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Warning: drug references in this chapter-

This is my favorite chapter so far... I hope you enjoy it!

I can't get the image of his head between my thighs out of my brain.

It had been two weeks and I felt like I was dying. I needed to get fucking laid. I'd been trying my best to completely avoid Tinkerbell at work. That proved to be almost impossible. Cho informed me that he'd been coming to family dinners. So I avoided those. Claiming to not feel well one week and the other week I had a legit excuse.

No one bothered me on May 19th. Ever. That Sunday I stayed in bed late, ate way too much Cherry Garcia ice cream for breakfast and cuddled Mu.

I ordered in. Which I never did. Mu and I had just settled in on the couch, Bones was queued up on Netflix. Chinese takeout splayed out over the coffee table. Homemade kimchi in a bowl. Unsweetened ice tea chilling in my glass, and a bottle of Moscato ready to be opened.

My hair was piled ontop of my head. I hadn't bothered putting in my contacts. Instead I'd perched my glasses on my nose. Leggings and an oversized cardigan decorated my body. I even had my fluffy grey blanket wrapped around my shoulders. My dab rig was set up next to my torch, and I'd packed a fresh bowl in my favorite pipe.

Persistent knocking started on my door. Which I was ignoring. "I'm not home!" I called out around a mouthful of dumpling.

The knocking got louder. Jesus!

I yanked open the door to see Harry standing on the other side. He smelled like vodka, and tequila.

"What the fuck Tink?"

His pupils were blown out. He was definitely on something.

"You've been avoiding me." He puffed his bottom lip out in a pout.

"I avoid everyone today."


I shook my head at him. I was not ready to have that conversation. Going over to my couch I sat back down. Pulling my blanket around my shoulders and picking up a container of food. I pressed play on my show and blatantly ignored Harry.

Which he caught on to quickly. And instead of reacting like I thought he would he shut my front door, then flopped onto my couch.

His head landing in my lap. He snuggled into me turning his face so he was looking up at me and not the TV.

"Enjoying your view?" I frowned down at him.

He giggled. He fucking giggled. What the fuck? "Yes. What are you eating? Smells good."

I held the container in front of his face. "Chinese."

Harry's large hand wrapped around my smaller one. Moving the container out of the way, so he could look at my face. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes obviously waiting for me to give him a bite. I'd never seen him act this way before.

I fished a dumpling out of the container and placed it gently in his mouth. He let out an appreciative hum as he chewed.

When he'd finished, his eyes still closed, a slight frown on his lips. "Yours are better."

Taken aback by the compliment I ate another dumpling. I didn't know how to respond to him being nice to me.

Harry opened his mouth again. Not saying anything. Just laying with his head in my lap, his eyes closed and his mouth open. I grabbed the bowl of kimchi and placed some on his tongue.

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