Why does it matter?

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Ship(s): Implied Vinira and Lumity. 

  Alador sighs, looking at his wife. They got into an argument after finding Amity's diary, Odalia insisted on reading it. "Why does it matter? Hmm? Why does it matter so much to you that our daughter is a lesbian? Why are you so concerned about who she loves and who she is?" Odalia side eyes her husband. "Because it's not a professional choice. Amity can't be seen in that light and will not be allowing it under this roof. Ever. If she wants to be in the Emperors Coven she'll need to stop doing such childish things and stop pretending to like women." Alador puts his paper down. "Excuse me? Pretending? PRETENDING?" He shouts in anger, he tries to calm himself, "Sorry my love but no one just does that."

  "You did it in high school." She says back, "This isn't about me this is about Amity, again why do you care so much, Amity can still be in the Coven and like other women there is no issue I can see here." She sighs. "Because it's not right, girls aren't supposed to love girls and boys aren't supposed to love other boys. It's not proper and it certainly is no way for the future head of the Coven to act. Amity can't make these disgusting choices to make her family look horrible in the public eye. You know how much status means to me."

  "Or do you mean how much status meant to your mother? I don't see anything wrong with Amity being gay and you are putting way too much pressure on her to hide who she is and I will not stand for that-" Odalia slaps Alador. "WE DO NOT SPEAK OF MY MOTHER!" She yells, anger flooding through her veins. "WE NEVER SPEAK OF HER DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" She growls. Alador sighs, "Yes." Odalia nods, fixing her hair. "I refuse to speak on this matter anymore." She says, venom in her voice as she sits down, going back to her busy work. "Now, you should go pick the kids up." Alador just leaves without another word.

  He's on his way to pick up Edric, Emira and Amity but as he's walking something catches his eye. Pins. Subtle pride pins, large dots in pride flag order and there's one with the lesbian flag. He puts his hood up, knowing he would cause a gigantic scene if people saw Alador Blight buying a pride pin. "Excuse me?" He asks the shop keep. "Yes sir?" He asks, "How much are those pride pins may I ask?" The shop keep smiles. "Oh a bronze coin, they're not much. Which ones would you'd like?" "The lesbian one please, for my daughter." Alador pays the kind worker a gold coin. "Sir this i-" Alador nods, "I know, keep the change." He leaves, smiling, he's thankful Odalia doesn't know what pride flags look like, all she knows is the rainbow.

   Edric sighs. "What's taking him so long? He should be here by now." Emira chuckles, Probably got held up by finding a mini abomination statue or something." Alador has always admired the art of abomination magic, even well into his adult life. Amity smiles. "I mean...it is like dad." Edric nods "True." Soon Alador arrives. "Sorry I'm late I was held up with something." The kids see the mark on Alador's face from where Odalia slapped. "Oh dad.." Edric frowns. "Don't worry...she's done worse and Amity I have something for you later." Amity nods, noticing the smile her father has when she says he has something for her. Emira frowns and touches her fathers cheek, the wound healing. Alador is very confused "How did yo-" "I'll explain later dad." He nods at his daughters words.

  Odalia is waiting at the door for them, "How was school?" She asks. "Fine mother." The kids say in unison. "Alador?" "They're not lying dearest." She nods. "I'll be cooking later. You may go to your rooms, I expect to find you all studying." The siblings nod and head up to their rooms. Alador goes to leave but he feels his wife grab his wrist. "Your face is healed." Alador nods, "Yes and what of it?" Odalia lets go of him. "Nothing. Just...strange." Alador leaves his wife alone as he sneaks his way up to Amity's room where she's reading up on Abominations and playing with Abomination clay.

   "Amity." Alador says. She looks up at her father, "Yes?" Alador closes the door behind him gently and he puts the pin on her desk. "We know." He says simply. Amity looks at the pin and tears prick at her eyes. "Dad I'm sorry I don-I can't stop it I'm sorry I like girls I can-" Alador hugs his daughter to hopefully calm her.

   "No, no it's okay...I accept you for who you are. I love you, nothing will change that. I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to cry." He wipes her tears gently. "So...you're okay with it?" Amity asks, trying to calm down. "Of course. Why should I care? It's who you love and I have no say in that. You'll be an astonishing witch even if you love other women. You can also be a role model to other young witches who go through what you do." Amity hugs her father back. "I love you." He smiles, kissing her forehead. "I love you too, never forget that," He leans to whisper in her ear. "Also that pin is a subtle lesbian flag don't worry your mother doesn't know any pride flags accept for the rainbow." Amity nods, "I already know she won't like it.." Amity sighs. "Thank you dad." She smiles. You're welcome Mittens." They both chuckle.

  Later on Alador visits his other daughter. "Emira?" He asks, she was texting Viney, she quickly turns her scroll off. "Oh yeah?" She looks up at him. "Who are you texting? Aren't you supposed to be studying young lady?" Emira tries to hide it, "No one.." However a little smile gives her away, "You can't lie to your father honey. Is it a boy?" Emira sighs, "No..a girl though.." Alador nods, "Is she cute?" Emira chuckles. "Very much so." Alador smiles, "Good to know, anyways I wanted to ask...you healed my cheek earlier with just a touch. How did you do that? No one can heal wounds accept healers." Emira rubs the back of her neck.

   "Yeah about that...that cute girl I'm talking to is in the healing track right? Well..she's been giving me a bit of Healing lessons because, well." She faults, "I-I've been thinking about taking Healing along with my Illusion lessons." She looks down, ashamed of herself but to her surprise Alador just says. "Oh is that all?" Emira looks confused. "You're not mad?" Alador laughs a bit. "Why would I be mad? You practicing multiple tracks of magic just means you'll have more options for Covens you can join when you graduate school and you'll be more experienced than a lot of our family! No I'm not mad, I'm proud!" He seems...very happy about this. Emira pinches her arm. "I'm not dreaming am I?" Alador shakes his head. "You aren't dreaming. This is real, how about on Monday we talk to Principal Bump and see what we can do?" Emira nods slowly, still unsure if this is reality. "Sure...thank you dad.." She smiles.

  "Maybe I'll see if I can get you into that cute girls classes?" He teases a bit. "Dad!" Emira blushes. "What?" He chuckles. "Though I do expect you to try hard in both your classes if you get in, I'm not expecting perfect grades but I do expect you to try your best." Emira nods. ""I will."

"That's my girl."

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