Gay Winter Things

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Yeah this is just going to be filled with fluffy dumb crap.

Ship(s): Jerbric

   Edric wakes up, hearing...very loud music, he groans loudly. "EMIRA WHAT THE HECK? IT'S 7AM!" Emira yells back. "SHUSH IT'S WINTER!" Edric is a VERY festive person during all holidays because he loves them a lot but Emira blasting music at 7AM during break? Unacceptable. Hhe gets up, gets dressed for the day and he finds Emira. "How dare you?" Emira stops the music. "Finally you're up! I made breakfast and you didn't show up!" Eric runs out of the room, finding a stack of waffles. "AND YOU DIDN'T JUST SHAKE ME AWAKE?!" He noms on the waffles the second he gets a chance. He finishes quickly. Emira chuckles. "You were up really late talking to Jerbo I thought you'd want more sleep." Edric rolls his eyes. "But waffles though.." Edric smiles. "Anyways aren't you and Edric putting together Christmas packages later?" Edric nods "Yeah we are. I'll leave and get us coffees when he wants me too." 

   10AM rolls around and Edric get's the magic text for coffee and demanding his work. He chuckles, smiling. "Okay I'm leaving." Edric leaves and he gets a picture of Jerbo in a cute sweater, it's red with the words "Naughty" Edric laughs a bit, he knows he and Jerbo are planning to have matching sweaters this year. Edric walks and gets coffees for the both of them when he gets to Jerbo's place Jay meets him. "Oh hey Edric!" Jay smiles.

  "Hi Jay, I'm just here for Jerbo." Jay chuckles. "When are you not?" Jay opens the door for Edric, and Edric thanks them. Edric sees Jerbo on the living room floor putting together festive boxes for display stores and windows. Edric sits down and hands his boyfriend a coffee. "Here ya go." Jerbo smiles. "Thanks, now get to work." Edric smiles back before starting to work on boxes, he gets the paper, lining and the first half done before handing the rest to Jerbo which Jerbo finishes it off and this process goes on for...a very long time, like three hours. They realized they got everything done, they honestly thought there'd be more. Jerbo gets up, Edric following because they've been sitting on the floor for a while. "So I didn't get the memo about cute sweaters.." Edric says, Jerbo looks at his own sweater. "Oh right." He runs off and gets Edric his own. "Sorry forgot you didn't have yours yet." Edric chuckles and leaves to put it on. 

   Jay calls Jerbo in the kitchen. "Hey Jerbo how's your present going?" Jerbo blushes. "I don't thin I can do it...maybe a few more years?" Jay sighs. "You were so excited though." Jerbo chuckles. "We're just's too early." Jay nods. "Your mother tried to tell you that." Jerbo nods. "Yeah, had a backup plan though!" Both of these plans are very extravagant. "I'm sure he'll love whichever one you'll go with." 

  Edric gets back soon enough and he has a matching green sweater with "Nice" compared to Jerbo's opposite sweater. Edric chuckles. "We look stupid. I like it." Jerbo smiles "I like it too.  Like you more though." Edric chuckles, posing playfully. "You better!" He says dramatically. Jerbo laughs, grabbing his boyfriends hand. "You're so dumb." Edric nods. "Yeah and you're stuck with me. You're not too bright yourself we're too stupid gay teenage boys." "Yeah...just yeah, we really are." "So are we going to drink those or are we gonna make out?" Edric grabs his coffee and starts drinking it, he seems to enjoy it and Jerbo of course drinks the rest of his. "So how long did we talk last night?" Jerbo asks. "Exactly four hours, fourty-one minutes and seven seconds." Jerbo looks over at his boyfriend, "You counting? Because you counted wrong. It was six seconds. Edric rolls his eyes, groaning. "Oh yes how could I  have POSSIBLY miscounted one second?!" He lays on Jerbo's shoulder. "Okay so are you also joining the potions track? The amount of math needed for that class is so astronomical that I died just looking at one of Barcus's papers." Jerbo laughs hard. "Oh my Titan no!" He almost spit out his coffee. "I wouldn't DREAM of taking on three  I don't know how Luz does her classes!" 

   Edric nods in vigorous agreement. "Yes! I have no idea how she does it! I'm so proud of her though! And you! I can't imagine doing one more less two! I don't even know how I'm passing.." Jerbo chuckles. "Well we don't need to do it for a while. It's break, relax time! It's winter!" Edric smiles and he looks around. "Hey Jerbo...wanna come over later? We have a fire place and stuff and we could watch movies together and...I don't know winter gay stuff?" Jerbo thinks. "Sure, I don't have anything else planned for the day and I missed you during the last few weeks of school." They didn't even get to talk or see each other during the last few weeks because of winter finals and a lot of stress from work, and the upcoming holidays. "Yeah we could just get time and do winter shit together." Edric looks at the time. "SHIT I HAD TO MAKE LUNCH! OKAY YOU COME OVER LATER, LOVE YOU, BYE!" Edric races out the door and quickly gets home. 

  Edric groans and he gets into the kitchen, honestly just making the first thing he can think of which is sandwiches so he makes them, he decides on BLTs as it's the easiest thing to make right now that requires effort, he texts Emira while cooking. "Why didn't you call me?" "Didn't want to interrupt your date." "Fair." He sighs. He finishes up cooking and he calls everyone down, they all eat in awkwardness as Odalia very much hates the holidays and with recent events involving a winter formal she isn't very happy, simply because the poster for it had a gay couple dancing, literally only one. They all eat, and finish. Edric sneaks up to his room and waits for Jerbo to call him or just get here. Which he soon does, but in a dorky way. He's Jerbo so of course he did.

  Jebro is throwing rocks at Edric's window. "Hey I need help." He says up to Edric. "I dunno climb the tree next to my window."  Jerbo chuckles. "Edric I have weak nerd arms!" Edric sighs and jumps from his window, casting a spell circle to help him get down there. Jerbo looks at his boyfriend. "How did you not die?" Edric shrugs. "Anyways come here." Jerbo comes closer to his boyfriend, Edric rolls his eyes and gets Jerbo closer and he raises them up to his window. "Okay here we go." Thye get in his window, Jerbo closing it. "I have a feeling you've done that a lot before." He sits next to Edric on his bed and Edric nods "I mean yeah I have. I almost broke my leg one time though. Hurt a lot but it didn't break." Jerbo looks around the room. "Funny I think I've seen your room a lot more than Viney has seen Emira's." That is true though, Jerbo sneaks into the Blight house a lot just to vibe with Edric, Mr. Blight even got used to seeing Jerbo randomly in the house, he just accepts the fact Jerbo has moved in a small bit. 

  Edric hugs his boyfriend. "You're mine and umm I refuse to let you go." Jerbo just accepts his fate. "Good to know." He hugs his boyfriend back. "Why is your house so cold?"  Edric shrugs. "Surprisingly my mother is warm blooded. Anyways." Edric looks at his fire place, and he lights it up with magic. "Okay so fire cuddles?" Edric asks, looking up at his boyfriend, Jerbo thinks and kisses his forehead. "Mmm yeah." They just lay there, in each others arms, it's warm, snows falling against the window. They decide to get up after a bit...but they realize they've just exusted with each other four hours. "Okay your parents are going to kill me." Edric says, "Honestly I'm surprised they haven't already." He jokes. "So what are we gonna do?" 

   Edric looks at his door. "We could decorate the entire manor in the night and have no one question it in the morning?" Jerbo smirks. "Oh I think I can make that happen." They do....they decorate the E N T I R E manor in the dead of night and head back to Edric's room. "Okay we did that, what else can we do?" Edric asks. "I don't know sleep? We probably need it after all of that and then in the morning we can do more stuff?"  Edric just nods. "Okay you're sleeping on the floor." He jokes and Jerbo just gets in Edric's bed first. "No, you are." Edric just gets in bed with his boyfriend. "Shush and sleep tallass." Jerbo chuckles. "Fine."


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