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Having her here was a distraction. How the fuck was I supposed to concentrate?

She was leaning across the bar her eyes dancing with laughter. I watch as she pours drinks, delivers them and takes tips.

It's fascinating watching her. How easily she smiles with other people. How carefree. When she turns around to grab bottles she sways her hips to the music. She turns around holding up a finger a customer who is leaning over the bar trying to order a drink.

She must be out of what they want because she leans in to say something and then walks out from behind the bar. I watch from my corner as she starts towards the storage room behind the bar. It's located in the back hallway. Customers aren't allowed back there. Security is stationed between two cages that have girls in them dancing. Echo smiles at Miguel who happens to be the security standing between the two cages leading to the back hallway.

She turns around to look out at the club before entering the storage room. Her eyes lock with mine. She holds my gaze for a few moments before using a keycard then shoving the door open. I wait for 15 seconds, internally debating with myself.

I know I should stay away from her. For her safety, for my sanity, I shouldn't be pursuing this.

I walk past Miguel who gives me a nod. It's normal for me to check the storage room during the night, also the security room with all of the camera is back here. I swipe my keycard and enter the storage room.

I see her trying to climb up to the top shelf to reach a bottle of expensive vodka. "Need some help?"

Her body tenses. "Not from you asshole."

She loves to press my buttons. "You know, I'm your boss, you shouldn't talk to me like that."

"You should eat a dick." She snaps, placing her foot on the corner of one of the shelves. She stretches up, losing her balance, I step forward and catch her. Her arms instinctively wrap around my neck as I pull her away from the shelving.

"Careful little one." I murmur into her ear.

Her silver grey eyes study mine for a moment before narrowing. "Put me down."

I set her on her feet, facing towards the shevels, my chest presses against her as I lean forward and grab the bottle she'd been trying to reach.

I hand it to her and lean back against the wall smirking at her as she glares at me.

"You know, not everyone is a giant. You should really get a step ladder in here."

"When you need something come find me. I'll get it for you." I lift my shoulder in a shrug. Deliberately not pointing out that there is a step ladder hanging on the back wall.

"I'd rather break my neck." Echo snaps at me.

"Such a little shit." I shake my head. "You're welcome for the help."

"You're not thanked." She looks me up and down. "Say hi to Muff for me." She yanks the door open and pulls it shut just as I'm starting to walk towards it.

I chuckle to myself. She's everything I need to stay the fuck away from. But the way she challenges me makes my cock throb.

She's working late, to finish balancing the books. Javi had someone drop off her car earlier that night. I may have detached her battery cable when I took a smoke break.

I've been instructed not to leave until she does. Which wasn't an issue. At about five am I knock softly on Niall's office door. "Let's go."

Her head snaps up from the computer. She glares at me before returning her gaze back to the screen. Her small fingers tap a few more keys before she saves the program and shuts the machine down.

Into The Fire [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now