Viney the Team Medic

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Ship(s):  Vinira

  Viney has been the Team Medic for the Grudgby team for a while, she doesn't like Boscha much if she's being honest but she likes working there with the other players as they're very nice. Boscha does not treat Viney well and her team is a bit too afraid to speak up on it, though they constantly apologize for Bosha's doings to Viney when they get the chance. Viney takes it, knowing there isn't much she can do as Boscha is the star of Hexside. Today, however, was very different.

  Viney had water set up for everyone in a cooler and she has a bag of medical equipment out of basic procedure. She's watching on the side lines. Luz, Amity and Edric actually decided to play against Boscha and her posse. Emira was going to come for support but she got held up, she'll be around as soon as she can be, she made a promise. Viney watches as they all play after a bit of just watching she spaces out. She knows with Edric and a person like Luz no one is getting hurt and if they do they'll come to her instantly or just yell her name which is easy, she's spaced out, sometimes zoning back in to see what's going on, hearing snip-its of sounds, plays and voices. She hears a voice sounding like Bosha's before she hears Luz yell.

  "VINEY! WATCH OUT!" Though Viney's reaction time is slow as thorn ball hits her square in the eye. Viney screams in pain as the thorn pierces her eye. Boscha was the one who threw the ball, Viney takes the ball away from her eye and she sees blood, and quite a bit of it. She isn't equipped to deal with this on her own so she'll need to go to the clinic in school. Viney decides to take the ball with her. Edric goes up to her and holds her arm. "I'll help you get there Vi." He says, helping her up and grabbing the ball, her eye is bleeding and bleeding badly as it throbs with immense pain so she's probably having trouble. "Thanks Ed.." She says, "No prob." He smiles and they get there in no time.

  Emira throws the door open and finds Viney. "Who did this to you?" She asks calm yet her voice is laced with both pain and absolute anger. "Boscha." Edric answers. "Emira please don't try and hurt her." Viney says, a healing patch on her eye, her eye should be okay in about a week, the plant really did damage on her. "Oh no I'll do something worse and get her kicked off the Grudgby team and never be able to join back no matter how hard she tries." Of course being the oldest daughter of the Blight family gives her a lot of power, but Viney would rather not give Boscha a fate worse than death. "As much as I think it's deserving don't. How make her apologize, she doesn't get to play for this semester and she needs to stop treating me horribly?" Emira looks at the Grudgby coach, "I'm sorry how has Boscha been treating Viney?" He rolls his eyes. "Listen I don't know, ask the team." She sighs "Fine." Her voice has a growlish tone, she leaves. 

  "Boscha." Emira grabs her by her shirt collar, looking her dead in the eyes. "You. Me. Bump's office. Now." Everyone looks at the two girls and Boscha, with any other student would probably act as if she didn't care but this is Emira Blight, parents with a status even higher than her own, not by much but just enough to hold some form of power over Boscha's place in Hexside. "Fine." She says and to  Bump's office they go. Viney of course joined them as she's the one whos gotten hurt. 

  Principal Bump looks at the three girls. "Take a seat please." They do, "Now Viney, as the one who's gotten hurt please explain what's happened. Boscha you may go next and Emira you go after Boscha. Understood?" They all nod. Viney speaks up. "Granted I probably should have been paying more attention to my surroundings as I am the team medic so I take responsibility for that, however Boscha did hurt my eye to the point our strongest healing patch is going to take a week or close to one to heal my eye. Clearly Boscha was aiming a bit too hard to a person closer to her to hurt me, a person in the stands so badly. I can show you the wound if you'd like me to?" He shakes his head, "No you should be healing as much as possible, now anything else you would like to add?" Viney shakes her head. "Alight now Boscha." Emira looks angrily at her and Boscha rolls her eyes. "Boscha. Speak." Principal Bump says. "I would if Emira could stop being so angry at me for aiming a ball." 

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