Winter Lesbians

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Ship(s): Vinira

I just wanted to write dumb simping lesbians.

  Viney is on her way to Blight manor, she's cold as hell because she can't afford a good coat or sweater, she's been saving up for a good coat. She walks and soon she gets to the Blight manor, knocking on the door and Alador opens it. "Viney? What are doing get inside!" He takes her in and looks at her. "You feel freezing! What are you doing not bundling up out there? Do you want anything? Need anthing?" Viney chuckles. "Can't really afford bundling clothes..." Alador looks hurt. "Oh that will not stand. Do your parents not have any either? You guys must be so cold! I'll try and get you guys coats when I can-" Viney shrugs. "No, no I'm saving up you don't need to." Alador rolls his eyes. "Nonsense! No one should be freezing in the winter! Anyways I'm sure you're here for Emira she's in her room, have a fun time and winter clothes for you and your family are non negotiable young lady." 

   Viney chuckles and heads up to her girlfriends room. She hears music playing. "I don't wanna be your friend! I wanna kiss your lips!" Emira is singing happily along to it, "I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath!" Viney chuckles. "Then do it, Blight." She says, entering the room and scaring the crap out of her girlfriend in the process. "VinEY!" She says, her voice cracking a bit, turning the song off. Viney smiles, laughing a bit. "You okay?" Emira nods, sighing "Yeah but don't scare me like that!" She whines, Viney just gets close to her. "I bet I scare you how you like it." Emira's cheeks go bright red. "VINEY MY PARENTS ARE HOME!" Viney just starts laughing her ass off, "Your face! Oh my titan your face!" She laughs out, Emira just starts laughing a bit too, she can't stop. "I hate you so much!" Viney smiles. "You were listening to girl in red while I was coming over!" Emira just throws a pillow at her girlfriend. "I'M GAY OKAY?!" Viney throws it back. "Yeah sure you definitely aren't simping over me." 

   Emira gasps in offense. "I am not simping over you!" Viney just plops next to Emira on her bed. "Sure you aren't." She teases and Emira just rolls her eyes. "If anything you simp over me." Viney chuckles. "Nah." Emira looks at her, "Oh really now?" Viney nods. "Whatever you say honey." Viney groans. "Don't honey me!" Emira chuckles. "'I'll honey you as much I want, honey!" Viney smacks her with a pillow. "Shush!" Emira grabs a pillow and smacks her back. "Never!" Viney sticks her tongue out at her girlfriend and Emira smiles. "You know you love it." Viney puts the pillow on Emira's head. "No, shut up." Emira tries to balance the pillow. "So does this make me your Princess?" Viney thinks. "Hmmmm yeah." Emira smiles. "Yes!" She chuckles, laying on her girlfriends lap, Viney smiling. "So am I a pillow now?" Emira just responds by kissing her girlfriend. Viney kisses her back. "Love you...but you're still a simp." 

   Emira groans, laughing, pulling her girlfriend down with her, hugging her close. "Shut uuuup! I am not a simp! I just think you're strong, smart and pretty!" Viney snickers "Sounds like a simp to me." She rolls her eyes and just undo's her girlfriends hair, "Your hairs always up, put it down's nice." Viney sits up, "Then undo yours. Let's just vibe in winter together." Emira whines and pulls her girlfriend back down. "Fine just stay down ya dork." Viney just lays in her girlfriends lap and peacefully watches as her girlfriend undoes her hair, letting it fall down, it's long and nice to look at. "I'm lucky to have're really pretty." Emira lip pops dramatically, "Ugh! You better think I'm pretty!" Viney chuckles. "I do though, I'd kick myself if I didn't." Emira lays back on her bed. "God our house is hot.." It really is, even Viney is getting hot after being in the cold for almost an hour with little covering. "You could take your shirt off." Emira and Viney chuckle at the idea. Emira playfully pushes Viney's face. "Perv."

   Emira takes her shirt off, she has a tank top on underneath. "Better, you gonna do it?" Viney blushes. "My lesbian brain is killing me Emira." She takes her shirt off, she also has a tank top on (Yeah I ain't doing nasty shit ya pervs) Emira smiles and kisses her girlfriends forehead. "I like seeing you like this, hair down, not keeping anything's just nice." Viney looks up at her girlfriend. "Yeah...I love you." Emira smiles bright down at Viney. "I love you too." Viney gets up and kisses her girlfriend deep, Emira holding Viney close in her lap and she kisses back, Viney wrapping her arms around her. 

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