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Harry's POV

Echo doesn't look pleased. I watch as she walks from behind the bar with a glass of bourbon in her hand, her long legs making slow strides towards the stairs. She looks furious. Her silver eyes are a dark cloudy grey, her mouth is set in a line. My eyes follow her as she walks up the stairs.

When she stops in front of me and looks the woman with her hand on my chest up and down. "Brought this for you." She says with a bright smile on her face. "You looked a little thirsty."

She's not speaking to me. She's speaking to Kendra. The laugh that comes bubbling out of my lips isn't meant to. Kendra looks at me shocked. In the years that I've known her she's never heard me laugh.

She takes the drink from Echo. Who ducks her head under my arm forcing me to move back slightly to give her body room. Then she peels Kendra's hand off of my chest and flings it away.

I wrap my arms around her waist. Tucking her into my body. Her chest pressed against me. She wraps her arms around my neck. Her fingers immediately weaving into my hair. Then she leans up and presses her lips against mine.

When she pulls back I watch as her eyes lock onto Kendra's. "Touch him again, and I'll shove you over this wall."

Kendra's eyes narrow. She looks Echo up and down. "Think before you say something stupid." I bite out.

Kendra's eyes snap to mine. "You..."

"I'd pick her. It's not a competition. There is no choice. I'd pick her." 

Echo cups my chin in her right hand and gently moves my head to face her again. She leans up and brushes her lips against mine.


"I'd pick her. It's not a competition. There is no choice. I'd pick her."

His words glide over my body. Settling into my heart. I don't know how he knows this woman. It's obvious they've slept together. It's obvious they know each other well. As well as anyone can know Harry.

That's possibly the sweetest thing he's ever said in front of me, and it turns me into a puddle.

I guide his face back so that I can press my lips against his. "When you take me home later..." I lean my mouth right next to his ear and drop my voice. "Don't hold back. Make it hurt."

I hear him groan. He leans closer to me, and drops his hips so his pelvis hits mine. I feel his cock thicken and lengthen. "You Little Shit."

My lips attach to his neck. "You like that about me." I haven't forgotten that his friend is standing next to us.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Harry groans.

I sink my teeth into his neck before pulling my mouth away. "Just evening the score Tink." I disentangle myself from him turning to give his friend my full attention. "I would say nice to meet you. But it wasn't. Watch where you put your fucking hands."

I nod my head at her and then point to Harry. "He's off limits. Touch him again and I'll break off your hand and feed it to you."

I give her my best and brightest smile.

Harry lets out a dark chuckle. I feel his eyes on me as I descend the stairs.

"She's psychotic." His friend huffs out.

"Mmm she's my kind of fucking psychotic." Harry is smirking. I can fucking hear it in his voice.

I meant what I said. If she touches him again I will shove her ass over that fucking wall. I don't give a flying fuck who sees me do it.


Harry's POV

Seeing Echo jealous and possessive made my dick hard. I watch as she starts descending the stairs.

Kendra is still standing next to me. I can hear her sniffling but I'm not paying attention. Not until she takes my face in her hands and forces me to look at her. I catch sight of Echo turning around to look at me just as Kendra grabs my face.

Fucking shit.

"We've been friends since we were teenagers and you're just going to throw me away?" Kendra is angry, but her eyes are sad.

I stare at her. "Let me go."

I take a step back just as Echo reaches us. She grabs the glass of bourbon off of the wall where it's sitting and throws the contents in Kendra's face.

Son of a bitch. Kendra starts sputtering, wiping alcohol from her eyes as Echo grabs a hold of Kendra's hair and yanks her head into the wall.

Son of a bitch. I see Niall and Javi running up the stairs behind Miguel.

Kendra isn't from here. She doesn't know how to fight dirty. She doesn't understand what is happening.

Everything is a blur. Echo moves so fast I don't have time to stop her before she's dragging Kendra away from me by her hair.

Miguel reaches Echo first. He shoots me a glare. "You aren't going to do anything?"

I lift my shoulder in a shrug. Standing back and watching as Kendra tries to curl into the fetal position as Echo kicks her.

Niall takes a step forward. Giving me a pointed look. I scowl at him. "Alright."

I wrap my arms around Echo's waist and pull her away. "Enough."

Echo stops fighting against me.

"Get her the fuck out of here." She snaps at Javi and Niall.

"Take her ass home." Javi barks at me.

Echo starts yelling at him in Spanish. I catch a few words.

By the time I get her into my car and pull out of the parking lot she is seething. She is talking very fast. Switching between Korean, Spanish and English.


She whirls around and glares at me. "Don't! I just lost out on my fucking rent for you. So just fucking don't."

She lets out a string of insults in Spanish.

I don't speak again until we are in the parking garage of my building. I can't help the grin that is tugging at my face.

Echo narrows her eyes at me. "Why are you fucking grinning? I'm going to get fucking fired because your dim-witted twat waffle of a friend couldn't fucking keep her fucking hands to her fucking self!"

"My baby don't fuck around." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Oh fuck off you smug British asshole." She snaps throwing open the car door and getting out. She lets it slam shut behind her.

I can't help but be happy about this. She's just as fucking possessive as I am.

She's already halfway to the elevator by the time I catch up to her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into my side. "When we get upstairs I'll order you food, and then I'm going to bend you over the couch and fuck the anger right out of you."

I hear her breath hitch. "You're sadistic."

"You like that about me." I kiss the top of her head. If what just happened was any indication, she liked everything about me. A lot.

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