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Being stuck on a plane next to Harry sounded like a grand fucking idea at the time. But now that I'm here and I'm sitting next to him I honestly want to yeet myself out of the window.

He keeps looking over at me and smirking. Leaning over me to look out the window. Taking his fingers and running them up and down my arm, my thigh, my neck.

He's doing it on purpose, because I told him this morning there was no way in fuck I was going to let him rail me in the bathroom of the plane.

Not with my family on the flight, not with my ex on the flight. So now he was torturing me.

He moves the armrest from between our bodies, then leans over and puts his head on my shoulder. God he smells amazing.

"How long are you going to torture me Tink?" I ask into his ear.

"Until you cave, and let me fuck you." He whispers back, his lips closing around the space between my ear and my throat.

Oh he wants to play. Fine. Two can play this game. As he sucks on my skin I let out a small gasp and a very soft moan. My hand sneaks its way to his thigh.

I see the flight attendant walk by and Harry puts his hand on her arm. "Excuse me, could you bring us two blankets please?"

She stops, seemingly momentarily stunned by his charm. "Of course."

After she walks away I look over at him. Watching as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"What are you playing at?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing baby. Just put in your headphones and enjoy the movie." Harry looks over at me, and by the glint shining in his eyes I know he is definitely up to something.

After the flight attendant gives him the blankets he drapes them over the both of us, and his hands really start to wander.

Dear fucking God is he seriously doing what I think he's doing right now?

I see Bae out of the corner of my eye. Her and Zayn are sitting across from us. Her head is thrown back, and her eyes are closed, her mouth partially open. Zayn's jacket is thrown over her lap. His hand underneath it.

"Oh my god..."

Zayn looks over at me and smirks.

Why.... why is this so hot?

"You okay there Little Shit?" Harry asks into my ear.

"I don't... you... they.... what the fuck?"

"You like to watch baby?" Harry's lips move against my ear. "Does it make you wet? Imagining what her pussy feels like against his fingers?" His fingers start skimming up my thigh. 

"I don't have to imagine."

I feel Harry's breath catch. "What?"

I pull my lips into my mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have let that one slip. His fingers have stopped moving up my thigh. "What we are not going to do is speed past that." Harry's voice has gone very rough.

Oh god. "You couldn't possibly have thought I was straight."

Harry's brows knit together. "I..." He did think that. I can see the wheels turning in his head.

I turn to face him and clasp his face in my hands. "I'm attracted to personality not gender. We've already established that I'm a monogamous person."

"So you and Bailey?"

"Yes at one point she was my girlfriend." I move my hands from his face. He's going to make an issue of this. I can already tell.

"Do you have any friends that you haven't fucked?" He bites out.

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