey Luz?" Emira says.
   Luz looks back at the two siblings, they both smile. "Take care of her." Edric finish's his sisters sentence before the two head off and Luz smiles, and she heads to bed, it's late but thank the Titan she was home on time. She just heads to bed and proceeds to scream into her pillow because Amity Blight just held her hand for the past hour on the ride to Blight manor and another hour and a half at the karaoke place.


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