Lumity vs Mr. And Mrs. Blight

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Ship(s): Lumity

    Eda is home, it's no different than any other day and Lilith is out shopping, it's weird finally having her sister back around but she'll get used to it. She's sipping coffee while reading human news from 2003. "Hmm are human wands? Well looks like the guy got hurt..maybe they're like human wands I'll ask Luz later." Speaking of Luz, she kicks down the door screaming. "EEEEEDAAAAA!" Eda looks at the human, sipping her coffee still, "Yeah kid?" "I HAVE A DATE WITH AMITY AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOO!" Luz grabs Eda's shirt and looks at her with desperate eyes. "Okay..well I haven't been on a date in..20 years? I'm sure I can help you out." Luz smiles and hugs Eda. "THANK YOU! NOW TO START PLANNING!" King walks into the room, confused as to why Luz is screaming. "I DO NOT KNOW WHY WE'REE SCREAMING BUT I WOULD LIKE TO PARTCIPATE IN WHAT WE'RE PLANNING!...WHAT ARE WE PLANNING?!" Eda picks up Luz and King. "We're heling Luz here make a good impression on her girlfriend." 

    Eda, Luz and King all head up to Luz's little nook in the house, avoiding Hooty who insisted on talking about a date he went on years ago. Luz sits down and King sits next to her while Eda thinks, pacing around in spot a bit. "Luz if you know where are you going tonight?" "Blight Mannor." Eda rolls her eyes, groaning loudly. "You're dating a Blight girl? Well thank the titan it isn't one of the twins but if you're going there you need to look fancy." King jumps up. "I can sew Luz a dress! I've been waiting for this!" He runs off to go do that. "Since when does king know how to make dresses?" "Heck if I know but you still need to look fancy so I'll let him do that while you win the Blight parents over, their kids like you well enough, I mean you are dating..Amity right?" Luz nods. "Okay, youngest your age, clearly crazy enough to date you-" "Hey!" "I mean that with love,  Luz but if you go and do your..human thing the Blight's ae going to kill you..Unless.." Eda goes into her junk pile and she finds pointy ear tops in Luz's skin tone so they'll match her perfect. "You can wear these!" 

   Luz looks at them and she smiles. "I used to have those for Halloween once! Yeah I can wear them..I don't want the Blight's to kill me." Eda rolls her eyes. "I'll get revenge don't you worry." Eda lets Luz put them on and they're very convincing. "Now on how to act..try your best to be as boring as they are." Luz nods. After about an hour or two king comes storming in with the dress. "LUZ PUT THIS ON!" Luz puts it on and..yes it's certainly fancy, a purple dress, that goes past her knees with white lace around the collar of it and on the ends of seems,  a pretty pink color for small accent. Eda tries to do Luz's hair and it works out. "Now find yourself some shoes." Luz goes around and finds some black heels and just goes in those. She looks at herself in the mirror. "Wait they can't know I'm a multi-tracker what's my track if they ask?" "Potions." Eda says quickly. Just as Eda says that Hooty yells. 

   "LUZ! You have a visitor hoot hoot!" Luz walks down stairs with Eda and King, being met by Amity in a yellow dress, fancy but simple, a nice mix between the two. She looks at Luz and looks concerned. "Luz! What happened to your ears!?" Luz feels the new points. "Oh don't worry they're fake, I did it to make you're parents not know I'm not a witch." Amity nods, a bit sad Luz can't really be herself around her parents but she understands. The two girls walk off together and they get to Blight mannor in just a matter of time, being met by Edric and Emira at the door. Amity explains Luz's ears and why their parents can't know she's human when the Blight twins know full well why, "And if anyone asks, she's on the potion track and the potion track alone." Amity finishes and Ed and Em nod. "Okay..Luz time to meet our parents." Edric says, nervous clearly, they all are. 

   Mr and Mrs Blight meet them in the main area. "Good Day..Luz correct?" Mr. Blight asks. "Yes sir, Luz Noceda." She nods, "Good, good. Now if I'm correct you're new to the Isles?" Luz nods, "Yes I moved here around a year ago but couldn't find school until recently." Mr. Blight nods at his wife, she comes forward. "And where you last year then?" Luz panicks and Amity blurts out. "T-The knee! She lived there until last year..that's why she hasn't been around other witches much!" Mrs. Blight nods, "Okay so not new to Isles then, just new around here?" Luz nods. "Yes, sorry if I caused confusion Mrs. Blight." She waves it off. "Anyways let us have dinner, I'm sure you're starved. You can tell us your experience at Hexside so far over dinner and if you have other plans tonight please inform us and if you leave have Amity home by 7PM sharp." Luz chuckles nervously, Is every minute of Amity's life planned out by these guys? "I don't think we will but thank you for the time." 

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