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Ship(s): Lumity

    Amity looks over at Luz, they're in class and Luz is trying her best to make a small abomination. She smiles at Luz trying so hard and she thinks for a bit before saying "Hang on, don't you do all magic with glyphs?" Luz nods, "Yeah why?" Amity makes a tiny abomination walk over to Luz. "You know with other glyphs you had to actually interact with something or find it if it was natural? Interact with my abomination, try and see if you can find a glyph and then see what you can do okay?" Luz smiles. "Amity that' amazing idea." Luz has fun with Amity's abomination, honestly just being herself with it and the professor doesn't mind, knowing Luz needs to learn Magic by interaction as it doesn't come naturally. Soon Luz sees a marking on its hand. "Here!" She draws the glyph on paper, Amity pulls her abomination back and it's right next to her. 

  Luz touches the glyph and a small abomination comes from the paper. "Amity oh my gosh I did it!  I DID IT!" The professor looks at the two of them. "Everything okay ladies?" Amity nods. "Yeah Luz finally got her first abomination down." The professor comes over and looks at Luz's abomination. "Wow, can she command it though?" He asks. Luz shrugs. "Abomination walk." She says and it starts walking towards Amity. "Abomination stop." Luz says, it does so. Luz thinks and gives the Abomination a little sticker, they're very important to have you know. "Abomination gift." Amity's confused until the abomination puts the sticker on her cowl. it's a star sticker. "Okay, A+ Luz. It's a start, I'll like to see what you can do in the future." 

  Luz smiles and hugs Amity. "I did it! I did it Amity! Thank you so much for your help!" Amity blushes, chuckling nervously. "Yeah y-you're welcome Luz." She smiles. Luz lets her go and heads to lunch, and soon the day is over. Amity and Luz are getting books back in their lockers and just finishing up their day together and Luz thinks for a bit. " you want to sleep over at mine for a night..I just kinda think it'd be fun." Luz smiles and Amity nods, her face bright red. "Yeah...sure me, you, cute pajamas, movies, books...snacks..."  She chuckles. "I-I'll see you there Luz I'll get Ed and Em to take me later. How's four?" Luz nods, ", you..movies.." Luz chuckles. "OH! Yeah! Four's great! I'll see you there!" Luz smiles and heads out, now just needing to get the okay from Eda.

  "Edaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Luz says, getting home and Eda gets over. "Yeah Luz?" Luz looks up at her. "Hey  Eda, uhhh can Amity stay over for the night...she's coming over later." Eda nods. "Oh sure! You two are gettin' close aren't ya Luz?" Luz looks confused. "Huh? I mean yeah we're getting but you're using the voice that you make when you found out Lilith had a crush on tha-" Lilith groans. "WE DO NOT DISCUSS MY CRUSH ON THAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER!" She yells from the other side of the house. Eda laughs a bit. "No Luz...I think Amity likes you. Like...she like likes you." Luz snickers. "Nah, stop being weird! She doesn't like me like that." Luz's cheeks go pink...she likes her like that. Eda notices. "Oh my T-KING! LILITH! OH MY TITAIN IT'S HAPPENING!" King rushes into the room. "WHEN DID LUZ LOSE HER HEART!? IS SHE DYING!? WHO TOOK IT?!" 

  Lilith runs into the room, she's a mess and her makeup is half done. "Really?! Is it finally happening? I THOUGHT IT NEVER WOULD!" Luz looks very confused. "What are you guys talking about?" She asks and Eda just smiles down at Luz. "YOU'VE GOT A CRUSH KIDDO! AND NOT ON A FICTIONAL CHARACTER THIS TIME!" Luz's cheeks go bright red. "No! NO! You guys have me all wrong, I don't like Amity! She's my friend not..not-" Lilith ruffles Luz's hair. "Come with me." She says. Luz nods, her face still burning hot with embarrassment. Lilith takes her back to her room and Lilith decides to finish her makeup. "Luz how do you feel about Amity?" She asks and Luz thinks. "Well I think she's smart, charming, nice, she makes me laugh, she's one heck of a fighter and she can use her mind to get out of anything. Her power is strong, she works so hard to be better than she already is and she keeps getting more powerful little by little, not to mention she's beautiful, she's breathtaking, amazing...she's Amity Blight...and I'm Luz Noceda.." 

  Lilith looks confused. "What do you mean by your Luz  Noceda?" Luz sighs. "I'm not from here, I can barely make an abomination and preform magic, sure I have MY magic but I don't know how powerful it can get or how, I'm HUMAN! Amity is strong, powerful, confident, BEAUTIFUL! And I'm...a human." Lilith nods. "Yes, you are human. You're strong, emotional, you can get through things witches thought were impossible, you stopped the 'one witch, one coven' track of thinking, helped multiple witches do what makes them happy and you're bringing more love and happiness into our world by the day. So yes, you're Luz Noceda but Luz Noceda is a hero."

   Luz smiles, hugging Lilith. "Thank you.." Lilith isn't used to hugs and she hugs Luz back, not sure how she should do it. " get ready for your little sleepover with your...girlfriend." Lilith smirks. Luz groans, "She's not my girlfriend!" Lilith smiles. "Sure she's not, now put things together." Luz leaves and starts setting things up for her and Amity. Eda went out to get snacks for them, stealing a few bags for herself. Lilith set up Luz's room really nice, of course they're gonna help  Luz out on her first date. King is just confused but also trying his best to make the house look nice, he doesn't want his best bud having a horrible first date with a girl she really likes, even if she might slowly be killing Luz by stealing her heart. 

  Soon they get a knock on the door and Lilith opens the door. "Hello Ami-" She sees Mr. Blight as Amity smiles. "Hey Lilith-LUZ!" Amity hugs Luz and Luz hugs her back, blushing a bit. "Hey Amity...missed you.." Lilith walks outside. "Alador what are you doing here? I thought the twins were going to bring Amity over?" Alador chuckles. "What? Not happy to see an old friend? Well Edric and Emira had plans with their partners today so I got stuck.." He pauses. "Well of course I'm happy to see you but...what's wrong?" Alador sighs. "Remember Jaiden?" He asks. Lilith covers her mouth. "You didn't.." He looks down, smiling. "I did." Lilith hugs Alador. "How did she react?" He hugs her back. "Well let's just say I need a new house...with four bedrooms, do you know anywhere?" Lilith nods, "YES! There are so many houses for sale I could help you and the kids go house hunting the kids know?" Alador shakes his head. "Not yet...I'm not even out to them yet." Lilith sighs. "I'll let the girls have a fun night, and I'll let you break the news okay?" Lilith asks, Alador smiling. "Of course." Alador soon leaves and Lilith goes to tell Eda.

  Amity and Luz are now alone in Luz's room, watching Azura movies and they're going to watch horror movies when the night gets darker. 

  The movies have aged and it's clear, they laugh at how bad the acting is, how inaccurate they are to the books and they're honestly just bashing on them but they're still enjoying the movies. Luz loves hearing Amity laugh, it's a nice laugh, dorky even...she loves it. She looks at the movie and smiles. "At least they got the color of her hair right." Amity nods, "Yeah and everything else they did...okay? But her friends...ugh they did them dirty." Luz chuckles. "Yes! Luz I swear movies about books suck but you know the reasons." Luz nods, it is hard to adapt a book into a movie because books can be read in all kinds of different ways but a movie limits it down a lot. They get to a scene where there's a lesbian couple kicking some serious butt. "I really live their relationship in the books...rivals to lovers is my favorite trope after all." Amity says, smiling. "They're just...really cute." Luz nods in agreement. "They are really cute! I love them so much! Azura was such a good friend to them.." Amity turns to face Luz. "Funny...they look a bit like us." Luz faces Amity, their noses touching. "Hu-BUA-Sorry!" Luz pulls back, blushing a deep red, Amity doing the same. "No! It's okay!" Luz chuckles, looking back at Amity. "I mean you're right they are a lot like us in looks and even actions." 

  Amity chuckles nervously. "Yeah you're right...their names even start with the same initials...and bi and lesbian..." Amity looks right back at Luz. "And...their first kiss was a lot like this." Luz says. They get closer and Luz just pulls Amity in, kissing her and Amity has a mental freak out but she kisses Luz back, holding her close. They just get a bit lost in each other. The movie ending is very loud so they pull apart in shock. The two girls look at each other and Amity smiles, starting to laugh a bit, Luz starts to do the same. They end up laughing for a few minutes together before they both finally start to calm down. "So...our first kiss was a reenactment of an Azura scene?" Amity asks, Luz nods, smiling like a huge idiot. "Might as well have been.." Amity holds Luz's hand. "Can we do it again..?" She asks, and Luz nods. "It would be an honor." They do it again, pulling away with smiles. Their hands interlocked.

  Though King comes in to ruin the moment. "Luz what's with all the laughing? I demand what's so funny!" Luz and Amity go red. "Uhhh Azura movies.." Eda picks up King. "King stop messing with their date." She says as she leaves and Luz groans. "Eda it's not a date!" Amity smiles, "It's not? Then why'd you kiss me?" Luz chuckles. "Oh trust me, I'll make out first date a lot better." Amity hugs Luz. "How can it get better if it's already perfect?" 

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