How do they do it?

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Jerbo and  Edric trying to ask each other out and they ask their friends for advice. 

Ship(s): Jerbric

   Edric and Jerbo have been texting all night, but Jerbo just passed out so Edric left it alone, it's around 2AM and he looks out his window, he's liked Jerbo for quite some time and he's flirted with him off and on, Jerbo doing it back of course because they're both gay but sadly oblivious. Edric decides to ask Emira and Amity in the morning for advice, they're both dating someone so he's sure they'll know what to do. 

   Edric gets up the next day and goes to find Emira. "Hey Emmmmm?" Emira looks at her brother, "Yeah what?" "Please tell me how I get someone to like me. I'm awkward and gay as hell help me!" Emira chuckles. "Okay Ed sit down."  Sadly Emira is also a gay disaster. "Okay so-" Emira gives him the whole lesbian flirting dictionary. Edric pulls out a notepad and takes notes because he doesn't want to get anything wrong. "Okay so how do I ask about his style without asking about his style?" Emira chuckles. "Okay like check him out a bit-" This goes on for a few hours and Edric goes up to his room to study his new ways of flirting. 

   Meanwhile Jerbo is doing the same thing, he asks Viney for some advice on flirting and Viney being the lesbian she is does the same thing. Jerbo studies his new methods too and the next day they decide to put them into play, they're both understandably nervous to do this and Edric decides to do it first and he finds Edric, he gets infront of him and leans against the wall. "Hey...I like your style.." He says, giving him the eye search. He realizes how awkward this is, "Uhh..yeah you have a nice style...I like it.."Jerbo chuckles. "Thanks Edric, I like yours too...very girl in red." Edric nods, smiling. "Yeah...have a nice day-" Jerbo just gives awkward finger guns. They quickly run off from each other and Edric just kinda dies in the other hallway. "Oh no that was so awkward.." He groans and Jerbo is also dying in another hallway. "Why did I say that? Maybe I should've asked someone else? What if he hates me now?" 

   At lunch Jerbo finds Viney. "Yeah it didn't work, thanks anyway.." Viney frowns. "I mean Emira told me about it...I still can't believe you said that." Jerbo looks at her. "You told me to!" Viney nods. "Yeah true. about you try being yourself like in the movies?" Jerbo rolls his eyes. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm gay as hell and don't know how to flirt at all an-" Edric taps Jerbo's shoulder. "Hey, meet me in the hallway will ya?" Jerbo freaks the hell out. "Uhh sure..." Edric and Jerbo walk out of the lunch room and Edric looks back at Emira. She gives a thumbs up while Amity just facepalms. Edric just tries to ignore it. Soon they're out and Edric just looks at Jerbo. "Okay earlier was awkward and dumb, I'm guessing we asked two dumb lesbians on how to flirt with guys which they don't know how to do and I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm nervous, I like you, you're really nice, I got scared and so I asked someone else on how to ask you out because I don't know how to ask you out myself and I'm so-" Edric is cut off by Jerbo's lips. 

   "Okay you don't need to explain conclusion we're both gay idiots and panicked." Jerbo smiles before seeing Edric's shocked expression. "Oh no did I make the wrong move? Oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin anything I rea-" Edric kisses Jerbo, chuckling. "No sorry...I-...I gay..." Jerbo laughs a bit. "I gay too.." They both just end up laughing with each other in the hallway before Principal Bump smacks them on the head with a newspaper. "PDA is against the rules." Edric blows a raspberry before kissing Jerbo's cheek. 

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