Gay Bastard Man

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My brain just wanted gay.

Happy New Year!

Ship(s): Gustholomule 

   Mattholomule looks at his wall, it's bee hours he's been trying to study this one stupid lesson. He just decides to fill in random answers, he sees no point in actually trying. He knows he isn't going to be the top student by far. His track is always overlooked by more impressive ones, being the top Construction track student is like being the top at average grades. He groans, closing his book and stuffing his homework in his bag, then just flopping on his bed, he's finally done with his work, hard work that probably won't amount to anything. He wonders why he chose this stupid track in the first place but he knows for a fact he likes it but damn does it get tiring to be put behind the Abomination witches, Illusionists and the Potion brewers, more 'main stream' magic he guesses.

   Construction of course has it's perks even if being less known about but if it's the only thing you're doing it gets really boring really fast. He enjoys his work and he always has but Hexside hasn't always made it fun. More specifically the students attending. He of course...was a little shit when he was thirteen and he will often look back on that and cringe at how stupid he was, though he will always have a flare and desire for cold, hard drama! He's fifteen now, sure still young but he's chilled out quite a bit from that stupid bastard he was a few years ago, mainly from getting almost killed multiple times and being saved by the very kid he hated the most. 

Agustus Porter.

   He frowns a bit at the boys name popping to his head. "Stupid fucking-" He mumbles, the rest is a blur to him as he just looks at his ceiling, why couldn't he defend himself? People in his track were supposed to be strong in magic and in just general strength yet he kept getting saved by a a stupid illusionist, his stupid plant friend, the stupid human and her stupid girlfriend! Although Gus has made a lot of problems with, and for Mattholomule Matt has caused his fair share of trouble for the both of them. As much as Matt hates Gus to the core he's always thankful that Gus has saved his life, no matter how pissed he was at the time of his saving, how cursed he was, how much pain he was in Gus had saved him, either alone or with his friends it was always Gus who got to him first, Gus who told him to shut the fuck up to save their lives on more than one occasion.

   Though despite all of the chaos, adventure, near death experiences Mattholomule can't help but wish he was closer to Gus than he was, sure they're closer than they were those years ago, almost friend like as they've been stuck together for a few periods and the water being cleared between them over time with each other, granted they're both salty over a few things but who wouldn't be if the other was taken over by mind controlling viruses and tried to kill the other at least twice? Despite their past and of course past is in the past, it will remain there he really wishes he could be closer with Gus, he thinks it's simply out of respect or just wanting to know the guy who's saved his life multiple times and the guy he's saved multiple times from the dumbest situations but little does he know it's something deeper, something...someone won't like very much.


   A few weeks go by, and Mattholomule was stuck with Gus and co at study hall, the upper classmen are out today so no sight of the Blight twins or the kids they're usually around from the Dual-Track. He thinks it'll go fine without them and it is until of course someone in his track knocks over a really big book shelf with magic, they're a first year so they of course aren't going to be very into their element. Matt however is a bit late to the warning and doesn't notice until last second, he lets a scream escape him as he tried to run from it until...he's...not?  Crushed? He looks around, very confused as to why he isn't in immense pain and being scooted off to the Healers Clinic but instead he realizes he isn't crushed, but in the air, well he's off the floor. He looks down before looking to his side.

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