The Earring Shop

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Ship(s): Vinmira? (Viney x Emira)

       Emira is walking through the halls of Hexside with her twin brother in toe, she looks around and around for hours before she finally finds it.
       The earring shop everyone's been talking about! She smiles when she sees it, catching Edric's attention. "Did you really drag me all this way for so long just to get some earrings?" Emira smacks her brother's shoulder. "Of course not! If I did that I would've made it a longer wait." She walks into the line and Edric sighs as he sees how long it is, he doesn't like waiting.
        Emira and Edric soon get their turn as the line gets shorter and shorter with time, a girl, a curly haired girl with a fishhook for an earing turns to the two, "Welcome to Viney's Earrings how can I help you two?" Viney of course recognizes Hexsides most famous and of course most charming students Edric and Emira Blight.
        Emira smiles at her, "Hey, I was wondering if you had any swap lily earrings left in stock? If you don't I could maybe take those mushroom ones in the back there?" Viney looks behind her and she nods. "Yeah I got some swap lillies, want pink? I have them in all kinds of different colors." She nods in return, "Yeah pink ones sound great."
        Edric just listens, very, very bored of the conversation about jewelery until he notices something about Emira. Her cheeks are turning pink as she talks to the shop keep of the small stand in the school hall. He smirks, a plan conjuring up in his mind. "Wow I didn't think you'd want earrings that mach your cheeks Emira." Edric comments.
       Emira looks at him, clearly confused by his comment as she's never heard that one before. "What do you mean?" "I'm just saying I never figured you'd like earrings so...girly? Pretty? You've never been that kind of person to like pink." Pink isn't necessary girly just it isn't Emira's style. She's more of a red kind of girl.
       "So? I like pink." Edric raises his eyebrows. "Since when?" To tell the truth, ever since she saw Viney with a pink bow at grom, she had pretty pink hearts earrings too. "Since...always." "Here's your earrings, Jerbo had to find some in pink for you." Viney interrupts the twins.
       Emira smiles and takes the tiny box. "Thank you very much, how much do I owe?"
        "How about your number?" Emira looks at her, her cheeks turning red, she's...never been flirted with before, she's flirted with girls and guys alike but never has a cute girl ever DONE IT BACK! "Umm wh-what?" "Your number. You can pay me with that, you're really cute Blight...maybe we could make some magic happen?" She asks, "Yes or no? I can take a no."
       Emira freaks. "NO! I-I mean yes, I wouldn't say no-yes! I would love to um..uhh.." The goblin caught her tongue and Edric draws a magic circle, causing a piece of paper to appear and he hands it to Viney, "There's he number. Keep her safe for me. Thanks again for her earrings. Also how does seven sound tommorow?" Viney chuckles, "Thank you. Seven works perfect. How about Hocus Coffee?" "That works good for her." Edric takes his tomato of a twin sister away from the table and he smirks at Emira who's questioning all that she knows about flirting, is it really THAT easy to fluster someone? Is that she how she makes people feel all the time? Why is her heart racing so quick right now? Why does her face feel so strange? WHY–
        Edric's voice breaks her thought process. "You have a date tomorrow at seven with that Viney girl. I scored you, so you owe me." Emira's eyes go wide, "Me? On a date with her? In a coffee shop? Wearing cute outfits and alone?" Her face gets completely red, "Edric why?!" She looks at him and he chuckles, "Because it was funny to see you get all embarrassed." He explains nonchalantly as his sister just freaks out over the fact she needs to see such a cute girl for coffee tomorrow.
       She and Edric are walking out of school when they see Amity and Luz outside the school, Amity is flushed and Luz is just smiling. "It's a date then!" Amity nods to her friends words, "Y-Yeah..a date." "HEY MITTENS!" Edric says from across the stairs, "EMIRA SCORED A DATE!" Amity looks at her older brother holding a very, very flustered Emira close to his side and she rushes up to them after saying a hasty goodbye to Luz before rushing up there. "Oh my gosh who is it? Who'd you score? Is he rich? Popular? Is it even a boy? Tell me right now Em!"
       Emira just groans, "It's no one important..just that girl from the Dual-track, okay?" Amity thinks before gasping. "Viney? Luz introduced me to her and the other Detention track kids! Well former Detention track kids but you know." Edric nods, "Yeah you should've seen her face when Viney asked for her number, it was priceless!" He says, laughing a little bit remembering her face get so red it looked like their fathers treasured ruby. "She just got so red and she could barely say a word! She freaked out the second I told her that she had a date, I ended up giving Viney her number." Amity chuckles, she never gets to tease her siblings about crushes, or much of anything for that matter, so it's fun not to be the victim for once. "I swear you're more gay then I am sometimes." Amity is out to her siblings but not their parents, same with Emira and Edric.
       "She probably is just look how red she is after just talking to her for a few seconds." Emira huffs, "Listen! I actually have a date with her! Edric you're lucky for not having a crush yet because then you'd know how this feels and it's embarrassing." Emira is normally always cool, flirty, sly and carefree but all of that goes out the window the minute a pretty girl so much as looks at her so when a really, REALLY pretty girl is TAKING to her, her brain cannot comprehend how amazing this experience is for her.
       Edric shrugs. "So what if I don't have a crush yet? It doesn't mean I'll become all mushy brained and shy and awkward like you are." Amity and Emira look at him. "How do you know if you haven't even had one?" Amity asks, "Mittens, Mittens, Mittens. I know because I know my heart and no girl or boy is going to break me down that easily or as fast." Emira and Amity look at eachother when he says "Girls" Edric is a gay disaster to put it simply. He flirts with girls to avoid suspicion he might be gay and it's a lot easier to flirt with someone when they aren't attractive because Edric has enough charm to win anyone over.
       Emira just rolls her eyes. "Edric you'll eat your words when you find a boy you fall head over heels for and watch us get our revenge when we tease you about it." Amity nods, "Now I'm just imagining him being lovesick." The girls chuckle and Edric sticks his tongue out at them, "Well I'm not, in the meantime we need to get Emira ready for a date! Come on we're almost home!" "Edric it's not until tomorrow." Edric opens the door for his sisters, "Well that doesn't mean we can't plan now does it Emira?"
       Amity rolls her eyes at her older siblings, they're dorks. Edric actually enjoys planning things out for others but when it comes to planning for himself he sucks at it beyond salvation.
       The Blight kids make it up to Emira's room where they decide to plan her outfit. After many, many, many....many attempts at getting Emira a good outfit they settle on something simple a nice turquoise tunic with a dark grey skirt, a gold necklace, black tights and nice black shoes, before Edric looks at the earrings. "And these to finish it!" Emira looks at the outfit, it's simple and nice.
       Emira looks at the earrings and her cheeks turn pink. "Ugh why does she need to be so cute?" Amity looks at her. "Welcome to my world Emira. Welcome. Anyways you need to sort your gay panic out yourself. I have somewhere to be." "And where's that?" Edric asks, "None if your business." Edric decides not to push it because he has a twin sister to help, but he knows something is up with her and Luz but in the meantime.
He has to help his best friend.

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