I'm sorry.

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Ship(s): Lumity.

Luz looks down at Amity, watching as the life drains from her eyes. The woman she fought with, the woman she fought a war to save, the woman she loves, the woman she fought for. "..Luz." She says, "Amity, Amity no. Don't speak. Don't say anything I'm going to save you." Amity smiles weakly. "Luz, it's okay..I fought a good war."

  Luz feels hot tears swell her eyes. "No, no stay with me. You didn't fight a good war, you'll continue to fight a good war.." She wants to continue but Amity puts a finger to her lips. "I can't stay with you..I want to but I can't...just tell Ed and Em to fight for me.." Amity's side is bleeding, her chest has a gash in it. "Please, please. Amity I can't win this war without you.."

  Soldiers surround the two, they're alone, they bit off more than they can chew. "I love you Luz Noceda and I'm sorry I couldn't win with you.." Her heartbeat slows to a stop and she's gone. She's gone. She's gone.

  Luz holds her body close to her, the love of her life died in her arms. She realizes the soldiers are here, they're all around. She doesn't care, she doesn't want to fight anymore. She just wants Amity back. "How could you?" Her voice is filled with anger, sadness, loss. She looks back at the Soldiers "HOW COULD YOU?" Magic bursts out of her, a large explosion happening around them, killing every solider who dared to come near her and her love.

  She gets up, holding Amity in her arms, she looks down at the face who used to be so red, so smiley, so sweet, even angry..now it's pale, cold, lifeless but a small smile remains. She can't afford to lose it now, she walks on back to camp.

  Everyone looks at her, normally when Luz comes back it's good news...then they realize who she's carrying. Luz looks at Edric and Emira. "I'm sorry...I wasn't fast enough." Edric and Emira rush over to their little sister. Luz crouches down so they can get a better look at her. They cry, they hug her and Luz tight, they hold her. "Don't apologize for this. You weren't in charge of protecting her." Edric holds Luz a bit tighter. "She didn't go down without a fight. I know her." Emira looks at Luz, she's broken..she's lost. "I know how it feels.." She lost Viney earlier this month. "It's okay..but by Titan we'll destroy that palace and everything disgraceful living thing in it." She can't speak anymore, grief fills her voice and they all sit together, holding their dead loved one. They can't have her back but they'll fight for all they're worth for her, for everything they've lost. They'll do it for her.

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