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Trigger Warning: Violence mentioned. Including murder. Mental unstableness (not a word but it works) prison. Rape.
Ummm I dunno what else to warn about. Just be careful while reading this story ya'll.

Harry's POV

As I wait for the valet to bring my car I look back inside the restaurant. The redhead is crying uncontrollably.

I never intended to kill him quickly. I intended to drug him, and the bird he was with. I intended to make it slow and painful.

But fucking Echo... God that woman drove me insane.

Instead of giving him the one dose meant to knock him out I'd given him, his plus the dose that was meant for his girlfriend.

Echo had been so dramatic about leaving that it had been easy to shove the syringe into the base of his neck just below his hairline.

As I drove back to my flat, I knew she'd be there. Even if it was just to get Mu.

When I step off the elevator I do not expect to see Mu laying on the dog bed I'd bought for him. He brings his head up to look at me, then lays back down. 

I know she's here. I can smell her.

I losen my tie as I walk back to my bedroom. I hear the bath water running in the bathroom.

When I open the door I see Echo. Emersed in water, looking up at me.

"Care to explain what the fuck that was back there?" I demand.

She raises an eyebrow at me. Lifting her leg out of the water to shut off the spout, at the same time that she brings a glass of liquor to her lips.

"Care to get your dick in here?" She's angry. Her silver eyes are such a dark grey that they look almost black.

She's not the only one. I'm fucking furious with her. "You fucking walked out on our date."

She tilts her head to the side studying my expression.

"I told you I wasn't eye fucking that woman."

She laughs. She fucking laughs. Which fuels my anger. I start unbuttoning my shirt. Trying to keep my hands from shaking. But with how murderous I'm feeling it's proving difficult.

"I might believe you, if I didn't know what it looked like when you eye fuck someone, and you weren't looking at me. I can't say I blame you. She was beautiful. I looked too."

My eyes snap up to hers. "Then what the fuck are you so pissed off about?" I fling my shirt off and start working on taking off my shoes.

"There's a difference between looking at beauty because you appreciate the art of it. Everyone does that. It's human nature. And blatantly undressing another person with your eyes directly in front of your...." She pauses. "Whatever I am to you." I know she's not saying that to be a dick. She genuinely doesn't know if she should call herself my girlfriend.

"I wasn't fucking looking at her."

"Him then." She snaps back at me. "I don't care what genitalia the person has. You were looking at them like you wanted to fuck them ten ways of Sunday."

I step into the tub, directly behind her, and pull her back to my chest. "Stop talking."

"If you think for one fucking second..."

My hand reaches around and grasps her throat. My fingers pressing gently against her corotid artery "Stop talking."

She starts to thrash against me. "I wasn't looking at anyone else. My eyes might have been on her but I was thinking about you." I hiss out. "When are you going to fucking get it? You infuriating woman. I don't see anyone else. There is no one else. If you're in the same room as me, you draw my attention like a beacon. If you're not in my sights you're consuming my thoughts. I'm the fucking moth and you're the goddamn flame."

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