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Trigger warning: This chapter is intense. Please read carefully.

This chapter will also be written differently. Pov's from characters you haven't seen pov's from before.

As previously mentioned it's a heavy chapter.

It was hard to write.

It might be hard to read. So please just be careful.

If you need to yell at me I understand.

Fuck...I've been dreading this since I started this book. Because I've known how it ends since the beginning... and Gah. Okay.

Buckle up butter cups.


Completely and utterly Numb.

There are no words to describe how I'm feeling.

No emotional range.


Sad doesn't cover it.

Grieving doesn't cover it.

Heartbreak doesn't cover it.

Nothing makes sense.

Nothing exists anymore.

My will to live... To survive... To exist...

It's gone.

He's gone.

He's fucking gone.

He's dead.

How is he dead?

What the fuck happened?

I don't understand.

I need to understand.

Nothing makes fucking sense.

I can still hear the sirens.

I can still smell the acrid smoke.

I can still feel the soot coating my skin.

It's been three weeks since the club went up in flames.

Three fucking weeks.

I think back to that morning.

When he said goodbye.

How he kissed me.

Looked into my eyes and told me he loved me.

He promised everything would be okay.

I thought he meant the pregnancy. Because it had been rough.

I didn't know he meant goodbye forever.

I can't grasp what the fuck is happening.

The funeral is today.

I'm burying my husband today.

Only... There is nothing to bury... Because his body...It was so badly burnt...It was decimated.

There were three bodies.

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