Ice Skating

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Honestly just stupid fluff with this dumb friend group.

Ship(s): Jerbric, Lumity (Jerbic is also another ship name but I'm keeping Jerbric)

  "Luz are you sure about this?" Amity asks while Luz laces up her skates. "Yeah! It'll be fun Amity!" Luz smiles up at her, and Amity blushes because her smile is adorable "Ye-Yeah it'll be fun! We can do it!" Edric is finishing lacing up. "You girls good to go?" He asks, and Luz gives him a thumbs up and Jerbo gets up, "Alright let's head on the ice then." Everyone gets up and Jerbo and Amity are wobbling on their feet, Luz and Edric are pretty great skaters however Jerbo and Amity are completely new but they lied to not seem weird. Amity holds Luz's hand to try and keep stable, and Luz smiles, skating along with her. "You okay there Amity? Looking a bit wobbly." Amity nods, "I'm fine Luz!" She smiles and they just skate around hand in hand, smiling happily together while Jerbo wonders if he should do the same but Edric is a Blight it would be weird in public...but Amity is also a Blight and she's holding Luz's hand, he just looks around, wobbling on skates but still managing to get around.

  "Nervous?" Edric asks, "Jerbo if you're bad at skating you can just tell me." Jerbo sighs. "Yeah...I didn't want to tell you." Edric chuckles, taking Jerbo's hands, "Okay here's how you do it." Edric guides Jerbo along the ice and Jerbo soon gets a bit of a hand on it, "Okay I think I have it.." He says and he lets go, trying to skate around a bit himself, and he smiles at Edric. "I did it! I did i-" Annnnd he trips over his own feet, thank goodness they're here on a day that isn't that busy. "You okay Jerbo?" Luz calls out as Edric goes to help him up. "Ouch..yeah just a bruised butt." Edric smiles. "Your poor butt." Jerbo laughs a bit. They hear a camera go off, it's Amity's "I'm so using this for blackmail." Edric blows a raspberry at her. "Me and Emira have more dirt on you that you could ever possibly have on us." Amity rolls her eyes, still having trouble skating but she refuses to admit it. "I'm gonna take a break Luz." Luz nods.

  "Okay I'll join you in a bit." Soon Luz is just skating on her own and just kind of vibing and dancing on the ice because this place plays music and she's having the funest time, Jerbo playfully holds his hand out. "May I have this dance?" Edric chuckles, taking his hand. "What is this Grom? Of course you can dance with me." They end up skating around dancing together with wide smiles on their faces, spinning around together in fun ways, laughing together. Luz is having fun on her own. Amity watches her brother having fun with Jerbo and smiles, but wishing she could dance with Luz. She sighs before Luz comes up to her, "Hey...let's dance. I miss you up here." Amity frowns. "Luz...I don't know how to skate." Luz picks her up, "Well then I'll teach you!" She drags Amity back on the ice. "Wait Luz-" Luz and Amity are back on the ice and Luz gets them into the same position they were during Grom, "Now that that's settled, may I have this dance?" Amity blushes. "Y-You may.." 

  Luz smiles and starts skating with Amity, "This fine?" Amity nods, it starts out slow but then they get quicker as they glide and swing on the ice together, Amity smiling with Luz before Amity smiles before picking Luz up and spinning her around in the air, before landing her in a dip, picking her up on her feet then taking the lead which Luz lets her do. They finish the dance close together. Edric and Jerbo just watch the two. "Hmm who knew that plan would work?" Edric asks. "Me." Jerbo replies. "Yeah, well now  Mittens knows how to skate and dance on skates." Edric and Jerbo sit back and watch, smiling at their freinds as the two girls dance away on the ice together as music plays, when they finally finish Amity kisses Luz again, again and again. "Thank you!" She says in between and Luz tries to kiss back each time and Edric playfullu seperates the two, "Aye no smootching on my watch." Jerbo holds Luz's shoulders. "How dare you let your sister kiss mine?" Luz looks confused. "Nothing." Jerbo honestly sees Luz as a little sister at this point because of how close they are. "Forbidden romance. What a shame." Edric ruffles Amity's hair. Amity groans. "Shut up and let me kiss my girlfriend!" 

Just a short winter chapter

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