Holiday Kisses

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Happy Holidays! I just wanted to write a cute festive chapter because the "Viney the team medic part 2" is crazy and I got done with school work sooo have stupid Jerbric shit because comfort ship.

Ship(s): Jerbric

  Jerbo looks out his window, it snowed last night. He smiles before realizing something and jumping straight out of bed, running down stairs. "MOM! JAY! I'M LEAVING!" Jay yells back to him. "ARE YOU DRESSED THOUGH? MAYBE PUT SOME OUTSIDE CLOTHES ON!" He looks down, realizing he still has his pajamas on. "RIGHT!" He runs back upstairs, gets dressed, grabs aa few boxes, puts them in his bag and leaves, of course grabbing a scarf and coat.

  Edric looks out his window, it's snowing and he's already dressed. "And you're dressed at 6AM on winter break why?" Emira asks. "Jerbo wanted to meet me somewhere so  I'm waiting here until it's time to leave." Emira nods, yawning. "Why'd you choose my room?" "Mittens would kill me." She shrugs. "Fair." He chuckles. "There we go." He looks at the clock on the wall. "Have fun getting your back blown out." Emira says jokingly. Edric looks at his sister confused. "What does that mean?" Emira chokes on air. "....Nevermind go and have a fun time!" Edric nods and leaves. He walks along the path and he sees his boyfriend with boxes and what does he do? He runs up and Jerbo hugs him. "Edric! Hi! Okay so I got these for Luz, Amity and Emira. I already gave Viney and Barcus their stuff so you can give it to them right?" Edric nods. "Yeah and I have Viney, Barcus, and your parents." Jerbo smiles. "Great! Wait...did we forget each other?" Edric chuckles. "Oh no I have plans for your gift." Jerbo looks confused, he had a plan for Edric. Shit.

Edric smiles, "So where we heading?" Jerbo thinks. "How about just...drinks, we leave and head somewhere? Maybe the Owl House because Luz is REALLY decorating this year?" Edric nods. "True but if we get drinks we'll need to get everyone something." Jerbo shrugs. "I can pay for it." Edric rolls his eyes. "Nonsense I'll pay." Jerbo looks at him. "No...I will." Edric starts running. "RACE YOU!" Jerbo runs after his boyfriend. "NO FAIR YOU GOT A HEAD START!" Edric laughs a bit. "CAN YA BLAME ME? I WANNA KEEP WARM!" Jerbo picks up his speed and is soon at a tie with his boyfriend, Edric does a magic circle and makes Jerbo duck out of the way of a suddenly appearing bench. "EDRIC!" He yells. "WHAT, I NEVER SAID I WOULDN'T PLAY DIRTY!" Jerbo groans as he runs, still right beside his boyfriend, oh he is going to get payback at this boy. Soon they see the place.

  Just as Edric is almost there, in a grass patch along the next side of the road Jerbo trips him with a plant, and catches him in a dip. "Heyya." He smirks down at him. "Oh you asshole-" Edric wines. Jerbo chuckles, "Stop smirking." Edric chuckles too. Jerbo starts laughing, trying to keep his hold on Edric without dropping him due his laughter. "No!" Edric holds onto his boyfriend tighter, laughing harder. "I hate you!" Jerbo kisses his boyfriend, "You love me!" Edric and Jerbo are still laughing, they can't stop now, Edric decides to give them something to laugh about. "I do and I hate it!" He kisses his boyfriend again, and pulling him into the snow. They fall into the white power lining the grass and Jerbo looks at his boyfriend, they both can't sop giggling, Edric just hugs his boyfriend. "Sorry I had to." Jerbo smiles. "No no it's okay though everyone is probably wondering why we're laughing in the snow." 

  They try their best to calm themselves down from their laughing fits to buy drinks and they do so after a while. "Okay I get I played dirty but did you need to go all Disney prince on me?" Jerbo smiles. "Of course I did! I needed to! How dare you insult my gayness!" Edric chuckles. "Oh my titan you're a dork!" Jerbo smiles. "And you're dating me!" Edric nods, "Yes, yes I am." They head into the store and pretty much order 5 hot cocas, and getting a small one for king in case he wants one, Edric will probably get some on the way home for his sisters. They leave shortly after and they head over to the owl house. "Wonder how much Luz did." Edric says before they see the place, it's DECKED with Holiday stuff, Santa on the roof, Reindeer in the garden, lights EVERYWHERE, a large pole that says North Pole, Hooty has a cute Santa hat that says "Hoot" and a wreath is under him. Jerbo and Edric looks at each other before Hooty yells "Luz! Edric and Jerbo are here. Hoot!" Luz comes out and she smiles bright, hugging the both. "HI! Come in, come in!" They happily go in with her and they see the inside is decked as well. "Oh wow...did you do all of this yourself?" Jerbo asks. Luz shakes her head. "Oh no I had help from  Lilith, Eda went out doing things but helped a bit."  

  Edric nods, "Oh! We have hot coca, we got some for everyone." Luz smiles bright and takes a cup. Lilith takes it from her. "Oh no! I am not having you bouncing off the walls all night-" Luz takes it back, hisses and drinks it anyway. "LUZ!" Lilith groans, grabbing one for herself. "Titan give me strength." She mumbles. Eda walks in the hallway. "Oh hey boy twin, boy twins boyfriend. Oh you brought Gingerbread blood." She jokes...or is she? She is. Jerbo and Edric just smile, honestly thinking her names for them are funny. She takes a hot coca, "KING! Boys brought food!" King scrambles in, tackling the cup and drinking all of it, Edric and Jerbo watch as King drains the whole thing in like a second. They drink with everyone and talk for a while. Soon it's getting around time Jerbo needs to be home so the two boys leave, hugging everyone before leaving.

  Jerbo and  Edric head back to the manor, Edric getting his sisters some coca before they do, They see the hole in the snow they made with their little Christmas Magic moment. "I still can't believe you pulled us both into the snow just to try and shut us up." Edric smiles. "It was funnyyyyy!" Jerbo smiles. "Funny it was. I'm a prince and you're the "New boy from New York who is a writer and isn't looking for love but finds it!"" Edric laughs, "You've been watching too many Hallmark movie with Luz." Jerbo shrugs. "Maybe but I like them!" Edric chuckles. "I mean everyone has their taste." They see the snow start falling again as they walk by and soon arrive at the manor, Jerbo doesn't live too far off so he can walk home easily. 

  Edric gets his keys and Jerbo does a quick spell circle behind his back, making a mistletoe grow from it. "Hey Ed?" Edric looks at his boyfriend. "Yeah?" "Look up." Edric does as he's told and he looks up, seeing the plant Jerbo made for them. He blushes a bit, Jerbo doing the same. "You want your gift?" Edric looks confused. "Sure...what is it?" He's honestly a bit nervous before Jerbo kisses him. "A mistletoe kiss..You've been talking about them ever since you learned about them...and I wanted to give you one." Edric smiles, kissing his boyfriend again...and maybe five more times, Jerbo happily kissing back every single time. They both smile at the other, holding hands, just...happy, two stupid teenagers happy for the Holidays. "You know what? I can give you yours too...I love you." Jerbo's heart melts. "I love you too." 

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