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Trigger warning-- Mentions of torture. Violence. Abuse.

Harry's POV

I stormed into the club's security room. My eyes scanning. Gemma was sitting in a corner, next to Liam. Crying into his shoulder.

I look to Miguel. I need to know what happened. I need to know right the fuck now.

Miguel presses play on the video and blind rage takes over my body.

They are in front of the club. Standing by Echo's car. I see a look cross Echo's face. She opens the back door of the car, shoves Gemma inside presses the lock button on the key fob throws the keys inside of the car before slamming the door shut.

A large black suv with blacked out windows pulls up in front of Echo. I see a door open. I see Echo fighting. I see two large men get out of the car. Both in all black. Neither of their faces showing. I see the flashes of a tazer. Then Echo's body is dragged towards the back of the suv.

I watch with clenched fists, and clenched teeth as they shove my wife's limp body into the boot.

Then drive away.

"Find out who the fuck that is. Right fucking now."

I want to rip apart every single thing in this God damn room.

I look at my sister. Before I met Echo she and Mum were the most important people to me.

They are why I started to do what I do.

The money I make... it helped get my Mum out of her shit  neighborhood. It got my Mum away from my dick of father. It put Gemma through University. It gives them a good life.

The dream was to come over here and make it as a musician. That was my passion.

It's a lot harder to make it as a musician than it is to make money illegally. By any means necessary.

But when you make money by any means necessary you gain enemies.

I have a fucking lot of them. 

Not many are brave enough to fuck with me. In fact there is only one that I can think of, that would be brave enough to pull off something like this.

My lips pull back into a snarl.

I don't wait for anyone to ask what is going on. I look at Liam. "Take my Mum and my sister back to my place. Stay with them. Keep them safe."

He nods.

"Harry..." My mum protests.

"Mum, go with Liam he'll keep you safe."

I take the stairs up to my office two at a time.

I walk right into the walk in closet, shove aside the extra suit jackets, and punch in the code. When I hear the click I press my fingertip to the pad, when that flashes green, I enter in the combination.

Finally the door is able to be opened.

I look in front of me. My brain calculating.

The door to my office opens and in files Zayn, Louis, and Niall. Behind them, Javi and Miguel.

"You know where she is?" Niall asks.

"I have an idea."

"What do we need?" Javi's voice is angry. "Jae is on his way."

I shake my head. "No. The more people that walk in that don't know what they are doing..."

"Listen man, I get that Echo is your wife. But let's just fucking remember you got married because of a stupid ass game. I get that you have some kind of thing for her. But she's my fucking sister, and she is Jae's family. Miguel's family. You don't get to fucking dictate everything my dude. We love her. Back off." Javi snaps.

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