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Harry's POV

I shouldn't have come over here when I was high as a kite and drunk off my ass.

I woke up with my head resting on her chest. I was lying on my stomach between her legs. Her couch wasn't as long as I was. So my legs were dangling over the edge.

Mu was nuzzling my arm with his nose.

I shifted my body to try and get more comfortable.

"What time is it?" Echo's voice came out soft and sleepy.

"Four am." I answered her.

"You can go sleep in my bed." She presses her lips to my forehead. "I need to take Mu out to the bathroom."

She just invited me to sleep in her bed? Memories of last night are foggy at best.

"You're not high anymore are you?"

I think she sounds almost disappointed. I sit up and put my elbows on my knees so I can run my fingers through my hair. "I'm sober..."

I watch as Echo stands up and pulls her cardigan over her head. I think I hear her mumble it was nice while it lasted. But she said it so softly I'm not sure she said anything at all.

She doesn't say anything else before opening her front door and taking Mu outside.

Normally I'd protest. But I'm still trying to piece together how the fuck I ended up here. 

She comes back into her apartment 10 minutes later. I watch as she picks up her livingroom. Then grabs her pipe off of the coffee table with her lighter, a box, and what I think is a dab rig. She takes everything into her room. The potent smell of weed drifts out to me.

I get up and wander over to her bedroom. I lean myself against the door frame and look at her.

She's changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Her legs are crisscrossed, and she is taking a dab. As she blows out the smoke she looks up at me. "Want one?"

I've done a lot of drugs. But I've never done a dab.

I step into her room and sit on the floor in front of her.

"I'll heat the nail for you." She hands me a metal stick. "Dip the tip of this into this wax pot here. Don't take a big glob, you don't need much. This shit is potent as fuck."

I fight back the grin that threatens to pull at my lips. She's fucking cute when she's being a stoner.

"After I heat the nail you're going to put this glass cover over the nail and then put the stick with the dab on the nail. Then you suck on the mouthpiece."

I nod my head.

"It's going to kick your ass if you've never done one before."

She turns on a torch and starts to heat the nail. She waits until it gets bright red and then nods at me. As soon as she pulls the torch away I drop the glass bowl over the nail and press the stick to it. Then I wrap my lips around the mouthpiece and suck.

Echo watches as I blow out the smoke and cough.

She puts the dab rig on the bookshelf behind her. Then climbs up on the bed. I join her. I watch as she opens up her little box and pulls out her pipe.

"You don't have to work at the restaurant today?" I raise an eyebrow.

She shakes her head. "Its closed on Monday and Tuesdays. I don't have an appointment at the salon until 12 today."

She passes me the pipe after she takes a hit. My head is already starting to feel fuzzy from the dab.

After about 20 minutes I am sufficiently stoned. I'm more stoned now than I think I have ever been.

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