Love Letter

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Context: They're in their last year at Hexside, they're on winter break and the stuff in the past has been cleared up and Gus is 17, Mattholomule is 18

Ship(s): Gusolomule (Gus x Mattholomule) 

Part 1 of winter themed or holiday themed chapters.

  Gus shivers at the frigid halls off his school, wearing their winter uniforms, their leggings are now heavy warm pants, their tunics are basically the same but under it a thick warm sweater with their coven track colors, at least that's the younger students when they get older they get hoodies with their track emblem and "Hexside" Written above it in their track color, the hoodie or sweatshirt is a color of their choice. Gus likes it. He looks goes to get a textbook he needs for his next class, well he was trying until Mattholomule catches him. "Hey! Agustus!" He says in his annoying as ever voice. "What Matt?"  Gus asks annoyed, turning over to him. Mattholomule groans and bares his teeth at him. "You don't get to call me that!" Gus rolls his eyes. "Fine whatever gets you to leave me alone faster. Now what do you need?" He asks, crossing his arms and staring at the boy in front of him. 

  "Here." He says, holing an envelope out to Gus. "What do you want me to do with this?" Mattholomule groans. "Just shut up and take it! It's for it when you're alone." He hands it to Gus before leaving. Gus looks at it confused before putting it in his pocket, taking his books and then getting to his class. Lunch soon arrives thank you holidays! Gus puts all his books away and takes out his lunch to find his friends. He sees them and runs up. They greet him happily, "Okay so guys, the weirdest thing happened before class today." Their interest is peaked. "What?" Luz asks. "Well I was getting my books and just as I opened my locker Mattolomule came by, of course I called him Matt, of course he got mad because he's him, I asked him what he wanted and he handed me this...thing I don't know what it is but it can't be very big because it's in an envelope. He told me to read it when I'm alone though so I will and respect that but it's just so...strange?" He shrugs, Willow smiles. "Well...maybe he likes you?" They all start laughing at the idea, Gus laughs the hardest. "Willow no way! There's no way!" 

  Amity smiles, "Maybe tell us when you're done reading it? If you're 'allowed' to that is." She pokes a bit of fun at the 'read it when you're alone rule' Gus snickers. "Oh I gladly will, so anyway what are you guys planning on doing for winter break? I'm going to help out my dad with scripts and I'm going to see what I can do for either Covens but my dad wants to show me a few things I could do too." Covens are still around but they are  FAR from what they were in the past, very far from it and anyone of any magic track is welcome for learning, or getting a job and they don't take away magic knowledge like the past did.

  Luz smiles, "Cool! I'm heading over with Amity to her Dad and Stepdads place for winter break and Eda's and my mom are coming along too with  Lilith." Amity nods, "Yeah it'll be fun seeing my dad again after school." Gus smiles. "Oh that's great, tell him I say hi!" Willow smiles. "Me too! Anyways I'm honestly just going to be chilling over break with my dads and Boscha's gonna meet them for the first time." Gus smiles. "That is gonna be fun! Your dads are going to love her!"  He chuckles. "We're gonna meet up a lot though right? I don't think I can live without you guys's company." Luz chuckles. "Gus of course we're going to visit and of course calls are going to happen! I don't think we'd survive either.." The girls nod in agreement. The lunch bell rings.

   Gus walks down the halls to get his stuff to leave, looking at the envelope. "It can't be that bad right?" He asks himself, blushing a bit as he puts it back. "He can't know...can he?" 

  He gets home and greets his dad. "Heyya dad! I'm home!" His dad smiles. "Hey son, how was school?" He asks from the kitchen, he's making dinner. Gus goes over to help him, knowing his dad will burn his hands at some point. "Oh it was fine, classes, talked to my friends about break and what they're going to do and the weirdest thing happened, ya know Mattholomule?" Perry nods. "Yeah what about him?" Gus sighs. "Well he gave me this," He pulls out the envelope to show his dad, "and I he told me to read it in private and I'm confused as to what it is.." Perry looks at the note. "Well Gus you can look at, it I'm sure I can handle dinner. YES I'm sure you go up and look at that." Gus nods and heads up to his room. 

  Gus sits on his bed and he takes it out, it's a letter, well more like a long note. He puts the now open envelope aside and begins reading it.

Gus, I know we're closer now, on good terms but not exactly friends. I know I've apologized for my past actions but I want to apologize again, however that's not why I'm writing. Firstly, I'm sorry about everything I did, I don't the guilt will ever leave me and what I did to you and your friends still makes me cringe, I was a really annoying kid. Secondly, I like you. Like really, really like you. I've had these feelings for a while but I never knew what to say, I thought you'd hate me, or scream at me, or not be my close person?  Anymore. Then Amity and Luz started dating and I saw how accepting you were of them but I still couldn't get the balls! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just like you, a lot and you are in no obligation to return my feelings or still be my friend and I respect you if you do. You have an amazing future ahead of you, and I know if I'm supposed to be apart of it I will be.

  With love, Matt. (..You can call me that)

   Gus reads it over, then again, again and again, his face getting redder and his mind being more boggled each time he does. He just makes one sound, and it's a happy sigh, he falls back on his bed. "I like you too.." He says out loud, a stupid smile forming on his lips. Holds the note close to his chest. He then puts it in a box he keeps things he finds interesting, so whenever he looks in the box he'll find a great note. He goes down to his dad. "So did you look at it?" Perry asks and Gus nods. "Yeah..I liked it...uhh dad?" He looks up at his dad, his father looking back. "Well...he likes me...a-and I like him back." Perry chuckles. "I mean I'm perfectly fine with it. Soooo you gonna ask him out?" Gus blushes. "I don't know!" He sighs. 

  The next morning he finds Mattholomule and freaks out, hiding behind a near by wall. Does he tell him? Does he avoid him? No that'll maybe send the wrong message. Does he just tell him straight up and if so when does he? How does he even tell him? How does "Be chill about it Gus, don't make a scene." He looks around for the boy he's looking for and when he finally does he pulls him aside from class. "I read your note.." He says and  Mattholomule freaks out and pulls him into the bathroom. "You can't just say that in the hallway! What if other people hear you!?" He looks at Gus. "Well...I don't care who hears. I like you too." Mattholomule sighs. "I get it you don't-wait what?" 

  Gus chuckles, kissing the bridge of the other boys nose. "Does that answer your question?" Mattholomule's face goes a very bright dark red, processing what just happened. "I-you-You! I-..." He sighs, trying to regain his composure. "You...You ass! You can't just do that! You're too handsome to! It's illegal," He groans, crossing his arms. "And does answer my question." He looks up at Gus. " it okay?" Gus nods. "Of course it is, and...what would this make us?" He asks. "We can be boyfriends if you want..?" Mattholomule asks and Gus smiles very wide at the word boyfriend. "I'd like that. I'd like it a lot.." Mattholomule nods. "I'll see you around." He says before leaving the bathroom and heading to class. Gus leaves a few minutes after, and he finds his friends. 


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