The Earring Shop pt.2

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    Emira is nervous, it's the day she's on for her date with Viney. Her heart is pounding with nerves but she's trying to keep herself calm, she sighs as Edric is with her, next to her. "Em, you're gonna do great with her. If she doesn't like how you are after being on a date with you then it wasn't meant to be and that's fine." Emira groans, "I know, I know Edric! Just..she's so nice, so kind, and not to mention cute. I don't know what to do, like yes I've flirted with her before but at the earring place..she actually did it back!"

    "Em how long have you been crushing on this girl?" "..Almost four months." "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" Edric gasps in offended brother, making Emira chuckle. "Shut up Ed, I told you didn't I?" No, he found out. "While Mittens is out with Luz today I'm taking you to go see Viney at the place, okay let's go." He doesn't want to waste time, sure he doesn't care about time much when it comes to...anything but he cares for his sister and wants her to have the longest and most importantly the best time with her date, while he doesn't know much about Viney and her possi he just has a feeling, maybe it's twin senses or something, either way he knows Emira really, REALLY likes this girl, and Viney gives off a really sweet vibe to him. All he wants is to them to be happy today.

    "Okay Em, knock her dead. Not litterally." Emira chuckles, "I'm aware.." She looks at the coffee shop nervously as she sees Viney with Jerbo in toe walking side by side each other. She smiles at the two of them, Barcus had other things to attend to sadly. Viney smiles at Emira when she sees her, and just as Jerbo is about to walk off he spots Edric, and he needs to do a quick double take to make sure he saw who he thought he saw. Edric. Blight.

    Emira of course catches Jerbo looking...oh this'll be fun.

    Edric walks off and Jerbo heads in the other direction, the girls are now alone, Viney looks at Emira, the green haired girl starring right back at her. She smiles at her, on the inside..she's dying, freaking the ever loving heck out over the fact she's on a date with Emira freaking Blight. Guys and girls alike would be dying to be in her situation right now as Emira is known to be a bit of a flirt.

    Emira is dying on the inside as well, there's too much gay panic for her poor brain to function. She chuckles, "You just gonna stare at me all day? Or are we gonna order coffee?" She asks and Viney nods, snapping out of he mini daze she was in. "Yeah, sorry about that. Let's head up." They get to the counter to see a bored looking cashier with dark purple hair and glowing green eyes, "Hey welcome to..the coffee shop, what can I get you?" This guy has been through 50 hours..he hasn't left, he's tired. Viney smiles, "Hey there, I'll have a white chocolate mocha please." He nods and looks at Emira, "You?" He asks, he seems kind, just overworked and tired. "I'll have a dark chocolate mocha." He chuckles, "Opposites do attract don't they?" He asks before going to make their drinks before serving both of them up, "Alright that'll be...$10.47." He points out and Viney was about to put down some money before Emira puts down exact money, with a 30% tip. "There you go, you have a nice day now." The guy nods and smiles. "Thanks. You girls have a nice time too." He takes the money, almost about to give the tip back, "Keep it." Emira says.

    He looks confused but nods, "Okay.." No ones ever tipped him that much before. Viney honestly forgets how rich the Blight family is sometimes. She and Emira sit at a table, "You know I could've paid for my drink." Emira nods, "Sorry..I'm used to paying for things for my friends, and siblings sometimes. Also giving tips, fast food, and honestly just workers who needs to deal with annoying people a lot need more recognition." Viney nods, "Agreed all the way." They drink their coffees, the guy does good work before leaving a shift finally. "So anything interesting going on at school, home..I mean this is a first date gotta get the normal boring stuff out of the way first." Viney says, and Emira nods.

    "Well as you know I have two siblings, my twin brother Edric and younger sister Amity, I love them both to death, I'll never admit it. So don't try and get me to, school..boring, same old same old on the illusion track...I sometime wish I could be Luz and take all tracks or like you at at least take two! School just isn't that exciting why do you think I constantly skip or show up late with Edric? School just isn't fun, I like chaos and excitement, as scary as it can be sometimes. Luz is doing good, I kinda conciser her part of our family now, she's amazing. Also fellow bi bud."

    Viney smiles, "Same the detention track sucked! The one track system? Bullshit. I wanna do two types and help all kinds of creatures! It's fun, it's exciting working with all the animals I get to. They're just so much fun to work with, and the healing track is fun, I get to help people and animals. If you're bored with it maybe you should ask like Luz and everyone else did? And family life isn't that exciting for me. Mom, dad nothing special."

    Emira knows she can't do multiple tracks of magic, her parents would kill her if they found out. She smiles, "As much as I hate the one track, it's still fun to do, for tricks more then anything." She chuckles. "Okay about Jerbo an Barcus what's the deal with them?" Viney thinks and chuckles, "Well..Jerbo is honestly one of the most shy kids you can meet. Barcus is one smart guy. We share a lot of stories but a lot of them are more or less for date two."

    Date two? A second date? With Emira and Viney? Alone? AGAIN?! A million question instantly start swarming inside of Emira's mind when "Date two" leaves Viney's mouth, her cheeks burn red and Viney chuckles, "Sorry..didn't mean to fluster you. Though..if you're down for a second date I'm not complaining.." Viney honestly should get home in about an hour or two, more tracks means more homework. Emira goes even more red and she smiles, "Yeah..I don't mind a second date. Just be sure to be prepared for my sister and brother to meet us." She nods, "I don't mind that one bit. Anyways I just realized how late it was.." An hour? No maybe make it five minutes, the clock is broken...Emira looks at all the clocks, "Yeah I can walk you homs if you want?" They both walk out and on the walk home they see Edric and Jerbo walking together, "Oh..we were about to get you two." Jerbo says as they walk over with the girls. Viney smiles at the two of them, "Why were you guys just walking around? Waiting?" Emira asks, "Pretty much anyways we gotta get home, Mittens is back and I want all the details about what happens with Luz." Emira looks at him, "You didn't tell me sooner?" "You were kinda on a date. Speaking of which say bye."

    Emira hugs Viney, and smiles, "I'll see week?" Viney nods, "Works for me." Emira thinks about maybe kissing Viney's cheek...her heart starts pounding, yeah she isn't quite there yet. She blushes and so does Viney, clearly they were both having similar ideas. Jerbo just kinda pulls Viny along as she was frozen in gay. Edric chuckles as he also ends up needing to drag his sister. "So what happened?" "Honestly just talking..having a nice time, it is a first date." He nods, and they're soon back at the Blight Mannor.

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