Viney The Team Medic Pt.2

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  Sorry this took so long I've been focusing on school and my Tumblr for smaller projects!

Question of the day cuz I like questions: What would your Coven Track(s) be? Mine would be Abomination and Illusion 

Ship(s): Vinira (I found out that's their actual ship name on Tumblr)

  Viney and Emira are in Emira's room, Viney is reading up everything she can on Grudgby although it's hard to read with just one eye while in pain so Emira got copies of the books she got and is reading them out loud to her to help which Viney appreciates. It takes hours to get through each book and tomorrow is practice with Edric, Amity and Luz who Viney will be playing with against the backup team, aka the team they show before letting Boscha and her team steal the show. They get through every book in about 8 hours and then they can finally stop. "Feel any better about this?" Emira asks "No." Viney responds, "I'm nervous about playing for the first time sure I know my basic plays from being the Team Medic but I've never actually had to play them before and I know what the Medic outfit looks like and you're gonna look really cute and then I won't be able to focus on the game an-" 

  Emira cuts her off with a kiss. "Shush. You'll do good with Amity training you, Edric has never been a huge sports person but I know he has basic knowledge and then a bit more and Luz...well we can do it. Eda was also star player in her day...granted she cheated but Lilith was team Captain so I think we'll be fine with everyone on deck, and you don't even need to worry about actually playing until you're healed." Viney sighs, "True but I'll need to play for two semesters and thank the Titan I get to leave last semester...and plus you're new to Healing magic! You know enough for injuries but not as much as I know and-UGH!" She puts her face in her hands. "Sorry I'm worried Em. Just if this," She points at her eye. "Happens to me I'm worried what will happen to you, or me on the field." Emira thinks, "You wanna know something? Luz's team would've won if Boscha hadn't caught the Rusty Smidge so maybe just try and get that? Try and avoid other players and at the same time you have some muscles on you right?" Viney nods, "True but I think the others would catch on to my plays quick.." 

  Emira nods, "True true but hey, you don't need to worry about it for a bit, now how about we try and relax for a bit with the time we still have?" Viney smiles. "Gladly...or I could teach you a bit of Healing?" She finds a cut she got from one of Jerbo's plant tools. "Try and heal this cut." Emira holds her girlfriends arm. "Okay if I'm right I go like this.." She glides her hand gently against the cut on the other girls arm and she focuses very, very hard on training magic onto it and after a few minutes Viney's cut is completely gone. Emira smiles, "I did it. I did it!" She looks excitedly at Viney who's smiling very wide like a huge dork. "You did it!" Sure it isn't the most impressive but it's an amazing start for a first time Healer. "Okay because I'm still doing Healing I could request you and I head down to the clinic and offer to see patients with minor injuries and see what you can do?" Emira nods, "Yes! Of course!" Obviously only if they're allowed, she doesn't want to risk making people's minor injuries major. 

  Viney chuckles, "Anyways how about I head downstairs and make us something to eat, I bet you're hungry." Emira grabs her hand. "No you don't need to you're hurt and I don't want you slicing your finger off because you couldn't see where you're cutting." Viney chuckles, "You sure or do you just not want me to leave?" Emira chuckles. "I'm sure. I'll make us something." Viney rolls her eyes playfully, "Whatever you say you totally just don't want me to leave because you're gay as hell, well too bad for you because I'm gay as hell too and I will be making food with you." Viney gets up, Emira knows she can't fight her girlfriend on this. "Okay then but if you get hurt it's not my fault and your mom can't kill me." Viney nods, "Noted."

  She opens the door for her girlfriend, "After you Princess Emira Blight." Emira chuckles, "Why thank you my good lady." They head down to the kitchen. "What do you know how to cook?" Viney shrugs, "I cook a lot but I can never remember certain things." Emira thinks. "I can make us mozzarella rings?" Viney cocks an eyebrow, "What's that?" Emira gasps. "You don't kno-that shall not stand, no. Sit down you have not lived until you've had these." Viney sits down and watches as her girlfriend makes these beautiful rings and Emira gives Viney some. "Eat 'em." She says, clearly excited her girlfriend is trying it. Viney bites into it and her eyes just get really wide. "Emira these are amazing." She finishes hers off in about 5 minutes. "I never knew you could cook." She says and  Emira chuckles. "I learned how to from my dad." Viney chuckles. "Makes sense." They head up back to Viney's room and Emira looks at the time. "Looks like I need to head home soon. How about after you're done training with Luz and everyone we do a few one on one games and see how you do?" Viney thinks for a bit. "Okay good, that sounds good more practice for me and possible Medic training for you if anyone gets hurt."

  Emira gets up, kissing Viney's cheek. "See you tomorrow Hon." Viney pulls Emira down. "Hon? I've never heard that before." She kisses her girlfriend. "See ya...Sweetie." She winks at Emira before Emira leaves, being very red in the face at her slip up, she only calls Viney that in her head she's never said it out loud. 

  The next day Viney meets up with everyone and she looks at their uniforms. "Do I need a uniform to practice?" She asks, "You sure do." Edric says, giving her one, "Put that on Vi, we'll wait for you Emira is on her way she had to get the medical stuff in order." Viney nods, "I hope she doesn't get them wrong...should I go and help her? I feel like I should go and he-" Edric pushes her aside. "She'll be fine put the uniform on and let's get you practiced." She sighs and puts it on, glad she doesn't need to do the face paint. 

  She gets out and Amity shoots the ball at her, Viney screams and kicks it back, "Amity don't scare me like that!" She says, "Well in this game you don't get heads up." She says, throwing it back at her, and Viney throws it back, "Our goals?" She asks and Luz thinks before laying a plant gylph on each side of the field they're on to make plant goals. "This work?" She asks. "Yeah." Viney answers and they start playing, it's a...very rough game to say the least. Viney is pretty beat up and Edric helps her up. "Where is Emira?" She asks, "HEY! SORRY! UGHHH! BOSCHA WAS-" Viney goes over to her. "No need, games done I'm not too bad and nor is anyone, but what about Boscha?" Emira groans "She kept me up, Ii wanted nothing with her and she just kept me up. I'm sorry." Viney chuckles, "No you're fine." 

  Emira notices the uniform and goes red. "Oh wow...sprots."

  Viney looks confused, "Guys I think I broke your sister." 

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