Stupid bi and Stupid lesbian

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Ship(s): Lumity

Also guys I'm debating on writing a whole fanfiction based on Jerbric and that should be up...whenever I get everything sorted out in it lol though I'm not sure about going through with it but knowing me I'll try. So have that little update about my work. 

Luz is on her way to the Blight manor, Eda and Lilith made her bundle up A L O T because protective mom and aunt. She knocks on the door and Emira answers. "Hey Luz. MITTENS! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" Amity runs down the stairs. "EMIRA OH MY TITAIN STOP I KNOW IT'S LUZ YOU CAN JUST SAY LUZ IS HERE!" Amity comes to the door to meet Luz. "Okay wow they made you bundle didn't they?"  Luz nods, chuckling. "Yeah, anyways are we ready to go?" She smiles. "Yeah we are.." Emira lets them leave and they head out to the woods, lots of study dates are common for these two and they're studying wild magic with each other and wanting to see if Luz can discover more glyphs. 

   Luz is just kinda boppin' along with Amity, her brain however is going insane because Amity's winter clothes change a lot and she looks really cute. Amity is of course dying too because she thinks Luz is just cute for existing, Amity looks at Luz hand, really wanting to hold her hand. Amity just sighs and goes for it. "For warmth.." She says, blushing hard with Luz doing the same but holding hers in return. They're dating sure but they're still as awkward as the day they realized they liked each other, they walk the whole way holding hands and when they get there they set up everything they need. Luz looks at the stuff they need, she brought plenty of notebooks and paper just to practice glyphs. "Okay Amity we have everything." She nods, "Okay then so let's get practicing." They get right to it and Amity is trying to improve her fire and make abominations out of different materials than just goop as it would be very useful, Luz is looking for different glyphs in the snow or just up in the sky, there isn't much Luz can really do as she has ice and light glyphs, she's not really sure on what she can study for the mean time. 

   She just looks at Amity and...studies her studying. Amity is trying her best but if it took her a while to get down a decent real abomination it's going to be a lot harder to actually make one put of basically nothing and she can feel Luz's eyes on her but she tries her best to not focus on it...but it's all she can do. She focuses all her strength into the snow...and she does it, a tiny abomination is in the snow where Amity focused. "Luz, LUZ I DID IT!" She looks at her, and Luz just looks at the cute tiny snow abomination. "Amity you did it!" They both just get really excited and soon they hear a very loud roar. "...Run?" Luz asks. "Run." Amity answers and run they do, they just run as fast as they can. The roars get closer and louder, they run faster, Amity's outfits end sup getting REALLY ripped because they came in via a lit of pointy sharp vines and when they're finally out of the forest Luz looks at the damage and groans. "Oh wow."

Amity looks at her outfit. "No don't worry I'll be okay, our lives are more important than any outfit I own." Luz nods and looks at the damage, "I probably shouldn't be saying this but you look really pretty in a ripped up outfit.." Amity looks at her outfit and she realizes it's...revealing. "LUZ SHUSH!" Luz chuckles. "Sorry I had to joke with you, anyways  I have a sweater in my bag." Luz gives Amity the sweater and Amity puts it on, liking she's less revealed now. "You can look now." Luz chuckles. "Even prettier!" They soon hear the roaring again and they just start running as fast as they can to the opening of the forest.

 "No more forest dates?" Amity asks. "No more forest dates." Luz answers, out of breath. They both decide to just head back to the manor, they get back and they just go to Amity's room. "We seriously need to learn to be quiet in the woods." Amity chuckles, "We really do though.." 

  Amity takes her ponytail out. " we just stay in and relax today?" Luz thinks. "I mean sure, how about movies and cuddles?" Amity smiles. "Perfect." They sit down to watch a movie and about 20 minutes in Luz gets bored because ADHD brain needs stimulation. She looks at Amity and just decides to stare at her, Amity is all the visual stimulation Luz needs to be calm and focused, or just having Amity around, Amity is almost like ADHD meds to Luz. So she just stares at her pretty girlfriend, Amity is used to this, Luz does it A LOT even before they started dating, Amity holds Luz's hand and Luz holds her hand back happily, she just zones out and has fun looking at her girlfriend as the movie plays in the background. The movie ends after a while and Amity looks at Luz. "So our movies over, or was the movie more background noise to you?" Luz shrugs. "Meh both...Another?"  Amity chuckles. "Luz I think if you stare at me any longer I'll die of gayness." Luz chuckles. "Fine, fine.." Luz and Amity soon just end up playing music together and they get to "Dancing Queen" By ABBA. Amity turns that good shit all the way up.

   Luz smiles and grabs Amity's hand, pulling her close and Amity holds Luz close in return and they just end up dancing together, and singing the song at the top of their lungs, laughing as they do. "YOU CAN DAAANCE! YOU CAN JIIIIVE! HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIIIIFE!" They both sing happily and probably the whole damn town can hear the two of them. "SEE THAT GIRL? WATCH THAT SCENE! DIG IN THE DANCING QUEEN!" They just end up laughing as the song fades out. "...We are so dumb.." Amity chuckles, smiling over at her girlfriend and Luz smiles back, giggling. "Yeah...Geeze I love you." Amity's cheeks go a very deep red. "I love you too Luz.." They smile at each other and share a kiss. 

   Luz soon went home and she goes to find Eda. "Hey  Eda...have you ever been in love?" Eda thinks. "Well I've had MANY boyfriends Luz, and girlfriends but no I don't think I've been in love...why do you think Amity's the one for you? That's a big thought Luz, you're only fourteen kiddo." Luz nods. "I-I know but...I really think so.." Eda smiles, ruffling her hair. "I once met a human girl actually...funny, I thought she was the one too, haven't seen her since I was seventeen." Luz chuckles. "Though if you think she's the one I can't blame you at all kiddo. I think you two make an amazing match." Luz hugs Eda, "Thank you Eda.." Eda hugs her back. "You're welcome Luz." 

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