Eda Got A Sister For Christmas

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So I headcanon Lilith as a trans woman so have her coming out. I did this based on my Christmas before I came out so here we go.

Mini chapter because wholesome

Ship(s): None

   Eda wakes up on Christmas morning, she's eleven, her sister being thirteen she annoyed her 'brother' a lot to wake up, and she does. "Eda...it's 7AM..." She sighs, trying to go back to sleep. "I don't care! Get uuuup!" She ends up dragging her out of bed. She groans but lets her sister drag her out of bed. They head to the tree and they sort their presents, Lilith rolls her eyes reading her deadname on presents, she's planning on coming out to Eda this year but certainly not to her parents. They get their presents sorted and they just end up opening them, knowing their parents will not mind whatsoever. They get them and Lilith just looks at all the 'boy toys' she got and 'boy clothes' she's thankful but she knows she'll probably end up donating them to those less having than her. She tends to just wear hoodies constantly or clothes that don't scream 'boy'.

   "You okay? Ya don't look too happy A-" Lilith cuts her sister off. "Don't...I-...I'll tell you later." She smiles. They get everything sorted in their rooms and Eda walks into her sisters room. "So...hey can I ask you about earlier?" She asks, sitting on the floor. Lilith looks at her sister. "Oh absolutely. Can you look at this?" Eda looks at her sisters phone and she reads the thing on the page. 

"TransgenderADJECTIVE: Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth."

Eda reads the definition a few times before looking at her sister. "Okay so...what do I call you now? Are you my sister now?" Lilith nods. "Mhm, I'm a girl now...well I always was-I'll explain in more detail later if you want but the basics is I go by She/Her pronouns, I'm your sister and I have a new name and it's Lilith." Eda smiles bright and hugs Lilith. "HECK YEAH I ALWAYS WANTED A SISTER!" Lilith hugs her younger sister. "Thank you.." She lets tears of joy fall down her cheeks. "Are you okay Lilith..?" She nods, wiping her eyes. "Sorry...I'm just happy you're okay with it.." Eda smiles up at her sister. "Don't worry I'll always love you! Nothing can change that."

-YEARS later-

   Lilith looks at her family, Luz, Eda, King, many more. She smiles, she looks in the mirror of the hallway. "I knew I'd look great." She chuckles, Eda looks over at her sister. "Hey Lily?" She looks back at her, and Eda hands her a pin. 'Self mad woman' it reads, the transgender flag as it's background. "I meant what I said that day." Eda says before walking off to join Luz and Amity for punch. Lilith smiles softly, she puts the pin on her shirt, she likes it. Lilith chuckles, looking at the pin. "Damn right I'm a self made woman." Lilith chuckles, "And no one forget it."  

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