One Gay Hangout

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Ship(s): Jerbric, Vinmira

     Edric is walking with Emira to Jerbo's plac for a hangout/Emira and Viney's date he looks at his sister who seems pretty calm and he's trying to calm his nerves but he's really freaking out. "Emira I don't know what to do, what do I even say? What if  I mess everything up and he goes back to thinking I'm some rich snob and I say something mean by accident! I don't think I can do thi-" "EMIRA!" He's interrupted by Viney's voice and his sister being kisses by her girlfriend. Jerbo being right next to her. "Viney at least let her step in the house first!" He chuckles, "Shush and lemme kiss my pretty girlfriend." She sticks her tongue out at him, he sticks his out back. "Anyways you guys come right in!" He opens the door for everyone and of course they all come in.

     Emira gives her brother a reassuring smile, he's still nervous as all hell. "Oh Jerbo are these your friends?" A woman asks, "Yeah mom. Edric and Emira Blight, and of course you know Viney." Emira smiles. "Nice to meet you." Edric waves to Jerbo's mother, "Hi Mrs. Hiraeth." She chuckles, "Please call me Jan." He nods, internally gagging at how formal he just acted but he wants to make a good impression on Jerbo's mom. "So is your..partner home?" "Oh no, they aren't." He nods. "Anyways I know why Emira and Viney are here and you girls can just stay here or explore our house if you want. However keep everythin-" 

     "Mom I think they get it!" Jerbo says, cutting his mom off and she chuckles. "Okay..and the same goes for you and Edric here." Jerbo's cheeks turn red. "Moooom.." She smiles, letting the kids do their own thing, she trusts her sons friends. Edric of course wonders what his mom meant by that but he knows the implication, of course he acts like it doesn't bother him but he's dying on the inside. Emira and Viney go off to do their own thing together, after all it is their date. Jerbo and Edric let them go off and Jerbo looks at Edric. "So..wanna head up to my room?" Edric looks back at him and nods. "Duh!" Jerbo gets up and Edric follows him upstairs to his room, and Edric is freaking out "What does this mean? Is this a friend thing or an 'I like you' thing? Is he trying to tell me he likes me? Or am I reading this wrong?"  Jerbo notices Edric's racing mind, "You okay there Edric?" He snaps out of it and nods. "Yeah! Sorry I'm just a bit nervous..I've never really been to friends houses before." Jerbo looks a bit confused but decides to just let it go as he opens the door to his room 

     "Welcome to my room." Jerbo says, smiling at Edric and he looks at the room, there's a few books, a desk, a small plant pot that's empty, a big bed and of course all kinds of school things, Edric smiles, of course Jerbo is a nerd. "So what's with the plant? I know you're in the plant track but shouldn't a plant?" Jerbo chuckles he doesn't say a word but he does make a spell circle, and as he finishes an abomination made out of dirt comes out of the pot, coming up to Edric and Edric..loves it. "Okay but it's cute." It's small and it looks..a bit like Edric. "What someone on your mind while you were making this little guy?" Jerbo rolls his eyes. "In your dreams." Edric smiles and pats the abominations head, the abomination pats Edric's hand in return. "I like this little guy." Jerbo smiles bright. 

     "I do too.." That's not the only guy Jerbo likes in this room. Jerbo makes the abomination go back to it's pot and it's once again, dirt. "I forget you're a multi tracker sometimes." Edric says while going to sit on the floor and Jerbo grabs his arm. "Hey...come sit on my bed...the floors cold..."Edric nods, going a little red, "Yeah..I will." Jerbo lets go of Edric's arm and Edric grabs Jerbo's hand. He of course panics at this, he didn't mean to grab his hand but decides to suck it up and go with it. "You aren't getting away that easy plant boy." Jerbo blushes, but grips his hand a bit tighter. "Then I won't let you get away either Blight.." Edric's cheeks turn red, but he keeps it going. "..Uhh f-first one to let go owes the winner lunch."

     Jerbo chuckles. "Okay you're on Edric." They sit down on Jerbo's bed and Jerbo asks. "So any idea on what we do in the mean time?" "I don't know I could tell you you're adorable."  Edric thinks but says. "I have Witchflix on my phone..that's what Luz calls it so I'm gonna use it, if you wanna watch something in the meantime?" Jerbo shrugs. "Okay let's see what's on." Edric pulls his phone out and he sets it up and they end up watching something random, some movie and it's cheesy, very cheesy and at some point..a characters eyes turn into love-hearts and Jerbo chuckles. "Sorry I just..your eyes did that and it's funny to think about now." Edric blushes. "I'm never going to live that down am I?" Jerbo puts his free hand to his chin playfully. "Hmmmmm no." Edric laughs a bit. "Yeah I saw that coming." They keep watching the scene and at some point Jerbo lays on Edric's shoulder. Edric looks at Jerbo. "Don't get too comfy over there." "Shush you I'm trying to watch the show." Edric rolls his eyes, and his heart is pounding right now. 

     After the movie ends Emira calls for Edric. "Ed! Hey! We're having dinner with Amity and Luz at our place alright?" Edric gets up with Jerbo's hand still being held. "What are you doing?" "I didn't hear Emira." They walk back out with their fingers still locked together. "Yeah Em?" "We're having dinner with Luz and Amity...what's going on?" "A bet." The two boys say in unison. "And that bet is?" Emira asks. "The loser owes the winner..a kiss." Edric answers. Jerbo looks at Edric, his face bright red. "You said lunch." "Changed my mind." "Jerbo Edric's a flirt he's probably joking." Viney says. Jerbo gets an idea. He let's go of his hand, confusing Edric. "Why'd yo-"

    He doesn't get to finish his question as Jerbo kisses him. "If you wanted a kiss you could've just asked.." Edric.EXE has stopped responding and he just stammers out "I-I..wh-you.." Emira and Viney start cracking up at the sight and Jerbo starts cracking up too. Soon they're all laughing at Edric being frozen in shock and soon he finally snaps out of it and his face looks like a tomato with green hair. He looks at them. "Jerbo you jerk you think that's funny?" Jerbo nods. "Yes, yes I do." Edric makes a small noise of offense. "Oh I'll show you funny!" He kisses Jerbo and doesn't let Jerbo pull away and Jerbo kisses him back. "Now that is how you kiss a boy.." Edric says, embarrassed he did that in front of Emira and Viney but Jerbo asks, "What like this?" Jerbo kisses Edric and wraps his arms around his shoulders and Edric chuckles and kisses him back and deep. "Yeah.." He says happily, smiling, both of their faces flushed. Emira pulls her brother away. "Jerbo stop perving on my brother." "I'm not perving on him!" He says, laughing before looking at Edric. "So..boyfriends?" Edric nods, smiling like a dork. "Boyfriends.." 

     Emira rolls her eyes, smiling. "Okay, okay you gay asses we have a dinner to get to with our sister and Luz so I hate to break this up but we need to go." Edric whines. "Do we need to?" Emira sticks her tongue out at her brother. "Yes. You can be gay with your new boyfriend after the dinner. Also bye Viney~" She kisses her girlfriends cheek, Viney kissing hers back. "Bye Emira~" Emira and Edric head to leave. "Bye Edric!" Jerbo says as they leave. "Bye Jerbo!" 

    "You're going to tell Amity everything aren't you?" Edric asks after they leave. "Oh of course I am Eddy." Edric groans, smiling. "I hate you." "I know you do." 

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