Stalking that Healing track boy

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I was bored so have a mini thing about my witchsona lmao

Ship(s): Idfk what to call them but Sam and Raymond are their names.

   Sam is once again stalking the Healing track because this one cute boy is on that track and he's gay and doesn't know how to talk to him, this boys name is Raymond, there's nothing special about him, brown hair, tall, blue eyes and dark skin, nothing too special about him other than his blue eyes he guesses. He's noticed this very short Abomination track boy coming in the classroom, hanging out around it or just straight up staring through the window before a person drags him away, presumably his best friend. He's trying to focus on his work, he's working with Viney, a girl his age and they're trying to heal very deep wounds that show bone then everyone hears screaming.

   They look out the window and they see the man of the hour himself on the ground with a sword sticking from his leg...he fell out of a tree and fell onto a near by sparring match. Ray sighs. "This stupid-" "Why do you know him?" Viney asks. "Know him? Have you not seen him basically stalking our class?" Viney shrugs. "I don't know I'm more concerned with actually learning than starring at people." Raymond knows that's bullshit. "Riiiiight.  Anyways I'm gonna help his stupid ass." Help his stupid ass he does and he takes him to the clinic. "Okay. Why are you following my class? How are you somehow doing amazing in your classes at the same time and HOW do you keep getting around so quickly when you're so fucking short?" Sam shrugs. 

   "I'm gay, you're attractive and I have no idea how to talk to you, I study and you aren't the only thing on my mind don't flatter yourself too much, and Percy." Percy is Sam's best friend and they're putting up with his dumb bullshit because he'll help them with their Oracle and Illusion homework, as his father was in the Illusion track. "I'm gonna kill Percy later." "Cool." Raymond sets Sam's leg and lets him walk after a while. "And I am bi and I think you are very attractive." "Cool....wanna meet at Screambucks sometime?" "Sure how does after school sound?" "Works for me Healer boy." Sam walks off and goes to tell Percy the fun news. 


  "So does this mean I won't get help with homework anymore?" "No I'll still help you." "Okay fine." 

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