Past and Future

791 11 5

Ship(s): Jerbric.

  Edric smiles he looks over at his boyfriend. "Care to tell me where were going?" Jerbo shurgs "Nah I don't feel like it it's a surprise dumbass." Edric groans "You know I hate surprisesssssss!"

  Jerbo chuckles, "Too bad Ed you're getting surprised today." Edric whines but he tries to just wait it out. After about an hour or two they're finally at their destination. Jerbo takes Edric's hand and they get off the broom. Edric looks up and looks at the other boy.

  "Why here?"

  "Why not?"

   He can't argue with that. The two walk into the place, it's the remains of Hexside. The school was destroyed when they tried to free the land from Belos, it wasn't salvageable in the end. No one lost their lives fortunately, Belos was left powerless and now can't do harm at all to anyone. They saved the world together.

  Edric frowns, no one lost their lives but he remembers how much pain he was in when Jerbo eye got taken out, an eye patch is now over his eye whenever he's out. He knows it doesn't bother Jerbo but he hates the memory, he hated seeing Jerbo in pain.

  "Ed! Look!" Jerbo calls his boyfriend from the other side of the former hall, he seems excited about something. Edric teleports himself over. "Yeah?" Jerbo points to the floor and it's Grom's old enclosure, it's been dead for years now. "Remember how you asks me to From our senior year?" Edric laughs a bit.

  "Of course I do stupid! I made like 6 Illusions of myself guiding you through the school on our major date sites and then I led you to the plant classroom and I asked."

"Then I dropped the flower one of them gave me and I just hugged you and said yes. Was hard to hug you though you're way too short for me."

  Edric rolls his eyes. "Well you said yes to my short ass so shut up!" Jerbo pushes Edric playfully. "Remember when we showed up for Amity and Luz's graduation?"

"Yeah we spiked all the drinks there it was fun." Jerbo chuckles. "We almost killed Matt but yeah fun."

After hours of looking at their past it's late, they head back to Jerbo's broom and Edric looks back at his old school again. "Maybe we could remake it someday?" "You heard the Construction Coven it's not savable."

  Edric sighs. "Yeah I know..I just miss the place." Jerbo smiles. "Maybe you should stop dwelling on the past," Edric feels a wood chip hit the back of his head, he looks back at his boyfriend in confusion. "Did you t.."

  "And maybe you should start thinking about the future?" Jerbo smiles at Edric, "Could that future be with me, what about it shortass?" Jerbo looks at his boyfriend, he's really hoping for a yes but instead Edric just starts laughing, he can't stop.

  "W-Was this bad? Was it too cheesy? I'm sorry.." Edric holds his hand up, "No, no..." He walks up to his boyfriend and pulls him down. "Why the fuck would you need to ask me? You know I want a future with you dumbass...I love you."

  Jerbo smiles before Edric kisses him, he just pulls him deeper in before they fall to the ground, they used to do that all the time during winter. The two just end up laughing on the ground together, arms around the other and they're just happy, in full bliss with each other.

"Now give me the ring I gotta show off to my sisters." 

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