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Ship(s): Lumity.

  The Blight kids have been staying at the Owl House, though Eda, Luz and Lilith don't know why but they think it's better for them, after all they should be safer here. It's early in the morning and Lilith looks at Amity. "...Is that a hickey?" Amity looks at her neck and goes red. "No! It's a mosquito bite!" Edric chuckles. "'Must've been a huge mosquito then Mittens." Amity just sips on coffee. "Shut up-" Luz walks downstairs. "Amity care to explain this?" Lilith points at Luz's neck. "It's a mosquito bite." Emira and Edric look at each other. "Oh sure." Lilith brings Amity and Luz upstairs. "I'll help you hide them, Eda will kill me if she gets back and sees this." Lilith grabs some makeup and ice. Amity looks confused. "How do you-" Lilith sighs. "I was a teenager once too ya know. I just hope you two were safe." Amity goes bright red. "We didn' that just this." Lilith sighs. "OH THANK THE TITAN!" Luz just puts her face in her hands. "Luz it's fine, you're teenagers you're bound to do these things and don't think Eda's never gotten a few herself. God our mother was close to banning her from boys but...Eda had options." Lilith is soon done. "Now off to school, and try and keep your hands, and lips to yourselves." Luz rolls her eyes. "Lilith we're almost sixteen." 

  "That is not an excuse young lady!" Luz and Amity just go to get ready, and Edric and Emira refuse to leave Amity alone about it. She's used to it at this point but ugh. Their cowls thankfully hide a lot. "Miss Noceda?" Principal Bump asks. "Yes." "Why are you holding an ice pack to your neck are you hurt?" She shakes her head. "No, just a mosquito bite." Principal Bump sighs. "I swear those large mosquitos are going to kill me some day." He walks off and Willow looks at her. "I told you Lilith wouldn't buy that excuse. You're lucky it wasn't Eda."

  Luz shrugs. "Well at least it was fun making Lilith go mom mode." last period Eda breaks a window. "LUZ AND AMITY GET YOUR ASSES OUTSIDE. NOW!" Amity and Luz already know they're going to die. 

Sorry it's short I just kinda ran out of things to say

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