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Niall finds me.

"Fucking hell."

He scoops me into his arms. Carries me into the house.

"She's blasted."

Louis sighs. "It's the anniversary today."

They start mumbling about something. I can't make out the words, and I don't are to.

I just want it to stop hurting.

I lay down next to Hattie and close my eyes.

She snuggles against me instinctualy. Her little hand coming up to rest on my cheek.

I don't know how long I've been asleep. I hear Hattie playing with someone.

I hear Javi and Miguel in the kitchen.

I sit up and rub my eyes.

"About time you woke up."

I shake my head.

Cover my face with my hands.

Take a deep breath.

I stand up on wobbly legs.

Stumble outside. I use the wall of the house to brace myself. Suck in more deep breaths. Try to fill my lungs with reality so my head stops fucking with me.

"Babe... You alright?" Niall puts his hand on my back.

I lean into his touch. He's real. "No... I..." How do I say this without sounding like a complete crazy person?

"What is it?" He pulls me into his arms.

"I can smell him. I swear I saw him earlier. Standing on the sand. I heard him. Just now.... God I felt him."

Niall pulls away from me. "Echo..."

I shake my head. "I know. I sound insane...I...I think I need to go see someone."


I turn to Niall and look at him with bleary eyes. "I know. I'm fucking crazy."


"Maybe you should have me committed."

"Little Shit."

Fuck... Fuck.... FUCK.

I sag against Niall.

I thought with time these would stop.

"I can't take it anymore Ni...."

"Echo. Turn around." Niall puts his hands on my shoulders and spins me.

I open my eyes and my knees buckle.

It's almost like he is right in front of me.

His hair is shorter.

He's more muscular...


I reach out to stead myself. Get his forearm. Electric bolts tingle where my skin touches his.

I snap my hand back.

He's real?

Red hot rage boils inside of me.

My fists clench by my sides.


I don't even know I've punched him until my fist connects with his face.


That's what is consuming me right now.

Blind fucking fury.

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