Dresses and Dysphoria

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Trans Vinira for the soul.

Ship(s):Vinira (obviously)

  Viney is sitting in a dress shop, her girlfriend is trying on dresses for the spring and upcoming summer. Dresses aren't really her thing, they are her girlfriends thing though. She's here for her because she knows how that first dress or skirt feels, she started transitioning around three years ago, the first skirt felt great and now she gets to see Emira's first.

  She's sitting outside a little dressing cubby of a dressing room, no one else is here it's pretty late but that's the plus of having a mom who owns a dress shop.

  Emira comes out in a white dress, flowy mesh sleeves with daisies sewn into them, it goes a bit past her knees with a waist belt.

"How does this look?" She asks, she likes the dress but all she can hear is her mother's voice Boys shouldn't wear dresses. Her mother would always say that when she expressed even the slightest interest doing traditionally girly things.

  her younger sister and her brother did their best to support her. Her father never really stepped in to stop Odalia from doing or saying the hateful things she did, however inaction can be just as bad as action.

She looks at her girlfriend who's stunned in silence. She can't even speak she's so disgusted the horrible voice says again.

  "Well?" She asks anxiety creeps through her mind she doesn't like it. Who would? No one wants to see such a masculine looking boy wearing something like this. It isn't pure. It isn't right. Viney would look better in it look at her. She's more of a woman than you are, wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman. It makes you a liar.

"I like it." Those words cut though the wall her minds been building. Viney likes it. "I think you look pretty, I think whites your color Em." She smiles.

  "I think the yellow brings out your eyes a bit. Maybe we could look at earrings too, no offense but I don't think stealing your mom's earrings is a good look on anyone." She says, eyeing the golden spheres that hang onto the green haired girls ears.

  Emira doesn't know how but she started crying. "Emira?" Viney asks concerned, walking up to her. Emira backs up. "I'm sorry I just.." She wipes her eyes, trying not to let more tears fall, it isn't very ladylike to cry in a dress shop. "I thought you didn't like it is all."

  "Why? Sorry if it took me a bit I was just blown away. I haven't really gotten the chance to see you all dolled up like this." Viney chuckles, taking her girlfriends hand, Emira let's her take it. "I was thinking about what my mother told me a few days ago. I think Luz told you." Amity is close with Luz and Luz is close with Viney, Luz is in her classes so it's only natural Luz would probably be the one to tell her.

  Viney frowns "She did but your mom's word means nothing. You're a woman just as much as I am, just as much as Amity is, just as much as Luz. Just as much as any woman and no offense but I don't think your mother is much of a good woman herself, so maybe not her, your sister is more respectable."

  "Agreed, sorry for this. Today was supposed to be fun..I doubt you were excepting all of this today. Should we just check out and leave? Maybe get a bite to eat on the way home?" Viney nods, "Today was fun, I spent it with you after all, and sure whatever you want princess."

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