Gay Panic

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Ship(s): Jerbric (Jerbo x Edric) 

Honestly just Sam having fun writing gay stuff because he's gay

     Edric and Emira are in class, they're practicing changing eye color or shape, it depends on what they're struggling at most at the moment. Edric is struggling with shape. He sighs, bored out of his mind as he looks in the mirror at his eyes, drawing circles that makes his hand hurt after a while, hoping trying very hard to change the shape to a bigger yet more thinner shape. After a few failed attempts Jerbo walks in the class with a stack of papers. "Sorry to intrude I have some papers for your professor.." The professor turns to look at the lanky boy with the stack of papers. 

     "Oh yes set them on my desk thank you!" He nods and goes over to set them down, passing by Edric and Emira, though Emira is at the other table practcing color. He smiles at the two twins, Edric was in the middle of a spell circle and he lets out a small chuckle and smiles back at the boy, not realizing he messed up his spell and his eyes have turned to hearts, thankfully not the organ but the love-heart shape. Jerbo sees this and chuckles as he leaves, Emira looks at her brother, "Hey Ed you might wanna change your eyes back." She snickers, he looks confused before turning to the mirror and quickly changing them back to normal, hoping no one else saw. He groans to himself, hoping color isn't rising to his cheeks. 

     He tries to get back to work, trying not to let embarrassment take him over and by some miracle he actually passes his assignment and heads out to lunch, he spots Jerbo in the hallway and just..stares at him by the wall. It feels creepy so he stops, he just starts walking down the hall, hoping for all that he has to not be seen. Sadly the odds are not in his favor today because Jerbo sees him and says "Hey Edric!" While coming up to him "Sweet lord no.." Edric thinks as he reluctantly stops walking as Jerbo catches up with him. "Hey I saw your eyes earlier and I know you were in class but I was concerned so I told Viney and she said it could be "Heart eye disease" your eyes turn into heart organs actually, you turn blind and-anyways please see her I'm worried for your health and don't worry I'll think she'll be good to you, I mean she is dating your sister!" 

     Edric sighs in relief but sushes him. "You haven't told anyone Viney and Emira are dating have you?" Jerbo shakes his head, "No I haven't, why?" Edric panicks a bit. "Just keep it on the down low..the Blight family does have an image to keep up.." Jerbo nods, "Okay good. I won't tell anyone I'm glad I didn't." Edric nods, kinda finding it amusing how worried he i about his familes reputation and he feels..kinda good that Jerbo is concerned about him, Jerbo doesn't really keep up on his classmates unless he likes them well enough. He likes he's concerned about him, Edric would probably do the same if he thought Jerbo was sick or worse developing a deadly illness. Edric realizes he's been spacing out and he snaps back to reality but is confused to find Jerbo pulling him along into the healers office. "Viney I think it's getting worse!" Jerbo sounds nervous and Viney comes up to him. "Yeah take him to the pad I'll get some patches for it." Edric is confused before seeing a mirror they keep in the room that's also a cabinet for potions of sorts and he notices his eyes are once again, hearts. 

     He gets red in the face and changes them quickly. He just stays quiet, looking for a way to maybe make a funny remark to ease the situation. He doesn't know why his eyes are doing this or why he feels so he actually sick? Oh no what if he's actually sick, what if he goes blind from this? What's causing it, why is he feeling so sweaty? Is that a symptom? He's pulled out of his spiral of thoughts from Viney pulling him into a room. "Well I wasn't expecting to see a Blight twin today but Ed what's going on? Have you been feeling sick? If so for how long? When did your eyes start changing?" Edric just takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down because this is awkward. He just shrugs "I don't know..I don't think I've been feeling sick at all and I guess they've started since this morning in class when Jerbo came in with papers?" Viney nods, "Okay and you're an illusionist so were you practicing anything weird?" "Eye shape."

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