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Warning* Graphic sexual content below involving drugs. (This will be the last warning I issue before a chapter) (also this is fiction...remember drugs are bad...and stay in school) Buckle up butter cups. It's a long one.

Harry's POV

Rocking Echo against my body to try and comfort her, after her freak out was something I knew I would never forget. Her body shaking, and shivering. Small whimpers rising up out of her throat. She was terrified.

I don't know what the fuck happened.

"I'm sorry I ruined your night." Her voice, usually so confident, strong and assured comes off meek, timid and shaky.

I hate it. I hate how shaken she is. I hate that there is nothing I can do about it. "You didn't ruin my night, baby. Not at all."

The way she makes me feel is completely conflicted. I don't do soft. I don't do comfort. I don't do protective. Not in this sense.

"Don't call me that." Echo pulls herself to her feet. "Don't call me baby."


"Because... You... I... Just don't. It's a boundary okay. And when you call me baby it blurs that boundary and I start to hope. I can't afford to hope. Not with you." Her silver eyes have lost all their shine when she says this to me. They go completely grey. Sadness engulfing her face.

Before I get the chance to say anything she's walked away from me and into the bathroom.

15 minutes later I'm about to break it down when there's a banging on my door.



I yank open the door and glare down at him.

"Where is she?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"She called." Niall shoves a finger into my chest. "Which you should have fucking done the minute she started freaking." Niall moves past me. "Where the fuck is she?"

I hear my bathroom door click open. A few seconds later Echo emerges wearing my silk shirt. Niall runs across the hallway to get to her. I watch as he sweeps her into his arms. His lips covering every inch of her face. "Baby girl.... You're safe. You know that right?"

Anger surges throughout my body. She called him. To get away from me. She was refusing to give me a chance. But he could call her baby. This was fucking bullshit.

"Take her home." My voice came out a growl.

Niall looked over at me with narrowed eyes.

"Get her the fuck out of my house. NOW."

I walked back to my bedroom. "Out."

Mu looked up at me, then walked out of my bedroom. I felt no satisfaction in slamming the door.

My room smelled like her now. "FUCK!"

Throwing shit at the walls gave me no satisfaction either.

Not when I knew Niall was with my girl, holding her and comforting her because I couldn't. Not when I knew he knew things about her that I never would, because she trusted him.

I wanted to be that for her. I wanted to be her sanctuary. Instead she kept me at arms length because she didn't believe I was capable of keeping my dick in my pants. Which was insulting. Unless her doubt in me was more about... did she think she wasn't enough to keep my attention?

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