Somethings Off

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I did it, it's short so I can keep up with my other ideas.

Ship(s):..Lumity? Logicality???? It's an AU idk what to call it-

 Logan groans "Remus I don't know why you're dragging me around like this-" "Because Janus was going to be around today and I wanna see him and Patton is going to be around and I thought I'd drag you here." Logan blushes. "Why? Why would you think I'd want to be here just because Patton is here, that makes no sense I'm his friend and there's nothing more, also why did you bring me out to see him when you know I look like this? I'll make a fool of mys-" Remus isn't paying attention. "Oh neat there they are." He says, calling them over and Logan panicks as Patton gets closer with Janus and his entire face goes red. "Remus I am going to kill you-Hi PatTon-" 

  Patton smiles, "Hey! Janus wanted to take me out today! Virgil was going to come but he was out with Roman soooo ya know, couple stuff!" "C-Couple stuff...yeah.." Patton tilts his head, "You alright? Your face is really red...are you sick? Why didn't you tell Remus? Or at least tell me? You shouldn't be out today!" Logan tries to contain himself. "No, no I'm okay...just hot-NO-" He looks down awkwardly, he's dying on the inside. "It's January..?" Patton says confused and Remus is trying not to laugh at his younger brother being a gay idiot. "His room is really hot Pat, that's why he spends a lot of time in that hideout of his at school." "OH COOL! I really wanna check that place out more...maybe you could take me and show me sometime?" He looks at Logan hopefully and Logan just nods. "You? Me? Alone? Together...close? SURE!" He nods again, he seems really eager.

   "Hey goop for brain, maybe stop acting like Pensta translate and just talk to him like a normal person-" Remus whispers. "It's kinda hard when I'm deeply in the closet and gay as fuck."  He growls back. 

"Hey Pat you can go now." Remus says. "REALLY?!" "Yeah knock yourself out, Logy take him." "Wha-..f-fine.." He sees how excited Patton is so he decides to do it, they head to Logan's hideout and spend the day there, Logan slowly dying on the inside and when Patton has to leave he just screams into his diary, cursing Remus out the whole time he does it.

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