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How he managed to swing us being in the same hospital room I will never understand.

Crazy ass man.

I have a feeling it probably has something to do with the wad of cash I saw someone pocketing.

He had been taken to get x-rays done. While they took me to an ultrasound to check my internal organs.

Apparently today was a day that the hospital was running an insane amount of tests because it was taking forever.

After waiting in the hallway for almost forty-five minutes someone wheeled me into the ultrasound room. 

The tech came in, helped transfer me to the table, or bed, or whatever the fuck the thing was called.

"Let's get a look here. I'm going to have you roll to your side so I can take a look at your kidney. Then we'll do the other side, and then I will take a look at your abdomen. The jelly will be cold. I apologize. I'll make sure the sheet is covering your bottom so we aren't giving anyone a show."

I nod. After I slowly roll to my side.

She squirts the jelly onto my back. It takes her about five minutes and then she tells me to move to my other side.

Five minutes later I'm lying on my back.

She moves the probe all over my stomach. Stopping in spots to take pictures.


That doesn't sound good. "What's wrong?"

"Were you aware you're pregnant?"

What? "Is that broken?" I stare at her.


"You're sure it's not broken?"

She nods.

"I'm pregant?"

She nods again.

"But...Lady I was just kidnap...In a bad car accident. I got hit in the head.... and Look don't fuck with me okay? I've had a really bad day and I..."

She puts her hand on my hand. "Echo. I wouldn't fuck with you. Okay honey. Just breathe."

I suck in a breath. "Is it okay?"

She moves the wand over my lower abdomen. "Placenta is intact. Amniotic fluid level is good. Let me just..."She moves the wand again. "Ah there it is." I hear a whooshing sound and then a heartbeat. "Nice and strong. Seems like baby is just fine."

"How long?" I choke out.

"From what it looks like to me I'd say fourteen weeks."


"Would you like to see?"

I nod.

She turns the monitor towards me.

There's a baby. It looks like a tadpole only bigger. That's a fucking baby.

Oh god.

I'm fucking pregnant.

With Harry's baby.


Fourteen weeks.

How did I not know?

"Echo... Honey, I'm going to need you to try and calm down. Your blood pressure is through the roof."

"I can't really control my responses right now lady. I'm... kind of freaking out here."

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