Stupid With Love

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I keep seeing this with Lumity so I decided to do it with  Vinira because fun and I thought of doing other song fics with Lumity and Jerbric.

Ship(s): Vinira

   Viney has never been the best with romance. She was five, she already knew for a fact she liked girls, she was however bullied relentlessly for it, as not many people understood. From an earl age Viney basically learned how to hide the fact she liked girls, she acted hyper feminine and pretended to be boy crazy as soon as seven, which the boys bullied her very hard for. So she decided from that moment on, at ten years old when she was done with everyone's complete bullshit that she would focus on her life long love. Helping people and animals alike!

   Sadly she couldn't because Hexside followed the one track one witch system, which crushed  Viney's heart, but she had her best friends, Jerbo and Barcus who were also crushed by it. She tried to do Healing on it's own, it was hard but after Luz came in and  they saved the school with their advanced knowledge of magic they were granted the ability to join multiple tracks of magic, which made Viney extremely happy, she could finally make her dreams come true! She could make enough money to help out her family! She could be the best she can be. As of late Luz has begun dating Amity Blight, and Jerbo dating Edric Blight, the Blight kids are FAMOUS around the school, Viney is of course happy for them but she always viewed the Blight's as just prissy blue bloods who didn't know how to work, however Amity and Edric proved her wrong, very wrong. She's very glad they did.

For the past few days Hexisde has been in a huge buzz over Emira Blight joining the Healing Track, Viney just found out the news, she's seen Emira around school and she can't deny Emira is a very cute girl but she didn't expect what would happen the second Emira walked into her first Healing Class. 

   Viney and Emira are sitting right next to each other and Viney starts freaking the fuck out. There is a hot girl next to HER, HER OF ALL PEOPLE IS SITTING NEXT TO A HOT GIRL. She looks over at her and she. Is. Adorable. Viney screams in gay panic in her mind. She gets it. She's a gay disaster and now there's no going back. Viney tries to focus on her work but as she does so Emira bumps her shoulder. "Hey can I borrow an eraser?" She asks, Viney smiles. "I would love to.." Emira looks at her confused before Viney realizes what she asks and hands her an eraser. She tries to go back to work and she gets through the day, but every other class she's stuck being next to Emira with her stupid shiny eyes and nice hair. 

   She heads to Jerbo's place after school. "You okay?" Jerbo asks, seeing Viney very flustered and clearly cringing at herself. "I think I'm dying." "That's not good. Why?" "Emira Blight is hot and too adorable for my lesbian brain and I don't know what to do. She asked me for an eraser and my dumbass thought she was asking me out.." Jerbo chuckles "Okay you have dumb lesbian disease, cool my advise try and focus on your work or die a gay mess trying." Viney looks at her best friend. "Oh cool what I've been doing already. thank you so much for your advise Mr. Already dating a Blight." She rolls her eyes. "I learned Healing so I can learn to cope with my gayness!"

She absolutely cannot. 

   She heads to school the next week and she continues to die in her Healing class, though Emira and her do get closer by their classes together and this has only worsened her panic, it sucks but hey it's worth it. She raises her hand. "8 to 12 minutes." Viney says but she hears another voice, Emira answered with her. "Jinx." She smiles at her, Viney chuckles awkwardly, feeling heat rise to her cheeks. She's hot an educated Viney thinks and she head back to her work. She just groans and looks over at Emira before noticing something, she has a bit of muscle. DOES SHE WORK OUT TOO??????????????? She can't help but start thinking about her getting sweaty in a tank top and trying her hardest. Could that image be more hot? I'll let myself enjoy that thought. She groans and tries her best to focus again, but nope it's gone now. 

The stay after school together, it's a double hour so they don't have much to do so they just sit and talk. "So...I've noticed your earring...I like it." Emira says, smiling. "Oh." Viney thinks for a moment. Is she gay or does she just like my earring? " Like any? My favorite artist is Girl in Red.." She hopes Emira catches the hint. "Oh, I'm more into musicals...ever hear of Prom? Alyssa is my favorite character." Viney knows she got it. "I've actually never seen it, I hear it's great. Witchflix version not so much but the broadway...I'll need Luz to show me sometime." Emira blushes. "Or...I could?" Viney looks at her. "Wait you'd take me? Yo-YES! I'd love to go with you!" She smiles brightly at her, Emira seems really excited already. "Okay then, I'll see you! You have my number.." She smiles and class ends soon enough.

   She leaves class and sighs. "Thank you Healing for bringing me this cute girl.." She chuckles under her breath. She smiles, school ends and she meets up with Jerbo, Barcus and Luz. "Okay so you have Blight fever now?" Luz asks, "She's stupid with love Luz." Jerbo chuckles. "Jokes on you, you don't have a Blight in your classes and she's taking me to see Prom!" "I hope you have fun and jokes on YOU because that might change soon!" He chuckles. "Fucki-YOU NEVER TOLD ME?" He smiles, "You were kinda...occupied with Emira. I still don't think you'll ask her out." Luz nods, "Yeah I don't think you will, school has been pretty rough for you." 

  "Now it's not...because now there's her." "STUPID WITH LOVE! I TOLD YOU!" Jerbo chuckles, "Why you wanna bet? Just wait  I'll do it! I'll ask her out!" "Bet." Jerbo says, Luz chuckles. "I bet with Jerbo, you Barcus?" Luz asks. "I want no say in the simping." He barks. "Just wait!" Viney tells her friends, knowing for a fact she probably wont, and not knowing the Prom invite was probably Emira asking her out on a date.

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