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Being married is fucking weird. People don't tell you that shit. They don't talk about how you have to get two types of toothpaste because your psycho of a husband squeezes from the middle instead of rolling it up from the bottom.

They don't tell you how you have to fix the toilet paper roll because your psycho of a husband doesn't make sure it's facing down in the front and not hanging from the back.

They also don't tell you how you have to remind your husband to put the toilet seat back down when he's finished going to the bathroom. If I fall in that mother fucker one more time, his ass is waking up without God damn eyebrows.

He gets annoyed at me because I always miss the hamper, he also gets annoyed at me because I leave my shoes out.

I get annoyed at him because he breathes. It's great.

We've been cohabitating for a few weeks, and I'm not sure if I like this all that much.

I mean it's great because he fucks me daily. Most of the time multiple times daily. Lately he's been insatiable. I'm not complaining. But my vagina could use a breather.

He doesn't like to cook. Which is fine. Because I love to cook. I don't like to clean up after cooking, so he does it. While shooting daggers at me the entire time because I use every pot in the fucking kitchen.

I also never realized how much he works out. He goes for a run every morning, and he boxes.

It's fucking weird. I feel like I live with a stranger. He's still demandy, and dominating, and bossy as fuck. But he is also incredibly giving. To me anyway.

I also never realized exactly how close he is with his mom, or his sister. But they talk on the phone every other day.

Which is cute.

He gets mad at me when I say that though. Because it fucks with his he man alpha dude image or whatever.

He also works... a lot. More than I ever realized.

I don't know how I feel about being married to a contract killer. Before I could put it out of my mind. But now... I live with him. And I know that when he gets a call and goes into his office it's business. I also know that when he leaves in the middle of the night it's business. Normally I would doubt it. But I don't think he's lying to me. Something about the way he reaches for the whiskey and pulls me into his lap, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

It's almost like he's decompressing.

Regrouping himself.

I'd been busy adjusting and hadn't had much time to hang out with my friends.

Which is why Zayn and Bae were on their way to pick me up.

Harry was out for his run. I was planning on spending all day with my friends, and then going to my parents for dinner.

I was just finishing putting food in Mu's bowl when Bae texted that they were downstairs waiting for me.

I kissed Mu goodbye, and rode the elevator down.

When I opened the door and saw Niall in the backseat my heart dropped to my stomach. He hadn't spoken to me since Vegas.

"Get in." I quirked an eyebrow at him. "Please."

Zayn pulls away and starts to drive back towards my old neighborhood. Bae and Zayn are telling jokes and laughing in the front. Niall pokes me with his finger as I'm laughing with them.

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